Non so con che linguaggio hai dimestichezza... e questo complica la cosa.
Si tratta di scrivere qualche riga di codice che EMULA il RUNAS...!
Quì trovi un esempio MINIMAL in C++
oppure scrivi uno script e generi un BAT usando il comando RUNAS
Shell "runas /user: Dominio\NomeUser" ""\taskkill /F /IM itunes.exe""", vbNormalFocus
Oppure un Batch(BAT) usando queste considerazioni:
RUNAS [/profile] [/env] [/netonly] /user:<UserName> program
/profile if the user's profile needs to be loaded
/env to use current environment instead of user's.
/netonly use if the credentials specified are for remote access only.
/user <UserName> should be in form USER@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\USER
program command line for EXE. See below for examples
> runas /profile /user:mymachine\administrator cmd
> runas /profile /env /user:mydomain\admin "mmc %windir%\system32\dsa.msc"
> runas /env / "notepad \"my file.txt\""
NOTE: Enter user's password only when prompted.
NOTE: USER@DOMAIN is not compatible with /netonly.