MATLAB crash file

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MATLAB crash file

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sono un nuovo iscritto al forum e ho un problema con un file SimulinK che mi fa bloccare il Matlab, Qualcuno potrebbe darmi una mano per risolvere o capire perlomeno da cosa dipende questo tipo di errore?

MATLAB crash file:C:\DOCUME~1\Utente\IMPOST~1\Temp\matlab_crash_dump.3464:

Segmentation violation detected at Wed Sep 14 12:36:40 2011

MATLAB Version: (R2010a)
MATLAB License: 161051
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Window System: Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD
Virtual Machine: Java 1.6.0_12-b04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
Default Encoding: windows-1252

Fault Count: 1

Register State:
EAX = 00000002 EBX = 00c1da38
ECX = 00c1dc10 EDX = 00000001
ESI = 00c1dc08 EDI = 00000010
EBP = 00c1da28 ESP = 00c1d9d4
EIP = 7acca35b FLG = 00210202

Stack Trace:
[0] mllapack.dll:0x7acca35b(0x7afd2e4c "DGEHRD", 6, 0, 0x7ac91bdc)
[1] mllapack.dll:0x7ac91bdc(0x00c1dc2f, 0x00c1dc2b, 0x00c1dc10, 0x2decb290)
[2] libmwmathlinalg.dll:??$mfEig@N@@YAXHQAPAUmxArray_tag@@H0@Z(1, 0x00c1ddc8, 0x4e000001, 0x4ec1dc3c) + 1423 bytes
[3] libmwmathlinalg.dll:void __cdecl mathlinalgEigFcn(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(1, 0x00c1ddc8, 1, 0x00c1de58) + 325 bytes
[4] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_builtin::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c1ddc8, 1, 0x00c1de58) + 92 bytes
[5] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c1ddc8, 1, 0x00c1de58) + 247 bytes
[6] m_interpreter.dll:private: void __thiscall accelImpl::MatfcnMxArray(void)(0x00c1ea10, 0x00c1e9fc, 0, 0x2e173718) + 527 bytes
[7] m_interpreter.dll:public: bool __thiscall accelImpl::ExecInline(void)(0x00c1e9fc, 0xffffffff, 0x2e202440, 0xffffffff) + 247 bytes
[8] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelImpl::Exec(void)(0x00c1e9fc, 0xffffffff, 0x2dba6600, 0xffffffff) + 194 bytes
[9] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelCode::Call(enum inMarshalType *,int *)const (0x00c1ecd4, 21, 0x2d7871c8, 0) + 133 bytes
[10] m_interpreter.dll:public: static bool __cdecl inJit::ExecuteHotSegment(struct _inJitAccelInfo *,enum opcodes *,int *,int *)(0x00c1edc8, 0x00c1ed90, 0x00c1edbc, 0x00c1edb8) + 2529 bytes
[11] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x02d15a00, 0xffffffff, 0x2d3f84c0, 1) + 558 bytes
[12] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c1f1c8, 1, 0x00c1f138 "ø³÷)") + 466 bytes
[13] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c1f1c8, 1) + 23 bytes
[14] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c1f1c8, 1, 0x00c1f138 "ø³÷)") + 25 bytes
[15] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c1f1c8, 1, 0x00c1f138 "ø³÷)") + 249 bytes
[16] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c1f1c8, 1, 0x00c1f138 "ø³÷)") + 420 bytes
[17] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall ResolverFunctionDesc::CallFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(1, 0x00c1f1c8, 1, 0x00c1f994 "¨üÁ") + 81 bytes
[18] m_interpreter.dll:public: bool __thiscall Resolver::CallMFunction(int,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int *)(0x00c1f458, 1, 1, 0x2dacec20) + 1209 bytes
[19] m_interpreter.dll:private: bool __thiscall accelImpl::MFunctionCall(struct _accelOp * *)(0x00c1f9a8 "à('-", 0xffffffff, 0x2e202230, 0xffffffff) + 545 bytes
[20] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelImpl::Exec(void)(0x00c1f994 "¨üÁ", 0xffffffff, 0x2dba2880, 0xffffffff) + 170 bytes
[21] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelCode::Call(enum inMarshalType *,int *)const (0x00c1fc6c, 13, 0x2d787018, 0) + 133 bytes
[22] m_interpreter.dll:public: static bool __cdecl inJit::ExecuteHotSegment(struct _inJitAccelInfo *,enum opcodes *,int *,int *)(0x00c1fd60, 0x00c1fd28, 0x00c1fd54 "ÿÿÿÿÜýÁ", 0x00c1fd50) + 2529 bytes
[23] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x7a797b00, 0xffffffff, 0x2d3f8850, 2) + 558 bytes
[24] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(2, 0x00c200a4, 1, 0x00c20104) + 466 bytes
[25] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 2, 0x00c200a4, 1) + 23 bytes
[26] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00c200a4, 1, 0x00c20104) + 25 bytes
[27] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00c200a4, 1, 0x00c20104) + 249 bytes
[28] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00c200a4, 1, 0x00c20104) + 420 bytes
[29] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(3099, 0x28cd2e68 "getkr", 2, 1) + 626 bytes
[30] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 397, 21, 0) + 1282 bytes
[31] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 397, 8, 0) + 39 bytes
[32] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 397, 8, 0) + 251 bytes
[33] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x29367600, 0xffffffff, 0x2d3f7f68 "|1 z/)", 1) + 876 bytes
[34] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x2e758c28, 1, 0x2e758b18) + 466 bytes
[35] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x2e758c28, 1) + 23 bytes
[36] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x2e758c28, 1, 0x2e758b18) + 25 bytes
[37] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x2e758c28, 1, 0x2e758b18) + 249 bytes
[38] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x2e758c28, 1, 0x2e758b18) + 420 bytes
[39] mcos.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall mcos::MScopedMethodInfo::invoke(class mcos::COSClient const *,int &,class mcos::COSValue *,int,class mcos::COSValue const *)const (0x2eb29140 "ð4~-ð4~-85~-", 0x2d268cbc, 0x2e202020, 1) + 295 bytes
[40] mcos.dll:public: bool __thiscall OpaqueMethodCallMetaData::callMethodOrConstructor(struct mxArray_tag *,bool,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag const * * const,bool,class mcos::COSClient const *)(0x2d268c88, 0, 0, 1) + 932 bytes
[41] mcos.dll:public: bool __thiscall OpaqueMethodMetaData::callMethodOrConstructor(struct mxArray_tag *,bool,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag const * * const,bool,class mcos::COSClient const *)(0x2d268c60, 0, 1, 0x00c20b84) + 96 bytes
[42] mcos.dll:bool __cdecl omCallMatlabDispatchMethod(struct mxArray_tag *,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag const * * const)(0x282335a0, 1, 0x00c20b84, 1) + 361 bytes
[43] mcos.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_opaque_dynamic_all_args::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c20b84, 1, 0x00c20be4) + 143 bytes
[44] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_MATLAB_fn::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c20b84, 1, 0x00c20be4) + 399 bytes
[45] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c20b84, 1, 0x00c20be4) + 420 bytes
[46] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(3094, 0x2e13a970 "zpk", 1, 1) + 626 bytes
[47] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 642, 14, 0) + 1282 bytes
[48] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 642, 8, 0) + 39 bytes
[49] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 642, 8, 0) + 251 bytes
[50] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x29367c00, 0xffffffff, 0x2d3f5f58, 1) + 876 bytes
[51] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x2e758a58, 3, 0x2d784bb8) + 466 bytes
[52] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x2e758a58, 3) + 23 bytes
[53] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x2e758a58, 3, 0x2d784bb8) + 25 bytes
[54] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x2e758a58, 3, 0x2d784bb8) + 249 bytes
[55] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x2e758a58, 3, 0x2d784bb8) + 420 bytes
[56] mcos.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall mcos::MScopedMethodInfo::invoke(class mcos::COSClient const *,int &,class mcos::COSValue *,int,class mcos::COSValue const *)const (0x02c83214, 0x2d268904, 0x2e201e10, 3) + 295 bytes
[57] mcos.dll:public: bool __thiscall OpaqueMethodCallMetaData::callMethodOrConstructor(struct mxArray_tag *,bool,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag const * * const,bool,class mcos::COSClient const *)(0x2d2688d0, 0, 0, 1) + 932 bytes
[58] mcos.dll:public: bool __thiscall OpaqueMethodMetaData::callMethodOrConstructor(struct mxArray_tag *,bool,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag const * * const,bool,class mcos::COSClient const *)(0x2d2688a8, 0, 1, 0x00c21664) + 96 bytes
[59] mcos.dll:bool __cdecl omCallMatlabDispatchMethod(struct mxArray_tag *,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag const * * const)(0x2824eab0, 1, 0x00c21664, 3) + 361 bytes
[60] mcos.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_opaque_dynamic_all_args::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c21664, 3, 0x00c216c4) + 143 bytes
[61] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_MATLAB_fn::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c21664, 3, 0x00c216c4) + 399 bytes
[62] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c21664, 3, 0x00c216c4) + 420 bytes
[63] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(3051, 0x2eb2991c "c2d", 1, 3) + 626 bytes
[64] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 986, 99, 0) + 1282 bytes
[65] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 986, 43, 0) + 39 bytes
[66] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 986, 43, 0) + 251 bytes
[67] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x2e93e200, 0xffffffff, 0x2d3de948, 1) + 876 bytes
[68] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c21eac, 3, 0x00c21f0c) + 466 bytes
[69] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c21eac, 3) + 23 bytes
[70] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c21eac, 3, 0x00c21f0c) + 25 bytes
[71] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c21eac, 3, 0x00c21f0c) + 249 bytes
[72] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c21eac, 3, 0x00c21f0c) + 420 bytes
[73] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(3051, 0x1a79a338 "c2d", 1, 3) + 626 bytes
[74] m_interpreter.dll:enum opcodes __cdecl inDispatchCall(char const *,int,int,int,int *,int *)(0x1a79a338 "c2d", 3051, 1, 3) + 107 bytes
[75] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(0, 0, 1249, 0) + 6048 bytes
[76] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(0, 0, 0, 0) + 39 bytes
[77] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(0, 0, 0, 0) + 251 bytes
[78] m_interpreter.dll:_inInterPcode(0, 0x00c22608, 0x00c22488, 0) + 92 bytes
[79] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl in_local_call_eval_function(int *,struct _pcodeheader *,int *,struct mxArray_tag * * const,enum inDebugCheck,bool)(0, 0x00c22608, 0, 0) + 189 bytes
[80] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl inEvalStringWithIsVarFcn(struct _memory_context *,char const *,enum EvalType,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,enum inDebugCheck,struct _pcodeheader *,int *,bool (__cdecl*)(void *,char const *),void *,bool,bool)(0x7b9dd604, 0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0, 0) + 484 bytes
[81] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl inEvalCmdWithLocalReturn(char const *,int *,bool,bool,bool (__cdecl*)(void *,char const *))(0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0, 0, 0) + 79 bytes
[82] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual enum inExecutionStatus __thiscall InterpBridge::EvalCmdWithLocalReturn(char const *,int *,bool,bool)(0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0, 0, 0) + 25 bytes
[83] m_interpreter.dll:_inEvalCmdWithLocalReturn(0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0, 0, 0) + 30 bytes
[84] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual enum inExecutionStatus __thiscall InterpBridge::EvalCmd(char const *,bool)(0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0, 0x00c22704 ",'Â", 0x6ffb5fcc) + 35 bytes
[85] m_interpreter.dll:_inEvalCmd(0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0, 0x6ffb6f5a, 0x28c0fb58) + 24 bytes
[86] sl_services.dll:protected: virtual void __thiscall EvalCmd_MLCommand::operator()(void)(1, 0x6ffd2bd8 "pcûo _ûo", 0, 0) + 12 bytes
[87] sl_services.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl slsvEVAL_NoThrow(char const *,bool)(0x2866b430 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 1, 0x2d7e1c60, 0x29cf2648) + 63 bytes
[88] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl EvalMaskInitCommands(class slBlock *,struct slMaskInfo_tag *,struct slBlockDiagram_tag *,char const *,bool,bool *)(0, 0x2821b570 "sysc = tf(num, den);\nsysd = c2d", 0x27c35d00 "ø\Ã'", 0x00c22893) + 277 bytes
[89] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl slUpdateMaskWS(class slBlock *,unsigned int,bool *)(0x01c0fb58, 7, 0x00c228bb, 0x007e1810) + 959 bytes
[90] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl slUpdateMaskWS(class slBlock *,unsigned int)(0x28c0fb58, 7, 0x6ffb96a0, 0) + 25 bytes
[91] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl DefaultBlockEvalParamsFcn(class slBlock *,bool)(0x28c0fb58, 0, 0x28c11528, 0x28c11528) + 185 bytes
[92] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl BlockEvalParams(class slBlock *,bool)(0x28c0fb58, 0, 0x28c11528, 0x18673ad0) + 990 bytes
[93] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl InstantiateReferenceBlock(class slBlock *,class slBlock * *,bool *,long *)(0x28c11528, 0x00c22a80, 0x00c22a87, 0x00c22a28) + 395 bytes
[94] libmwsimulink.dll:class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __cdecl UpdateReference(class slBlock *,class slBlock * *)(0x28c11528, 0x00c22ac4, 8, 0x00c22ddc) + 518 bytes
[95] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfGraph(struct slGraph_tag *,int)(0x28880fb8, 0xffffffff, 0, 0x00c22ddc) + 162 bytes
[96] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x28880fb8, 0xffffffff, 9, 0x00c22ddc) + 212 bytes
[97] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfBlock(class slBlock *,int)(0x28c08908, 0xffffffff, 0x27c3a0b8 "ð;ä) t³(", 0x7b95ce70) + 504 bytes
[98] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x28c08908, 0xffffffff, 8, 0x00c22ddc) + 186 bytes
[99] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfGraph(struct slGraph_tag *,int)(0x288809a0, 0xffffffff, 0, 0x00c22ddc) + 215 bytes
[100] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x288809a0, 0xffffffff, 9, 0x00c22ddc) + 212 bytes
[101] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfBlock(class slBlock *,int)(0x28c095f0, 0xffffffff, 0x27c30d58, 0x7b95ce70) + 504 bytes
[102] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x28c095f0, 0xffffffff, 8, 0x00c22ddc) + 186 bytes
[103] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfGraph(struct slGraph_tag *,int)(0x288811c0, 0xffffffff, 0, 0x00c22ddc) + 215 bytes
[104] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x288811c0, 0xffffffff, 9, 0x00c22ddc) + 212 bytes
[105] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfBlock(class slBlock *,int)(0x28c09b78, 0xffffffff, 0x27c3a2d8, 0x7b95ce70) + 504 bytes
[106] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x28c09b78, 0xffffffff, 8, 0x00c22ddc) + 186 bytes
[107] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processChildrenOfGraph(struct slGraph_tag *,int)(0x18673ad0, 0xffffffff, 7, 0x00c22ddc) + 215 bytes
[108] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x18673ad0, 0xffffffff, 0x00c22ddc, 0x00c22dfc) + 212 bytes
[109] libmwsimulink.dll:private: class slsvDiagnosticImpl * __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::processObjectRecursively(void *,int)(0x18684f10, 0xffffffff, 0x2e81aec0, 0x00c22ddc) + 156 bytes
[110] libmwsimulink.dll:public: void __thiscall slfindsys::FindSystemInfo::doSearch(void)(0xffffffff, 0, 1, 0xffffffff) + 348 bytes
[111] libmwsimulink.dll:__catch$?findSystem@FindSystemInfo@slfindsys@@QAEXHQAPAUmxArray_tag@@H0@Z$0(1, 0x00c22fb4, 9, 0x1af31860) + 413 bytes
[112] libmwsimulink.dll:void __cdecl matl_find_system(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(1, 0x00c22fb4, 9, 0x00c23014) + 80 bytes
[113] libmwsimulink.dll:void __cdecl slFullFindSystem(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(1, 0x00c22fb4, 9, 0x00c23014) + 82 bytes
[114] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_builtin::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c22fb4, 9, 0x00c23014) + 92 bytes
[115] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c22fb4, 9, 0x00c23014) + 247 bytes
[116] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(648, 0x2766279c "find_system", 1, 9) + 626 bytes
[117] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 120, 1249, 0) + 1282 bytes
[118] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 120, 1249, 0) + 39 bytes
[119] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 120, 1249, 0) + 251 bytes
[120] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x7c920000, 0xffffffff, 0x27fbecd0, 1) + 876 bytes
[121] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c237fc, 1, 0x00c2385c "ب$(") + 466 bytes
[122] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c237fc, 1) + 23 bytes
[123] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c237fc, 1, 0x00c2385c "ب$(") + 25 bytes
[124] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c237fc, 1, 0x00c2385c "ب$(") + 249 bytes
[125] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c237fc, 1, 0x00c2385c "ب$(") + 420 bytes
[126] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2532, 0x27662c04 "loc_get_linked_library_models", 1, 1) + 626 bytes
[127] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 463, 575, 0) + 1282 bytes
[128] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 463, 575, 0) + 39 bytes
[129] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 463, 575, 0) + 251 bytes
[130] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0, 0xffffffff, 0x27fc0950, 1) + 876 bytes
[131] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c24044, 2, 0x00c240a4) + 466 bytes
[132] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c24044, 2) + 23 bytes
[133] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c24044, 2, 0x00c240a4) + 25 bytes
[134] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c24044, 2, 0x00c240a4) + 249 bytes
[135] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c24044, 2, 0x00c240a4) + 420 bytes
[136] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2529, 0x27662b38 "loc_compute_target_independent_m..", 1, 2) + 626 bytes
[137] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 338, 727, 0) + 1282 bytes
[138] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 338, 712, 0) + 39 bytes
[139] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 338, 712, 0) + 251 bytes
[140] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x7ba0f800, 0xffffffff, 0x27fc05c0, 1) + 876 bytes
[141] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c2488c, 1, 0x00c248ec " Ì"(") + 466 bytes
[142] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c2488c, 1) + 23 bytes
[143] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c2488c, 1, 0x00c248ec " Ì"(") + 25 bytes
[144] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c2488c, 1, 0x00c248ec " Ì"(") + 249 bytes
[145] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c2488c, 1, 0x00c248ec " Ì"(") + 420 bytes
[146] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2522, 0x27662bb0 "loc_create_minfo", 1, 1) + 626 bytes
[147] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 228, 916, 0) + 1282 bytes
[148] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 228, 910, 0) + 39 bytes
[149] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 228, 910, 0) + 251 bytes
[150] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x2822cc00, 0xffffffff, 0x27fbfea0, 1) + 876 bytes
[151] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c250d4, 2, 0x00c25134) + 466 bytes
[152] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c250d4, 2) + 23 bytes
[153] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c250d4, 2, 0x00c25134) + 25 bytes
[154] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c250d4, 2, 0x00c25134) + 249 bytes
[155] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c250d4, 2, 0x00c25134) + 420 bytes
[156] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2464, 0x27662e74 "save_method", 1, 2) + 626 bytes
[157] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 4711, 148, 0) + 1282 bytes
[158] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 4711, 62, 0) + 39 bytes
[159] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 4711, 62, 0) + 251 bytes
[160] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x28233e00, 0xffffffff, 0x1b08d768, 1) + 876 bytes
[161] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c2591c, 5, 0x00c2597c) + 466 bytes
[162] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c2591c, 5) + 23 bytes
[163] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c2591c, 5, 0x00c2597c) + 25 bytes
[164] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c2591c, 5, 0x00c2597c) + 249 bytes
[165] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c2591c, 5, 0x00c2597c) + 420 bytes
[166] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2448, 0x27662e38 "rtwinfomatman", 1, 5) + 626 bytes
[167] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 411, 533, 0) + 1282 bytes
[168] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 411, 529, 0) + 39 bytes
[169] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 411, 529, 0) + 251 bytes
[170] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x7ba0f800, 0xffffffff, 0x27fc0b18, 1) + 876 bytes
[171] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c26164, 1, 0x00c261c4) + 466 bytes
[172] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c26164, 1) + 23 bytes
[173] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26164, 1, 0x00c261c4) + 25 bytes
[174] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26164, 1, 0x00c261c4) + 249 bytes
[175] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26164, 1, 0x00c261c4) + 420 bytes
[176] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2465, 0x27663048 "update_method", 1, 1) + 626 bytes
[177] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 4711, 158, 0) + 1282 bytes
[178] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 4711, 62, 0) + 39 bytes
[179] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 4711, 62, 0) + 251 bytes
[180] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x7c91e900, 0xffffffff, 0x1b08d768, 1) + 876 bytes
[181] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c26acc, 5, 0x00c26b30) + 466 bytes
[182] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c26acc, 5) + 23 bytes
[183] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26acc, 5, 0x00c26b30) + 25 bytes
[184] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26acc, 5, 0x00c26b30) + 249 bytes
[185] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26acc, 5, 0x00c26b30) + 420 bytes
[186] m_interpreter.dll:_inCallFcn(1, 0x00c26acc, 5, 0x00c26b30) + 84 bytes
[187] m_interpreter.dll:_inFullFevalFcn(1, 0x00c26acc, 6, 0x00c26b2c) + 234 bytes
[188] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_builtin::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26acc, 6, 0x00c26b2c) + 92 bytes
[189] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c26acc, 6, 0x00c26b2c) + 247 bytes
[190] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(322, 0x2647445c "feval", 1, 6) + 626 bytes
[191] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 103, 12, 0) + 1282 bytes
[192] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 103, 0, 0) + 39 bytes
[193] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 103, 0, 0) + 251 bytes
[194] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x78134c00, 0xffffffff, 0x2601af70, 1) + 876 bytes
[195] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c27314, 6, 0x00c27374) + 466 bytes
[196] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c27314, 6) + 23 bytes
[197] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c27314, 6, 0x00c27374) + 25 bytes
[198] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c27314, 6, 0x00c27374) + 249 bytes
[199] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c27314, 6, 0x00c27374) + 420 bytes
[200] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(1218, 0x27da1448 "rtwprivate", 1, 6) + 626 bytes
[201] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 512, 14, 0) + 1282 bytes
[202] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 512, 11, 0) + 39 bytes
[203] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 512, 11, 0) + 251 bytes
[204] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0, 0xffffffff, 0x1a9725a8, 1) + 876 bytes
[205] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(1, 0x00c27b5c, 2, 0x00c27bbc) + 466 bytes
[206] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 1, 0x00c27b5c, 2) + 23 bytes
[207] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c27b5c, 2, 0x00c27bbc) + 25 bytes
[208] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c27b5c, 2, 0x00c27bbc) + 249 bytes
[209] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00c27b5c, 2, 0x00c27bbc) + 420 bytes
[210] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2442, 0x279f5890 "build_standalone_rtw_target", 1, 2) + 626 bytes
[211] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 1751, 473, 0) + 1282 bytes
[212] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 1751, 348, 0) + 39 bytes
[213] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 1751, 348, 0) + 251 bytes
[214] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x29f63900, 0xffffffff, 0x27fbc3d8, 2) + 876 bytes
[215] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(2, 0x00c283a4, 4, 0x00c28404) + 466 bytes
[216] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 2, 0x00c283a4, 4) + 23 bytes
[217] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00c283a4, 4, 0x00c28404) + 25 bytes
[218] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00c283a4, 4, 0x00c28404) + 249 bytes
[219] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00c283a4, 4, 0x00c28404) + 420 bytes
[220] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(2447, 0x279f5a90 "loc_codegenentry", 2, 4) + 626 bytes
[221] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 3226, 278, 0) + 1282 bytes
[222] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 3226, 12, 0) + 39 bytes
[223] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 3226, 12, 0) + 251 bytes
[224] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0, 0xffffffff, 0x18056270, 0) + 876 bytes
[225] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00c28d0c, 1, 0x00c28d70) + 466 bytes
[226] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00c28d0c, 1) + 23 bytes
[227] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c28d0c, 1, 0x00c28d70) + 25 bytes
[228] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c28d0c, 1, 0x00c28d70) + 249 bytes
[229] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c28d0c, 1, 0x00c28d70) + 420 bytes
[230] m_interpreter.dll:_inCallFcn(0, 0x00c28d0c, 1, 0x00c28d70) + 84 bytes
[231] m_interpreter.dll:_inFullFevalFcn(0, 0x00c28d0c, 2, 0x00c28d6c) + 234 bytes
[232] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_builtin::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c28d0c, 2, 0x00c28d6c) + 92 bytes
[233] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c28d0c, 2, 0x00c28d6c) + 247 bytes
[234] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(322, 0x27877c60 "feval", 0, 2) + 626 bytes
[235] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 171, 16, 0) + 1282 bytes
[236] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 171, 0, 0) + 39 bytes
[237] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 171, 0, 0) + 251 bytes
[238] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x78134c00, 0xffffffff, 0x25f9bd30, 0) + 876 bytes
[239] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00c29554, 2, 0x00c295b4) + 466 bytes
[240] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00c29554, 2) + 23 bytes
[241] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c29554, 2, 0x00c295b4) + 25 bytes
[242] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c29554, 2, 0x00c295b4) + 249 bytes
[243] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c29554, 2, 0x00c295b4) + 420 bytes
[244] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inDispatchFromStack(int,char const *,int,int)(1083, 0x2798296c "sl", 0, 2) + 626 bytes
[245] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 41, 62, 0) + 1282 bytes
[246] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 41, 62, 0) + 39 bytes
[247] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 41, 62, 0) + 251 bytes
[248] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x02d15a00, 0xffffffff, 0x27fbb208, 0) + 876 bytes
[249] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00c29e58, 1, 0x00c29dc8) + 466 bytes
[250] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00c29e58, 1) + 23 bytes
[251] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c29e58, 1, 0x00c29dc8) + 25 bytes
[252] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c29e58, 1, 0x00c29dc8) + 249 bytes
[253] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c29e58, 1, 0x00c29dc8) + 420 bytes
[254] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall ResolverFunctionDesc::CallFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0, 0x00c29e58, 1, 0x00c2a620 "4©Â") + 81 bytes
[255] m_interpreter.dll:public: bool __thiscall Resolver::CallMFunction(int,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int *)(0x00c2a0e8, 0, 1, 0x27bcd6e8) + 1209 bytes
[256] m_interpreter.dll:private: bool __thiscall accelImpl::MFunctionCall(struct _accelOp * *)(0x00c2a634, 0xffffffff, 0x27c91668 "ØAË'ØAË'àAË'8BË'¨BË'PCË'PCË'", 0xffffffff) + 545 bytes
[257] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelImpl::Exec(void)(0x00c2a620 "4©Â", 0xffffffff, 0x28062498, 0xffffffff) + 170 bytes
[258] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelCode::Call(enum inMarshalType *,int *)const (0x00c2a8f8, 0xffffffff, 0, 0) + 133 bytes
[259] m_interpreter.dll:public: static bool __cdecl inJit::ExecuteHotSegment(struct _inJitAccelInfo *,enum opcodes *,int *,int *)(0x00c2aac0, 0x00c2ac10, 0x00c2abb4, 0x00c2ad90) + 2529 bytes
[260] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 53, 352, 0) + 797 bytes
[261] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl protected_inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 53, 351, 0) + 39 bytes
[262] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 53, 351, 0) + 251 bytes
[263] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x29017200, 0xffffffff, 0x26011f28, 0) + 876 bytes
[264] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMfile(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_mp *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 1, 0x00c2b300 "Xoö)") + 466 bytes
[265] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00c2b304, 1) + 23 bytes
[266] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 1, 0x00c2b300 "Xoö)") + 25 bytes
[267] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 1, 0x00c2b300 "Xoö)") + 249 bytes
[268] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 1, 0x00c2b300 "Xoö)") + 420 bytes
[269] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall mdHiddenFunctionBinding::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 1, 0x00c2b300 "Xoö)") + 36 bytes
[270] m_dispatcher.dll:void __cdecl callViamdMxarrayFunctionHandle(void *,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0x02d15a98, 0, 0x00c2b304, 1) + 75 bytes
[271] libmx.dll:void __cdecl mxFevalFunctionHandle(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 38 bytes
[272] m_interpreter.dll:_inFullFevalFcn(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 140 bytes
[273] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_builtin::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 92 bytes
[274] m_dispatcher.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfunction_handle::dispatch(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 247 bytes
[275] m_interpreter.dll:_inCallFcn(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 84 bytes
[276] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual int __thiscall InterpBridge::CallFcnWithTrap(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,char const *,bool)(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 104 bytes
[277] m_interpreter.dll:_inCallFcnWithTrap(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)") + 36 bytes
[278] dastudio.dll:0x6c753e5e(0, 0x00c2b304, 2, 0x00c2b2fc "°¬ø)Xoö)")
[279] dastudio.dll:0x6c75118f(0x29f66f58, 0x2986a5a8 "Ø9Ën", 0x29b55fa0, 0x293628d8 " XËnØ/¥-")
[280] dastudio.dll:0x6c755d4c(0, 0x27c3a8f8, 0x2e81b280, 613)
[281] libmwsimulink.dll:public: void __thiscall SLDigManager::doMenuItemCallback(class SLDigMenuItem *)(0x293628d8 " XËnØ/¥-", 0x00c2b364 "t³Â", 0x6e17f079, 0x27c3a8f8) + 274 bytes
[282] libmwsimulink.dll:void __cdecl DigCallback(struct WinRec_tag *,void *)(0x27c3a8f8, 0x293628d8 " XËnØ/¥-", 459000, 0x27c3a8f8) + 15 bytes
[283] libmwsimulink.dll:void __cdecl mi_DynamicCallback(struct WinRec_tag *,void *)(0x27c3a8f8, 0x2e81b280, 0x00c2b380 "̳Â", 0x7b22c7d1) + 41 bytes
[284] uiw.dll:void __cdecl miw_MenuItemCallbackDispatch(struct tagUIW_MenuItem *)(0x298706d8, 0x00c2b3cc, 0x6e8c6b29, 655612) + 25 bytes
[285] uiw.dll:bool __cdecl UIW_ExecuteMenuItemCallback(struct HWND__ *,int)(655612, 613, 613, 0x2666f170) + 33 bytes
[286] libmwsimulink.dll:private: short __thiscall CMdlFrame::model_command(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)(459000, 273, 613, 0) + 153 bytes
[287] libmwsimulink.dll:public: virtual int __thiscall CMdlFrame::OnCommand(unsigned int,long)(613, 0, 0xbda21344, 273) + 184 bytes
[288] MFC80.DLL:0x78202804(273, 613, 0, 0x00c2b4d8)
[289] MFC80.DLL:0x7820277e(273, 613, 0, 0xbda21220)
[290] MFC80.DLL:0x78201514(0, 655612, 273, 613)
[291] MFC80.DLL:0x7820172a(655612, 273, 613, 0)
[292] libmwsimulink.dll:long __stdcall AfxWndProcDllStatic(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)(655612, 273, 613, 0) + 51 bytes
[293] USER32.dll:0x7e398734(0x6e9afe7f, 655612, 273, 613)
[294] USER32.dll:0x7e398816(559736, 0x6e9afe7f, 655612, 273)
[295] USER32.dll:0x7e3989cd(0x00c2b6e8, 1, 0x00c2b724 "4·Â", 0x7b22ec0e)
[296] USER32.dll:0x7e3996c7(0x00c2b6e8, 0x7b2967b0 "H8&{", 0, 0x7c1322f0)
[297] uiw.dll:char * __cdecl getCommand(char *,int)(0x7e86b988, 4096, 0x00c2b784, 0x7e857bbf) + 606 bytes
[298] uiw.dll:public: virtual char * __thiscall uiw::UIW_IOProxy::getCmdWindowCommand(char *,int)const (0x7e86b988, 4096, 0, 0) + 16 bytes
[299] libmwbridge.dll:char * __cdecl winReadStdin(char * const,unsigned int,bool)(0x7e86b988, 4096, 0, 0x00c2f928) + 79 bytes
[300] libmwbridge.dll:char * __cdecl ioReadLineOS(bool,struct _iobuf * const,char * const,char * const,int,bool * const,void (__cdecl*const)(void),char * (__cdecl*const)(char * const,unsigned int,bool))(0, 0x781c1b78, 0x02acfed0, 4096) + 265 bytes
[301] libmwbridge.dll:char * __cdecl ioReadLine(bool,struct _iobuf *,char *,char *,int,bool *)(0, 0x781c1b78, 0x02acfed0, 0x02acfed0) + 99 bytes
[302] libmwbridge.dll:void __cdecl mnGetFullLine(char * *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,bool)(0x00c2f92c, 0x00c2f920, 0, 0x7b95ab70) + 205 bytes
[303] libmwbridge.dll:_mnGetCommandLineBuffer(0, 0, 0x05fe0f28, 0) + 124 bytes
[304] libmwbridge.dll:__catch$_mnParser$0(0x02cd13a0, 0, 0x746c1301, 1) + 164 bytes
[305] mcr.dll:private: void __thiscall mcrInstance::mnParser_on_interpreter_thread(void)(0x05fe0f60, 0x7ffdf000, 0x00c2fa5c, 0x7e3ab317) + 51 bytes
[306] mcr.dll:public: void __thiscall boost::function0<void>::operator()(void)const (0, 0x05fe0f28, 0, 0x05fe0f28) + 63 bytes
[307] mcr.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl::NoResultInvocationRequest::run(void)(0x7a0ee820, 0x7c91e453, 0x00c2fa90, 48) + 53 bytes
[308] mcr.dll:private: static void __cdecl mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl::invocation_request_handler(int)(0x05fe0f28, 0, 0x00030000 "Actx ", 0x00c2fbd4) + 40 bytes
[309] uiw.dll:bool __cdecl UIW_DispatchUserMessage(int,int)(9223, 0x05fe0f28, 0x00c2fbd4, 0x03210458) + 81 bytes
[310] uiw.dll:long __stdcall HandleUserMsgHook(int,unsigned int,long)(0, 1, 0x00c2fbd4, 0x7e3aa340) + 95 bytes
[311] USER32.dll:0x7e3b1923(0x00030000 "Actx ", 1, 0x00c2fbd4, 0x7b2563e0)
[312] USER32.dll:0x7e3ab317(0x00c2fbc4, 0x00c2fbd4, 0x00c2fbf0, 0)
[313] USER32.dll:0x7e3a78d0(0x00c2fbc4, 48, 0x00030000 "Actx ", 1)
[314] ntdll.dll:0x7c91e453(0x00c2fc40, 0, 0, 0)
[315] uiw.dll:void __cdecl UIW_GetAndDispatchMessage(struct tagMSG *)(0x00c2fc40, 0x02d81008, 0, 0x00c2fc88 " üÂ") + 20 bytes
[316] uiw.dll:void __cdecl UIW_GetAndDispatchMessage(void)(0x26565968, 0x26565960, 0, 9223) + 15 bytes
[317] uiw.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall uiw_ppeHook::pollingDuringFcn(bool)(0, 0, 0x00c2fd0a, 0x26565960) + 53 bytes
[318] libuij.dll:??$for_each@V?$_Vector_iterator@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@V?$allocator@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@@std@@@std@@U?$during_F@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@@sysq@@@std@@YA?AU?$during_F@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@@sysq@@V?$_Vector_iterator@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@V?$allocator@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@@std@@@0@0U12@@Z(0x00c2fd0a, 0x26565960, 0x26565968, 0) + 41 bytes
[319] libuij.dll:??$ppe_for_each@U?$during_F@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@@sysq@@@sysq@@YA?AU?$during_F@PAV?$wsfcn_proxy@PAVws_ppeHook@sysq@@@sysq@@@0@U10@@Z(0x00c2fd0a, 0, 0x02d0f088, 0x7b990f43) + 70 bytes
[320] libuij.dll:void __cdecl sysq::ppeMainLoop(int,int,bool)(1, 0xffffffff, 0, 2) + 243 bytes
[321] libuij.dll:void __cdecl sysq::ppeLoopIfOK(int,int,bool)(1, 0xffffffff, 0, 0) + 118 bytes
[322] libuij.dll:void __cdecl sysq::processPendingEvents(int,int,bool)(1, 0xffffffff, 0, 0x00c2fdc8) + 100 bytes
[323] libuij.dll:void __cdecl UIJ_WS_ProcessPendingEvents(int,int)(1, 0xffffffff, 0x02d0f088, 0x02d07528) + 18 bytes
[324] mcr.dll:public: void __thiscall mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl::process_events(class boost::shared_ptr<class mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl> const &)(0x00c2fe20, 2, 0x02d0aa38, 0x03bcdd8c) + 138 bytes
[325] mcr.dll:__catch$?run@Impl@InterpreterThread@runtime@mcr@@QAEKABV?$shared_ptr@VImpl@InterpreterThread@runtime@mcr@@@boost@@PAUinit_context@1234@@Z$0(0x00c2fe20, 0x02d0a368, 0x7a0f1940, 0x02d01dd0) + 128 bytes
[326] mcr.dll:unsigned long __cdecl run_init_and_handle_events(void *)(0x03bcdd8c, 0x0040b7cc, 336706, 0) + 76 bytes
[327] mcr.dll:private: void __thiscall mcr::runtime::InterpreterThreadFactory::runThreadFunction(void)(0x00c2fed0, 0x00c2fe8c, 0x00c2fe90 "ðþÂ", 0x7b95c1bc) + 108 bytes
[328] MATLAB.exe:public: void __thiscall boost::function0<void>::operator()(void)const (0, 0, 0x7c91f63c, 0x02d01dd0) + 63 bytes
[329] MATLAB.exe:int __cdecl mcrMain(int,char const * * const)(1, 0x02d02b08, 4194304, 10) + 158 bytes
[330] MATLAB.exe:_WinMain@16(4194304, 0, 336706, 10) + 109 bytes
[331] MATLAB.exe:___tmainCRTStartup(0, 0, 0x7ffdd000, 0xe1154008) + 320 bytes
[332] kernel32.dll:0x7c817067(0x00406e06, 0, 0x00905a4d, 3)

If this problem is reproducible, please submit a Service Request via:

A technical support engineer might contact you with further information.

Thank you for your help. MATLAB may attempt to recover, but even if recovery appears successful,
we recommend that you save your workspace and restart MATLAB as soon as possible.

6 Risposte

  • Re: MATLAB crash file

    Ciao, è difficile rispondere al tuo quesito in questo modo; se il problema è causato dall'esecuzione di un file Simulink, credo che il problema sia da ricercare lì.
    Dovresti accludere il file se vuoi un aiuto.
    Buona giornata
  • Re: MATLAB crash file

    Grazie JJ, ma come faccio ad allegare il file? Mi dice che il formato mdl non è ammesso!
  • Re: MATLAB crash file

    Facciamo così, dimmi di che si tratta e se rientra nelle mie competenze al più me lo mandi via e-mail. Che ne dici?
  • Re: MATLAB crash file

    Grazie per la disponibilità, comunque è un file mdl che serve per calibrare una tavola vibrante, appena cerco di costruire il modello mi dà l'errore che ho postato; il file me lo ha inviato la casa produttrice della tavola (QUANSER), ho provato a contattarli ma loro mi dicono che è un problema di MATLAB.
  • Re: MATLAB crash file

    Supponendo, a questo punto, che il file che ti è stato passato sia corretto, credo che tu abbia solo 2 vie:
    1- passalo a qualcuno che abbia matlab e glielo fai provare a lui.
    2- devi disinstallare matlab e reinstallarlo.
    Con il primo passo ti assicuri del fatto che il file funzioni e solo in tal caso sei sicuro che sia indispensabile il passo secondo.
    Mi spiace non poterti esserti di maggior aiuto; io farei così
    Buona giornata
  • Re: MATLAB crash file

    Grazie per i suggerimenti il secondo passo è stato già fatto, ho installato anche un'altra versione, ora provo anche su un altro pc!
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6 risposte