Zvs in simulink

1 risposte

Zvs in simulink

Ragazzi qualcuno di voi puoi aituarmi a simulare un convertitore zvs in simulink?? non so perchp non funziona. grazie in anticipo

1 Risposte

  • Re: Zvs in simulink

    Hi, I'm trying a simulating a ZVS converter, But I can't understand very well how I determine the parameters.
    I have read and you had the same problem. What you have do?

    I have read a lot of papers, but no one can clarify my doubt about how I determine the values. I try simulate with the program PSIM, SIMULINK and I can't have good results.

    You can help me? I saw that you simulate in PSPICE. You have good results? You can help me? You can send me information or files that can help me?

    I'm very greatfull if you can help me.
    My email contact is:
    My skype contact is: bmm.deoliveira

    With my best regards,
    Bruno Oliveira
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