Pseducodice di rgb2ind

3 risposte

Pseducodice di rgb2ind

Salve, non conosco matlab e devo tradurre la funzione rgb2ind (che traduce una immagine rgb in una immagine indicizzata)
in un altro linguaggio (java), qualcuno può aiutarmi o per lo meno fornirmi lo pseducodice? Grazie

3 Risposte

  • Re: Pseducodice di rgb2ind

    Non è chiaro quale sia il problema:
    - hai il codice sorgente in MatLab della funzione, ma, non conoscendo il linguaggio MatLab, non sei in grado di capirne le istruzioni / la sintassi
    - non hai il codice sorgente in MatLab della funzione
    - hai delle difficoltà con il linguaggio java

    Escludendo che si tratti di un "esercizio" (scrivere un programma in java che ...) non dovrebbe essere troppo difficile trovare qualche libreria java che risolva il problema.
    Il codice sorgente in MatLab è disponibile ... in MatLab ... "edit rg2ind" e, comunque si trova facilmente in Internet, il difficile (impossibile?) è trovare il codice delle funzioni ausiliarie che vengono chiamate dalla funzione "rgb2im".

    Dall'help in linea di MatLab (), la funzione rgb2im permette di utilizzare tre differenti metodi:
    Uniform Quantization — Uniform quantization cuts the RGB color cube into smaller cubes of length tol. For example, if you specify a tol of 0.1, the edges of the cubes are one-tenth the length of the RGB cube. The total number of small cubes is:
    n = (floor(1/tol)+1)^3
    Each cube represents a single color in the output image. Therefore, the maximum length of the colormap is n. rgb2ind removes any colors that don't appear in the input image, so the actual colormap can be much smaller than n.

    Minimum Variance Quantization — Minimum variance quantization cuts the RGB color cube into smaller boxes (not necessarily cubes) of different sizes, depending on how the colors are distributed in the image. If the input image actually uses fewer colors than the number specified, the output colormap is also smaller.

    Inverse Colormap — The inverse colormap algorithm quantizes the specified colormap into 32 distinct levels per color component. Then, for each pixel in the input image, the closest color in the quantized colormap is found.
    Potresti provare a cercare la documentazione relativa.
  • Re: Pseducodice di rgb2ind

    ask_raf ha scritto:

    Non è chiaro quale sia il problema:
    - hai il codice sorgente in MatLab della funzione, ma, non conoscendo il linguaggio MatLab, non sei in grado di capirne le istruzioni / la sintassi
    - non hai il codice sorgente in MatLab della funzione
    - hai delle difficoltà con il linguaggio java

    Escludendo che si tratti di un "esercizio" (scrivere un programma in java che ...) non dovrebbe essere troppo difficile trovare qualche libreria java che risolva il problema.
    Il codice sorgente in MatLab è disponibile ... in MatLab ... "edit rg2ind" e, comunque si trova facilmente in Internet, il difficile (impossibile?) è trovare il codice delle funzioni ausiliarie che vengono chiamate dalla funzione "rgb2im".

    Dall'help in linea di MatLab (), la funzione rgb2im permette di utilizzare tre differenti metodi:
    Uniform Quantization — Uniform quantization cuts the RGB color cube into smaller cubes of length tol. For example, if you specify a tol of 0.1, the edges of the cubes are one-tenth the length of the RGB cube. The total number of small cubes is:
    n = (floor(1/tol)+1)^3
    Each cube represents a single color in the output image. Therefore, the maximum length of the colormap is n. rgb2ind removes any colors that don't appear in the input image, so the actual colormap can be much smaller than n.

    Minimum Variance Quantization — Minimum variance quantization cuts the RGB color cube into smaller boxes (not necessarily cubes) of different sizes, depending on how the colors are distributed in the image. If the input image actually uses fewer colors than the number specified, the output colormap is also smaller.

    Inverse Colormap — The inverse colormap algorithm quantizes the specified colormap into 32 distinct levels per color component. Then, for each pixel in the input image, the closest color in the quantized colormap is found.
    Potresti provare a cercare la documentazione relativa.

    Ciao e grazie per la risposta, allora io ho il codice matlab della funzione rgb2ind, e in particolare mi interessa la parte in cui m è un intero positivo (metto tutto il codice sotto, anche se quello che mi interessa è poi una minima parte). In questa parte viene chiamata una funzione cq(RGB,m) che si occupa della quantizzazione dei colori. Sostanzialmente quindi mi interessa tradurre quella funzione. Io vorrei scrivere in java una funzione che prende in input una matrice di double (dove ogni riga è un pixel e le colonne corrispondono alla componente rossa blu e verde), e un intero positivo e che rappresenta il numero massimo di colori con cui voglio rappresentare l'immagine, e ritorna un'immagine indicizzata. Non so se mi sono spiegata meglio.

    function [X,map] = rgb2ind(varargin),
    %RGB2IND Convert RGB image to indexed image.
    %   RGB2IND converts RGB images to indexed images using one of three
    %   different methods: uniform quantization, minimum variance quantization,
    %   and colormap approximation. RGB2IND dithers the image unless you specify
    %   'nodither' for DITHER_OPTION.
    %   [X,MAP] = RGB2IND(RGB,N) converts the RGB image to an indexed image X
    %   using minimum variance quantization. MAP contains at most N colors.  N
    %   must be <= 65536.
    %   X = RGB2IND(RGB,MAP) converts the RGB image to an indexed image X with
    %   colormap MAP by matching colors in RGB with the nearest color in the
    %   colormap MAP.  SIZE(MAP,1) must be <= 65536.
    %   [X,MAP] = RGB2IND(RGB,TOL) converts the RGB image to an indexed image X
    %   using uniform quantization. MAP contains at most (FLOOR(1/TOL)+1)^3
    %   colors. TOL must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
    %   [...] = RGB2IND(...,DITHER_OPTION) enables or disables
    %   dithering. DITHER_OPTION is a string that can have one of these values:
    %       'dither'   dithers, if necessary, to achieve better color
    %                  resolution at the expense of spatial
    %                  resolution (default)
    %       'nodither' maps each color in the original image to the
    %                  closest color in the new map. No dithering is
    %                  performed.
    %   Class Support
    %   -------------
    %   The input image can be of class uint8, uint16, or double. The output
    %   image is of class uint8 if the length of MAP is less than or equal to
    %   256, or uint16 otherwise.
    %   Example
    %   -------
    %       RGB = imread('flowers.tif');
    %       [X,map] = rgb2ind(RGB,128);
    %       imshow(X,map)
    % Grandfathered syntax
    % --------------------
    %   [X,MAP] = RGB2IND(RGB) converts the RGB image in the array
    %   RGB to an indexed image X with colormap MAP using direct
    %   translation. The resulting colormap may be very long, as it
    %   has one entry for each pixel in RGB. Do not set DITHER_OPTION
    %   if you use this method.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.  
    %   $Revision: 5.21 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:29:05 $
    [RGB,m,dith] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
    [so(1) so(2) thirdD] = size(RGB);
    % Converts depending on what is m:
    if isempty(m),% Convert RGB image to an indexed image.
        X = reshape([1:so(1)*so(2)],so(1),so(2));
        if so(1)*so(2) <= 256
            X = uint8(X-1);
        elseif so(1)*so(2) <= 65536
            X = uint16(X-1);
        map = im2double(reshape(RGB,so(1)*so(2),3));
    elseif length(m)==1,% TOL or N is given
        RGB = im2uint8(RGB);
        if m<1,% tol is given. Use uniform quantization
            max_colors = 65536;
            max_N = floor(max_colors^(1/3)) - 1;
            N = round(1/m);
            if (N > max_N)
                N = max_N;
                warning(sprintf('Too many colors; increasing tolerance to %g',...
            [x,y,z] = meshgrid([0:N]/N);
            map = [x(:),y(:),z(:)];
            if dith(1) == 'n'; 
                RGB = round(im2double(RGB)*N);
                X = RGB(:,:,3)*((N+1)^2)+RGB(:,:,1)*(N+1)+RGB(:,:,2)+1;
                X = dither(RGB,map);
            [X,map] = cmunique(X,map);
        else % N is given. Use variance minimization quantization       (Questa è la parte che mi interessa)
            [map,X] = cq(RGB,m);  
            % cq() dovrebbe essere cmunique tra le funzioni sotto specificate, anche se mi fa strano che non prenda gli stessi parametri
            map = double(map) / 255;
            if dith(1)=='d',% Use standalone dither if map is an approximation.
                X = dither(RGB,map);
    else % MAP is given
        RGB = im2uint8(RGB);
        map = m;
        if dith(1)=='n', % 'nodither'
            X = dither(RGB,map,5,4); % Use dither to do inverse colormap mapping.
            X = dither(RGB,map);
    if isa(map, 'uint8'),    % Make sure that the colormap is doubles
        map = double(map)/255;
    elseif isa(map, 'uint16')
        map = double(map)/65535;
    %  Function: parse_inputs
    function [RGB,m,dith] = parse_inputs(varargin)
    % Outputs:  RGB     image
    %           m       colormap
    %           dith    dithering option
    % Defaults:
    dith = 'dither';
    m = [];
    switch nargin
    case 1,               % rgb2ind(RGB)
      RGB = varargin{1};
      warning(sprintf('%s\n%s', 'RGB2IND(RGB) is an obsolete syntax.', ...
                      'Specify number of colors, tolerance, or colormap.'));
    case 2,               % rgb2ind(RGB,x) where x = MAP | N | TOL
      RGB = varargin{1};
      m = varargin{2};
    case 3,               % rgb2ind(R,G,B) OBSOLETE
      if isequal(size(varargin{1}),size(varargin{2}),size(varargin{3})),
        warning(['RGB2IND(R,G,B) is an obsolete syntax. ',...
        'Use a three-dimensional array to represent RGB image.']);
        RGB = cat(3,varargin{1},varargin{2},varargin{3});
      else                % rgb2ind(RGB,x,DITHER_OPTION)
        RGB = varargin{1};  %              where x = MAP | N | TOL
        m = varargin{2};
        dith = varargin{3};
    case 4,               % rgb2ind(R,G,B,x) OBSOLETE
      warning(['RGB2IND(R,G,B,x) is an obsolete syntax. ',...
      'Use a three-dimensional array to represent RGB image.']);
      if isequal(size(varargin{1}),size(varargin{2}),size(varargin{3})),
        RGB = cat(3,varargin{1},varargin{2},varargin{3});
        error('R,G,B arrays must be of equal size.');
      m = varargin{4};
    case 5,               % rgb2ind(R,G,B,x,DITHER_OPTION) OBSOLETE
      warning(['RGB2IND(R,G,B,x) is an obsolete syntax. ',...
      'Use a three-dimensional array to represent RGB image.']);
      if isequal(size(varargin{1}),size(varargin{2}),size(varargin{3})),
        RGB = cat(3,varargin{1},varargin{2},varargin{3});
        error('R,G,B arrays must be of equal size.');
      m = varargin{4};
      dith = varargin{5}; 
      error('Invalid input arguments.');
    % Check validity of the input parameters
    if (ndims(RGB)==3)&(size(RGB,3) ~= 3)|(ndims(RGB)>3),
      error('RGB image has to be M-by-N-by-3 array.');
    if any(m(:)<0),
      error('Colormap, Number of colors, or Tolerance have to be non-negative.');
    elseif (length(m)==1)&(m~=round(m))&(m>1),
      error('Number of colors in the colormap has to be a non-negative integer.');
    elseif (length(m)>1)&(ndims(m)==2)&(size(m,1)==1)&(size(m,2)~=3),% MAP
      error('Input colormap has to be a 2D array with at least 2 rows and exactly 3 columns.');
    elseif (length(m)>1)&(max(m(:))>1),%
      error('All colormap intensities must be between 0 and 1.');
    if ischar(dith),% dither option
      strings = {'dither','nodither'};
      idx = strmatch(lower(dith),strings);
      if isempty(idx),
        error(sprintf('Unknown dither option: %s',dith));
      elseif length(idx)>1,
        error(sprintf('Ambiguous dither option: %s',dith));
        dith = strings{idx};
      error(sprintf('Dither option has to be a string.'));  
    function d = im2double(img, typestr)
    %IM2DOUBLE Convert image to double precision.
    %   IM2DOUBLE takes an image as input, and returns an image of
    %   class double.  If the input image is of class double, the
    %   output image is identical to it.  If the input image is of
    %   class logical, uint8 or uint16, im2double returns the 
    %   equivalent image of class double, rescaling or offsetting
    %   the data as necessary.
    %   I2 = IM2DOUBLE(I1) converts the intensity image I1 to double
    %   precision, rescaling the data if necessary.
    %   RGB2 = IM2DOUBLE(RGB1) converts the truecolor image RGB1 to
    %   double precision, rescaling the data if necessary.
    %   BW2 = IM2DOUBLE(BW1) converts the binary image BW1 to double
    %   precision.
    %   X2 = IM2DOUBLE(X1,'indexed') converts the indexed image X1 to
    %   double precision, offsetting the data if necessary.
    %   See also DOUBLE, IM2UINT8, UINT8.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.  
    %   $Revision: 1.16 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:27:36 $
    if isa(img, 'double')
       d = img;
    elseif isa(img, 'logical')
       d = double(img);
    elseif isa(img, 'uint8') | isa(img, 'uint16')
       if nargin==1
          if isa(img, 'uint8')
              d = double(img)/255;
              d = double(img)/65535;
       elseif nargin==2
          d = double(img)+1;
    function u = im2uint8(varargin)
    %IM2UINT8 Convert image to eight-bit unsigned integers.
    %   IM2UINT8 takes an image as input, and returns an image of
    %   class uint8.  If the input image is of class uint8, the
    %   output image is identical to it.  If the input image is of
    %   class logical, double or uint16, im2uint8 returns the
    %   equivalent image of class uint8, rescaling or offsetting 
    %   the data as necessary.
    %   I2 = IM2UINT8(I1) converts the intensity image I1 to uint8,
    %   rescaling the data if necessary.
    %   RGB2 = IM2UINT8(RGB1) converts the truecolor image RGB1 to
    %   uint8, rescaling the data if necessary.
    %   BW2 = IM2UINT8(BW1) converts the binary image BW1 to uint8.
    %   X2 = IM2UINT8(X1,'indexed') converts the indexed image X1 to
    %   uint8, offsetting the data if necessary. Note that it is
    %   not always possible to convert an indexed image to
    %   uint8. If X1 is double, then the maximum value of X1 must
    %   be 256 or less.  If X1 is uint16, the maximum value of X1
    %   must be 255 or less.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.  
    %   $Revision: 1.20 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:27:39 $
    img = varargin{1};
    if isa(img, 'uint8')
        u = img; 
    elseif isa(img, 'logical')
    elseif isa(img, 'double') | isa(img, 'uint16')
        if nargin==1
             % intensity image; call MEX-file
             u = grayto8(img);
        elseif nargin==2
           typestr = varargin{2};
           if (isa(img, 'uint16'))
                if (max(img(:)) > 255)
                    msg = 'Too many colors for 8-bit integer storage.';
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:tooManyColorsFor8bitStorage');
                    u = uint8(img);
                % img is double
                if max(img(:))>=257 
                    msg = 'Too many colors for 8-bit integer storage.';
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:tooManyColorsFor8bitStorage');
                elseif min(img(:))<1
                    msg = 'Invalid indexed image: an index was less than 1.';
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidIndexedImage');
                    u = uint8(img-1);
    function [c,map] = cmunique(varargin)
    %CMUNIQUE Find unique colormap colors and corresponding image.
    %   [Y,NEWMAP] = CMUNIQUE(X,MAP) returns the indexed image Y and 
    %   associated colormap NEWMAP that produce the same image as
    %   (X,MAP) but with the smallest possible colormap. CMUNIQUE
    %   removes duplicate rows from the colormap and adjusts the
    %   indices in the image matrix accordingly.
    %   [Y,NEWMAP] = CMUNIQUE(RGB) converts the truecolor image RGB
    %   to the indexed image Y and its associated colormap
    %   NEWMAP. NEWMAP is the smallest possible colormap for the
    %   image, containing one entry for each unique color in
    %   RGB. (Note that NEWMAP may be very large, as much as P-by-3
    %   where P is the number of pixels in RGB.) 
    %   [Y,NEWMAP] = CMUNIQUE(I) converts the intensity image I to an
    %   indexed image Y and its associated colormap NEWMAP. NEWMAP is
    %   the smallest possible colormap for the image, containing one
    %   entry for each unique intensity level in I. 
    %   Class Support
    %   -------------
    %   The input image can be of class uint8, uint16, or double. 
    %   The class of the output image Y is uint8 if the length of 
    %   NEWMAP is less than or equal to 256. If the length of 
    %   NEWMAP is greater than 256, Y is of class double.
    %   See also RGB2IND, GRAY2IND.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.  
    %   $Revision: 5.18 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:26:49 $
    %   I/O Spec
    %   ========
    %   IN
    %      X      - image of class uint8, uint16, or double
    %      MAP    - M-by-3 array of doubles (colormap)
    %   OUT
    %      Y      - uint8 if NEWMAP has <= 256 entries, double 
    %               if NEWMAP has > 256 entries.
    %      NEWMAP - M-by-3 array of doubles (colormap)
    checkinput(varargin{1},{'double' 'uint8' 'uint16'},{'real' 'nonsparse'}, mfilename,'X',1);
    % Convert all possible input arguments to an indexed image.
    if nargin==1, % cmunique(I) or cmunique(RGB)
        arg1 = varargin{1};
        if ndims(arg1)==3, % cmunique(RGB)
            [c,map] = rgb2ind(arg1);
        else % cmunique(I)
            [c,map] = rgb2ind(arg1,arg1,arg1);
    elseif nargin==2, % cmunique(a,cm)
        c = varargin{1}; map = varargin{2};
    elseif nargin==3, % cmunique(r,g,b)
        warning('Images:cmunique:obsoleteSyntax',['CMUNIQUE(r,g,b) is an obsolete syntax.',...
        'Use a three dimensional array to represent RGB image.']);
        [c,map] = rgb2ind(varargin{1},varargin{2},varargin{3});
    if ~isa(c, 'double')    % The promotion is necessary for the indexing into
        c = im2double(c, 'indexed');  % pos below --  ...loc(pos(c))...
    tol = 1/1024;
    % Quantize colormap entries to help matching below.
    map = round(map/tol)*tol;
    % Remove matching entries from colormap
    % Sort colormap entries
    [dum,ndx1] = sort(map(:,1));
    [dum,ndx2] = sort(map(ndx1,2));
    [dum,ndx3] = sort(map(ndx1(ndx2),3));
                    % ndx maps from sorted cm to original cm
    ndx = ndx1(ndx2(ndx3));
                    % pos maps from original cm to sorted cm
    pos = zeros(size(ndx)); pos(ndx) = 1:length(ndx);
    % Find matching entries
                    % d indicates the location of matching entries
    d = all(abs(diff(map(ndx,:)))'<tol)';
    % Mapping from full cm to compressed cm
                    % loc maps from sorted cm to compressed cm
    loc = [1:length(ndx)]' - [0;cumsum(d)]; 
    c(:) = loc(pos(c));
    % Remove matching entries (compress cm)
    ndx(find(d)) = [];
    map = map(ndx,:);
    % Remove colormap entries that are not used in c
    [n,x] = imhist(c,map);
    d = (n==0); % Find unused colormap entries
    loc = [1:length(map)]' - cumsum(d);
    % Update image values
    c(:) = loc(c);
    % Remove unused entries (compress cm)
    map(find(d),:) = [];
    if max(c(:))<=256    % Output a uint8 array if we can
        c = uint8(c-1);
    function varargout=dither(varargin)
    %DITHER Convert image using dithering.
    %   X = DITHER(RGB,MAP) creates an indexed image approximation of
    %   the RGB image in the array RGB by dithering the colors in
    %   colormap MAP.  MAP cannot have more than 65536 colors.
    %   X = DITHER(RGB,MAP,Qm,Qe) creates an indexed image from RGB,
    %   specifying the parameters Qm and Qe. Qm specifies the number
    %   of quantization bits to use along each color axis for the
    %   inverse color map, and Qe specifies the number of
    %   quantization bits to use for the color space error
    %   calculations.  If Qe < Qm, dithering cannot be performed and
    %   an undithered indexed image is returned in X.  If you omit
    %   these parameters, DITHER uses the default values Qm = 5, 
    %   Qe = 8.
    %   BW = DITHER(I) converts the intensity image in the matrix I
    %   to the binary image BW by dithering.
    %   Class Support
    %   -------------
    %   The input image (RGB or I) can be of class uint8, uint16, or
    %   double. All other input arguments must be of class
    %   double. The output image (X or BW) is of class logical if it is
    %   a binary image or uint8 if it is an indexed image with 256 or fewer
    %   colors; otherwise its class is uint16.
    %   See also RGB2IND.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.  
    %   $Revision: 5.24 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:27:09 $
    %   References: 
    %      R. W. Floyd and L. Steinberg, "An Adaptive Algorithm for
    %         Spatial Gray Scale," International Symposium Digest of Technical
    %         Papers, Society for Information Displays, 36.  1975.
    %      Spencer W. Thomas, "Efficient Inverse Color Map Computation",
    %         Graphics Gems II, (ed. James Arvo), Academic Press: Boston.
    %         1991. (includes source code)
    [X,m,qm,qe] = parse_inputs_dither(varargin{:});
    if ndims(X)==2,% Convert intensity image to binary by dithering
      im = logical(ditherc(X,m,qm,qe));
      map = 2;
    else % Create an indexed image from RGB 
      im = ditherc(X,m,qm,qe);
      map = m;
    if nargout==0,
      varargout{1} = im;
    %  Function: parse_inputs_dither
    function [X,m,qm,qe] = parse_inputs_dither(varargin)
    % Outputs:  X  the input RGB (3D) or intensity image (2D)
    %           m  colormap (:,3)
    %           qm number of quantization bits for colormap
    %           qe number of quantization bits for errors, qe>qm
    % Default values:
    qm = 5;
    qe = 8;
    switch nargin
    case 1,                        % dither(I)
      X = varargin{1};
      m = gray(2); 
    case 2,                        % dither(RGB,m)
      X = varargin{1};
      m = varargin{2};
    case 4,
      if length(varargin{4})==1,   % dither(RGB,m,qm,qe)
        X = varargin{1};
        m = varargin{2};
        qm = varargin{3};
        qe = varargin{4};
      else                        % dither(R,G,B,m) OBSOLETE
        eid = sprintf('Images:%s:obsoleteSyntax',mfilename);
        msg = ['DITHER(R,G,B,m) is an obsolete syntax. ',...
               'Use a three-dimensional array to represent RGB image.'];
        X = cat(3,varargin{1},varargin{2},varargin{3});
        m = varargin{4};
    case 6,                       % dither(R,G,B,m,qm,qe) OBSOLETE
      eid = sprintf('Images:%s:obsoleteSyntax',mfilename);
      msg = ['DITHER(R,G,B,m,qm,qe) is an obsolete syntax. ',...
             'Use a three-dimensional array to represent RGB image.']
      warning(eid, msg);
      X = cat(3,varargin{1},varargin{2},varargin{3});
      m = varargin{4};
      qm = varargin{5};
      qe = varargin{6};
      eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidInput',mfilename);
      error(eid,'Invalid input arguments in function %s.',mfilename);
    % Check validity of the input parameters 
    if (ndims(X)==3)&(nargin==1),
      eid = sprintf('Images:%s:imageMustBe2D',mfilename);  
      error(eid,'DITHER(I): the intensity image I has to be a two-dimensional array.');
    elseif (ndims(X)==2)&(nargin==2),
      eid = sprintf('Images:%s:imageMustBe3D',mfilename);  
      error(eid,'DITHER(RGB,map): the RGB image has to be a three-dimensional array.');
    X = im2uint8(X);
    if (size(m,2) ~= 3)|(size(m,1)==1)|ndims(m)>2,
      eid = sprintf('Images:%s:colormapMustBe2D',mfilename);  
      error(eid,['In function %s, input colormap has to be a ',...
                 '2D array with at least 2 rows and exactly 3 columns.'], mfilename);
    function checkinput(A, classes, attributes, function_name, ...
                        variable_name, argument_position)
    %CHECKINPUT Check validity of array.
    %   ARGUMENT_POSITION) checks the validity of the array A and issues a
    %   formatted error message if it is invalid.
    %   CLASSES is either a space separated string or a cell array of strings
    %   containing the set of classes that A is expected to belong to.  For
    %   example, CLASSES could be 'uint8 double' if A can be either uint8 or
    %   double.  CLASSES could be {'logical' 'cell'} if A can be either logical
    %   or cell.  The string 'numeric' is interpreted as an abbreviation for all
    %   the numeric classes.
    %   ATTRIBUTES is either a space separated string or a cell array of strings
    %   containing the set of attributes that A must satisfy.  To see the list of
    %   valid attributes, see the subfunction init_table below.  For example, if
    %   ATTRIBUTES is {'real' 'nonempty' 'finite'}, then A must be real and
    %   nonempty, and it must contain only finite values.
    %   FUNCTION_NAME is a string containing the function name to be used in the
    %   formatted error message.
    %   VARIABLE_NAME is a string containing the documented variable name to be
    %   used in the formatted error message.
    %   ARGUMENT_POSITION is a positive integer indicating which input argument
    %   is being checked; it is also used in the formatted error message.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
    %   $Revision: 1.5 $  $Date: 2002/05/20 20:27:03 $
    % Input arguments are not checked for validity.
    check_classes(A, classes, function_name, variable_name, argument_position);
    check_attributes(A, attributes, function_name, variable_name, ...
    function tf = is_numeric(A)
    numeric_classes = {'double' 'uint8' 'uint16' 'uint32' 'int8' ...
                       'int16' 'int32' 'single'};
    tf = false;
    for p = 1:length(numeric_classes)
        if isa(A, numeric_classes{p})
            tf = true;
    function out = expand_numeric(in)
    % Converts the string 'numeric' to the equivalent cell array containing the
    % names of the numeric classes.
    out = in(:);
    idx = strmatch('numeric', out, 'exact');
    if (length(idx) == 1)
        out(idx) = [];
        numeric_classes = {'uint8', 'int8', 'uint16', 'int16', ...
                           'uint32', 'int32', 'single', 'double'}';
        out = [out; numeric_classes];
    function check_classes(A, classes, function_name, ...
                           variable_name, argument_position)
    if isempty(classes)
    if ischar(classes)
        if isempty(classes)
            % Work around bug in strread.
            classes = {};
            classes = strread(classes, '%s');
    is_valid_type = false;
    for k = 1:length(classes)
        if strcmp(classes{k}, 'numeric') && is_numeric(A)
            is_valid_type = true;
            if isa(A, classes{k})
                is_valid_type = true;
    if ~is_valid_type
        messageId = sprintf('Images:%s:%s', function_name, 'invalidType');
        classes = expand_numeric(classes);
        validTypes = '';
        for k = 1:length(classes)
            validTypes = [validTypes, classes{k}, ', '];
        validTypes(end-1:end) = [];
        message1 = sprintf('Function %s expected its %s input argument, %s,', ...
                           function_name, ...
                           num2ordinal(argument_position), ...
        message2 = 'to be one of these types:';
        message3 = sprintf('Instead its type was %s.', class(A));
        error(messageId, '%s\n%s\n\n  %s\n\n%s', message1, message2, validTypes, ...
    function check_attributes(A, attributes, function_name, ...
                              variable_name, argument_position)
    if ischar(attributes)
        if isempty(attributes)
            % Work around bug in strread.
            attributes = {};
            attributes = strread(attributes, '%s');
    table = init_table;
    for k = 1:length(attributes)
        if strcmp(attributes{k}, '2d')
            tableEntry = table.twod;
            tableEntry = table.(attributes{k});
        if ~feval(tableEntry.checkFunction, A)
            messageId = sprintf('Images:%s:%s', function_name, ...
            message1 = sprintf('Function %s expected its %s input argument, %s,', ...
                               function_name, num2ordinal(argument_position), ...
            message2 = sprintf('to be %s.', tableEntry.endOfMessage);
            error(messageId, '%s\n%s', message1, message2);
    function tf = check_real(A)
        tf = isreal(A);
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_even(A)
        tf = ~any(rem(double(A(:)),2));
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_vector(A)
        tf = (ndims(A) == 2) & (any(size(A) == 1) | all(size(A) == 0));
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_row(A)
        tf = (ndims(A) == 2) & ((size(A,1) == 1) | isequal(size(A), [0 0]));
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_column(A)
        tf = (ndims(A) == 2) & ((size(A,2) == 1) | isequal(size(A), [0 0]));
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_scalar(A)
        tf = all(size(A) == 1);
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_2d(A)
        tf = ndims(A) == 2;
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_nonsparse(A)
        tf = ~issparse(A);
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_nonempty(A)
        tf = ~isempty(A);
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_integer(A)
        A = A(:);
        switch class(A)
          case {'double','single'}
            tf = all(floor(A) == A) & all(isfinite(A));
          case {'uint8','int8','uint16','int16','uint32','int32','logical'}
            tf = true;
            tf = false;
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_nonnegative(A)
        tf = all(A(:) >= 0);
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_positive(A)
        tf = all(A(:) > 0);
        tf = false;
    function tf = check_nonnan(A)
        tf = ~any(isnan(A(:)));
        % if isnan isn't defined for the class of A,
        % then we'll end up here.  If isnan isn't
        % defined then we'll assume that A can't
        % contain NaNs.
        tf = true;
    function tf = check_finite(A)
        tf = all(isfinite(A(:)));
        % if isfinite isn't defined for the class of A,
        % then we'll end up here.  If isfinite isn't
        % defined then we'll assume that A is finite.
        tf = true;
    function tf = check_nonzero(A)
        tf = ~all(A(:) == 0);
        tf = false;
    function out = init_table
    persistent table
    if isempty(table)
        table.real.checkFunction        = @check_real;
        table.real.mnemonic             = 'expectedReal';
        table.real.endOfMessage         = 'real';
        table.vector.checkFunction      = @check_vector;
        table.vector.mnemonic           = 'expectedVector';
        table.vector.endOfMessage       = 'a vector';
        table.row.checkFunction         = @check_row;
        table.row.mnemonic              = 'expectedRow';
        table.row.endOfMessage          = 'a row vector';
        table.column.checkFunction      = @check_column;
        table.column.mnemonic           = 'expectedColumn';
        table.column.endOfMessage       = 'a column vector';
        table.scalar.checkFunction      = @check_scalar;
        table.scalar.mnemonic           = 'expectedScalar';
        table.scalar.endOfMessage       = 'a scalar';
        table.twod.checkFunction        = @check_2d;
        table.twod.mnemonic             = 'expected2D';
        table.twod.endOfMessage         = 'two-dimensional';
        table.nonsparse.checkFunction   = @check_nonsparse;
        table.nonsparse.mnemonic        = 'expectedNonsparse';
        table.nonsparse.endOfMessage    = 'nonsparse';
        table.nonempty.checkFunction    = @check_nonempty;
        table.nonempty.mnemonic         = 'expectedNonempty';
        table.nonempty.endOfMessage     = 'nonempty';
        table.integer.checkFunction     = @check_integer;
        table.integer.mnemonic          = 'expectedInteger';
        table.integer.endOfMessage      = 'integer-valued';
        table.nonnegative.checkFunction = @check_nonnegative;
        table.nonnegative.mnemonic      = 'expectedNonnegative';
        table.nonnegative.endOfMessage  = 'nonnegative';
        table.positive.checkFunction    = @check_positive;
        table.positive.mnemonic         = 'expectedPositive';
        table.positive.endOfMessage     = 'positive';
        table.nonnan.checkFunction      = @check_nonnan;
        table.nonnan.mnemonic           = 'expectedNonNaN';
        table.nonnan.endOfMessage       = 'non-NaN';
        table.finite.checkFunction      = @check_finite;
        table.finite.mnemonic           = 'expectedFinite';
        table.finite.endOfMessage       = 'finite';
        table.nonzero.checkFunction     = @check_nonzero;
        table.nonzero.mnemonic          = 'expectedNonZero';
        table.nonzero.endOfMessage      = 'non-zero';
        table.even.checkFunction        = @check_even;
        table.even.mnemonic             = 'expectedEven';
        table.even.endOfMessage         = 'even';
    out = table;
    function checknargin(low, high, numInputs, function_name)
    %CHECKNARGIN Check number of input arguments.
    %   is in the range indicated by LOW and HIGH.  If not, CHECKNARGIN issues a
    %   formatted error message using the string in FUNCTION_NAME.
    %   LOW should be a scalar nonnegative integer.
    %   HIGH should be a scalar nonnegative integer or Inf.
    %   FUNCTION_NAME should be a string.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
    %   $Revision: 1.2 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:57:05 $
    % Input arguments are not checked for validity.
    if numInputs < low
      msgId = sprintf('Images:%s:tooFewInputs', function_name);
      if low == 1
        msg1 = sprintf('Function %s expected at least 1 input argument', ...
        msg1 = sprintf('Function %s expected at least %d input arguments', ...
                       function_name, low);
      if numInputs == 1
        msg2 = 'but was called instead with 1 input argument.';
        msg2 = sprintf('but was called instead with %d input arguments.', ...
      error(msgId, '%s\n%s', msg1, msg2);
    elseif numInputs > high
      msgId = sprintf('Images:%s:tooManyInputs', function_name);
      if high == 1
        msg1 = sprintf('Function %s expected at most 1 input argument', ...
        msg1 = sprintf('Function %s expected at most %d input arguments', ...
                       function_name, high);
      if numInputs == 1
        msg2 = 'but was called instead with 1 input argument.';
        msg2 = sprintf('but was called instead with %d input arguments.', ...
      error(msgId, '%s\n%s', msg1, msg2);
    function out = checkstrs(in, valid_strings, function_name, ...
                             variable_name, argument_position)
    %CHECKSTRS Check validity of option string.
    %   ARGUMENT_POSITION) checks the validity of the option string IN.  It
    %   returns the matching string in VALID_STRINGS in OUT.  CHECKSTRS looks
    %   for a case-insensitive nonambiguous match between IN and the strings
    %   in VALID_STRINGS.
    %   VALID_STRINGS is a cell array containing strings.
    %   FUNCTION_NAME is a string containing the function name to be used in the
    %   formatted error message.
    %   VARIABLE_NAME is a string containing the documented variable name to be
    %   used in the formatted error message.
    %   ARGUMENT_POSITION is a positive integer indicating which input argument
    %   is being checked; it is also used in the formatted error message.
    %   Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
    %   $Revision: 1.3 $  $Date: 2002/03/15 15:57:05 $
    % Except for IN, input arguments are not checked for validity.
    checkinput(in, 'char', 'row', function_name, variable_name, argument_position);
    idx = strmatch(lower(in), valid_strings);
    num_matches = prod(size(idx));
    if num_matches == 1
        out = valid_strings{idx};
        % Convert valid_strings to a single string containing a space-separated list
        % of valid strings.
        list = '';
        for k = 1:length(valid_strings)
            list = [list ', ' valid_strings{k}];
        list(1:2) = [];
        msg1 = sprintf('Function %s expected its %s input argument, %s,', ...
                       function_name, num2ordinal(argument_position), ...
        msg2 = 'to match one of these strings:';
        if num_matches == 0
            msg3 = sprintf('The input, ''%s'', did not match any of the valid strings.', in);
            id = sprintf('Images:%s:unrecognizedStringChoice', function_name);
            msg3 = sprintf('The input, ''%s'', matched more than one valid string.', in);
            id = sprintf('Images:%s:ambiguousStringChoice', function_name);
        error(id,'%s\n%s\n\n  %s\n\n%s', msg1, msg2, list, msg3);
  • Re: Pseducodice di rgb2ind

    Forse esiste una libreria java che già fa tutto questo?
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