Buongiorno a tutti,
un paio di anni fa avevo creato un codice per l'estrazione di alcuni dati, a scopo di studio, da un sito web. Il codice da qualche tempo non funziona più, nella parte in cui estraeva dei valori contenuti all'interno dei tag html. Le pagine non sono dinamiche, quindi il lavoro è più facile, ma ci sto sbattendo la testa da settimane e non so come risolvere. Ogni aiuto/consiglio è gradito.
Posto di seguito il codice + link della pagina da cui estrae i dati + il codice di errore
Ho evidenziato in grassetto la parte che non dovrebbe funzionare
function curl_request($url, $timeout = 30) {
// Initialize curl with given url
$ch = curl_init($url);
// Set user-agent
// Write the response to a variable
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Follow redirects
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
// Max seconds to execute
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
// Stop on error
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
return curl_exec($ch);
function get_html($url) {
return str_get_html(curl_request($url));
[b][i]function print_odd($odd) {
if (array_key_exists('data-odd', $odd->attr)) { //riga 28
return $odd->attr['data-odd'];
return $odd->children(0)->children(0)->children(0)->children(0)->attr['data-odd']; //riga 32
function get_all_links_from_page($page_url) {
$html = get_html($page_url);
$links = []; // Sintassi breve per definire un array vuoto, equivale a: $links = array();
foreach ($html->find("td[class=h-text-center]/a") as $div) {
array_push($links, 'url-sito-web' . $div->href);
return $links;
function process_page($page) {
$html = get_html($page);
$titles = $html->find("span[class=list-breadcrumb__item__in]"); // 1 per match
$result = $html->find("p[id=js-score]"); // 1
$partial = $html->find("h2[id=js-partial]"); // 1
$best_bets = $html->find("td[class=table-main__odds colored]/span/span/span"); // 1
$odds = $html->find("td[class=table-main__odds]"); // 2
$c=0; $b=0; $o=0; $z=0; $h=0; $d=0; $s=0;// two counters
foreach ($titles as $match) {
$match_status = $result[$h++];
if (stripos($match_status, 'POSTP') !== false) {
echo 'Error: POSTP';
list($num1, $num2) = explode(':', $result[$c++]->innertext); // <- explode
$num1 = intval($num1);
$num2 = intval($num2);
$num3 = ($num1 + $num2);
$risultato = ($num1 . '-' . $num2);
$risultatounito = ($num1 . '-' . $num2);
list($home, $away) = explode('-', $titles[$z++]->innertext); // <- explode
list($partialht, $partialft) = explode(',', $partial[$o++]->innertext); // <- explode
$partialht = str_replace('(', '', $partialht);
$partialft = str_replace(')', '', $partialft);
$rest = substr($partialht, -1);
$firstCharacter = $partialht[0];
$lastCharacter = $partialht[2];
$firstCharacters = $partialft[1];
$lastCharacters = $partialft[3];
$firstCharacter = intval($firstCharacter);
$lastCharacter = intval($lastCharacter);
$firstCharacters = intval($firstCharacters);
$lastCharacters = intval($lastCharacters);
$somma = $firstCharacter + $lastCharacter;
$somma = intval($somma);
$sommatwo = $firstCharacters + $lastCharacters;
$sommatwo = intval($sommatwo);
list($homescoreht, $awayscoreht) = explode(':', $partialht[$d++]->innertext); // <- explode
//$homescoreht = str_replace(' ', '', $homescoreht);
//$awayscoreht = str_replace(' ', '', $awayscoreht);
$homescoreht = intval($homescoreht);
$awayscoreht = intval($awayscoreht);
list($homescoreft, $awayscoreft) = explode(':', $partialft[$s++]->innertext); // <- explode
//$homescoreft = str_replace(' ', '', $homescoreft);
//$awayscoreft = str_replace(' ', '', $awayscoreft);
$homescoreft = intval($homescoreft);
$awayscoreft = intval($awayscoreft);
if ($somma > 0) {
$over05ht = "OK";
} else {
$over05ht = "NO";
if ($num3 == $somma) {
$over05sh = "NO";
} else {
$over05sh = "OK";
if ($num3 > 0){
$over05 = "OK";
}else {
$over05 = "NO";
if ($num3 > 1){
$over15 = "OK";
}else {
$over15 = "NO";
if ($num3 > 2){
$over25 = "OK";
}else {
$over25 = "NO";
if ($num3 > 3){
$over35 = "OK";
}else {
$over35 = "NO";
if ($num3 > 4){
$over45 = "OK";
}else {
$over45 = "NO";
if ($num1 > 0 && $num2 >0){
$goal = "OK";
}else {
$goal = "NO";
if ($num1 > $num2) {
$esito = "1";
} else if ($num1 == $num2) {
$esito = "X";
}else if ($num1 < $num2) {
$esito = "2";
$odd1 = print_odd($odds[$b++]);
$odd2 = print_odd($odds[$b++]);
$odd3 = print_odd($odds[$b++]);
$home = strip_tags($home);
$away = strip_tags($away);
$uniquefield = $home . ' ' . $away . ' ' . $risultatounito . ' ' . $odd1;
$campionato = "Fin-A";
$output = '<tr><td class="rtitle">' .
'<td>' . $home . '</td><td> : </td><td>' . $away . ' / ' . // <- example use
'<td>' . $num1 . '</td><td> : </td><td>' . $num2 . ' / ' . // <- example use
'<td class="first-cell">' . $partialht . '</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $partialft . '</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $firstCharacter . '</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $lastCharacter .' /</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $firstCharacters . '</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $lastCharacters .' /</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $somma . ' /</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $num3 . ' /</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $over05ht .' /</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $over05sh .' /</td> ' .
"<td class='first-cell'>" . $over05 ."</td> " .
"<td class='first-cell'>" . $over15 ."</td> " .
"<td class='first-cell'>" . $over25 ."</td> " .
"<td class='first-cell'>" . $over35 ."</td> " .
"<td class='first-cell'>" . $over45 ."</td> " .
"<td class='first-cell'>" . $goal ."</td> " .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $risultato . '</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $risultatounito . '</td> ' .
'<td class="odds">' . $odd1 . ';' . $odd2 . ';' . $odd3 . '</td>' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $campionato .'</td> ' .
'<td class="first-cell">' . $uniquefield .'</td> ' .
$servername = "xxxxx";
$username = "xxxxx";
$password = "xxxxx";
$dbname = "xxxxx";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$sql = "INSERT INTO risultati (home, away, scorehome, scoreaway, best_bets, oddtwo, oddthree, partialht, partialft, firstCharacter, lastCharacter, firstCharacters, lastCharacters, somma, num3, over05ht, over05sh, over05, over15, over25, over35, over45, goal, risultato, risultatounito, esito, campionato, uniquefield)
VALUES ('$home', '$away', '$num1', '$num2', '$odd1', '$odd2', '$odd3', '$partialht', '$partialft', '$firstCharacter', '$lastCharacter', '$firstCharacters', '$lastCharacters', '$somma', '$num3', '$over05ht', '$over05sh', '$over05', '$over15', '$over25', '$over35', '$over45', '$goal', '$risultato', '$risultatounito','$esito','$campionato','$uniquefield');";
if ($conn->multi_query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo "New records created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
echo $output;
Link pagina: *****
Errore ottenuto:
Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in xxx.it/home/stc/finland/functions.php on line 28
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function children() on null in xxx.it/home/stc/finland/functions.php:32 Stack trace:
#0 xxx.it/home/stc/finland/functions.php(179): print_odd(NULL)
#1 xxx.it/home/stc/finland/extract-links.php(34): process_page('url-link.')
#2 {main} thrown in xxx.it/home/stc/finland/functions.php on line 32
Grazie a tutti