Offerta lavoro: Python Network Developer - Smart Working

  • Setting Srl
  • Python Network Developer
  • 30/08/2024
  • Smart Working
  • Full-time
  • Da concordare
  • 1
  • Da determinare


Discover a world of innovation with us!

Setting Srl was founded in 2018 by a group of IT professionals and experts to meet the growing demand for innovative IT solutions across all market sectors. Our approach is based on building valuable relationships with our clients, grounded in trust, cooperation, and a constant partnership.

Why should you choose us?

Because we are young and seek innovation in everything we do: in technologies, ideas for our clients, and in our organization. A fundamental pillar of our company philosophy is the care and attention we devote to the selection, training, and management of our people.

Setting is looking for a Senior Network Python Developer! Your main activity will be to develop software for configuraton of hardware such as router and switches, based on input from design team.


  • Python programming;
  • GIT for managing configuration templates;
  • Ability to work on JIRA and Confluence
  • Full English Proficiency (minimum level C1)
  • Experience in the ITC Sector is mandatory

Selection Process

Once we receive your CV, we will take the time to carefully review it. If there is a match with this or other open positions, we will contact you to start getting to know each other and explore potential collaboration. The selection process includes an initial interview, a technical interview with the Delivery Manager, and finally, an interview with a Partner. The order and number of interviews may vary depending on recruiting needs. If your profile does not align with our current needs, we will be happy to keep your CV in our database for future opportunities.

Competenze richieste


Il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.

Setting Srl

SETTING nasce nel 2018 da un gruppo di professionisti ed esperti di Information Technology per rispondere alla crescente richiesta di soluzioni informatiche innovative in tutti i settori di mercato. Il nostro stile si fonda sulla costruzione di relazioni di valore con i Clienti, basate sulla fiducia, la cooperazione e il costante rapporto di partnership. Perché dovresti scegliere noi? Perché siamo ... continua
Via Giulio Romano 135 - 00054 Fiumicino (Roma)