Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

20 risposte

20 Risposte - Pagina 2

  • Re: Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

    @andbin sei stato il primo che ho ringraziato

    Comunque un codice che faceva solo le immagini, MA bmp non compresse, l'avevo gia' fatto!

    @migliorabile mi stai dicendo che i vari chunk 00dc o 00db di un file per esempio AVI indicano la differenza rispetto all'immagine precedente e non un'immagine intera? Ho capito bene?
    Se si, conosci qualche dispensa dove e' dettagliata la struttura di questi chunk? Tempo dietro ho fatto un bel po' di ricerca e anche un codice che decodificava a livello di byte i vari campi di un file avi... ma non sono risucito a capire come sono strutturati i vari 00dc 00db della list movi (invece quelli della lista idx sono chiari)...

    PS. grazie per il libro!
  • Re: Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

    Conosco la struttura del'mpeg e delle n-mila varianti (ts, ps, stream audio, per java, per i sottotitoli, ...), studiata dai reference ufficiali, e gia' li e' stato un delirio.

    Non conosco, e non provo nemmeno a studiare, la struttura interna di altri formati video

    Se cerchi 'avi specification', 'avi format file specification', ecc, trovi parecchia documentazione.
    Devi partire da li.
  • Re: Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

    Fatto... ma tutti concludono dicendo che si tratta di una DIB e non vanno oltre... e io credevo fosse una bmp
    Vabe.... provo a fare qualcosa sulle immagini
  • Re: Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

    Una domanda un po' fuori tema
    Vi ritrovate con il seguente DTD dei file jpeg
    <!DOCTYPE "javax_imageio_jpeg_image_1.0" [
      <!ELEMENT "javax_imageio_jpeg_image_1.0" (JPEGvariety, markerSequence)>
        <!ELEMENT "JPEGvariety" (app0JFIF)>
          <!-- A node grouping all marker segments specific to the variety of
                  stream being read/written (e.g. JFIF) - may be empty --> 
          <!ELEMENT "app0JFIF" (JFXX?, app2ICC?)>
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "majorVersion" #CDATA "1">
              <!-- The major JFIF version number --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "minorVersion" #CDATA "2">
              <!-- The minor JFIF version number --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "resUnits" ("0" | "1" | "2") "0">
              <!-- The resolution units for Xdensisty and Ydensity (0 = no 
                   units, just aspect ratio; 1 = dots/inch; 2 = dots/cm) --> 
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "Xdensity" #CDATA "1">
              <!-- The horizontal density or aspect ratio numerator --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "Ydensity" #CDATA "1">
              <!-- The vertical density or aspect ratio denominator --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "thumbWidth" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The width of the thumbnail, or 0 if there isn't one --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app0JFIF" "thumbHeight" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The height of the thumbnail, or 0 if there isn't one --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
            <!ELEMENT "JFXX" (app0JFXX)*>
              <!-- Min children: 1 -->
            <!ELEMENT "app0JFXX" (JFIFthumbJPEG | JFIFthumbPalette | 
              <!-- A JFIF extension marker segment --> 
              <!ATTLIST "app0JFXX" "extensionCode" ("16" | "17" | "19")
                <!-- The JFXX extension code identifying thumbnail type: (16 = 
                     JPEG, 17 = indexed, 19 = RGB --> 
              <!ELEMENT "JFIFthumbJPEG" (markerSequence?)>
                <!-- A JFIF thumbnail in JPEG format (no JFIF segments 
                     permitted) --> 
              <!ELEMENT "JFIFthumbPalette" EMPTY>
                <!-- A JFIF thumbnail as an RGB indexed image --> 
                <!ATTLIST "JFIFthumbPalette" "thumbWidth" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
                  <!-- The width of the thumbnail --> 
                  <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                  <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
                  <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
                <!ATTLIST "JFIFthumbPalette" "thumbHeight" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
                  <!-- The height of the thumbnail --> 
                  <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                  <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
                  <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
              <!ELEMENT "JFIFthumbRGB" EMPTY>
                <!-- A JFIF thumbnail as an RGB image --> 
                <!ATTLIST "JFIFthumbRGB" "thumbWidth" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
                  <!-- The width of the thumbnail --> 
                  <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                  <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
                  <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
                <!ATTLIST "JFIFthumbRGB" "thumbHeight" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
                  <!-- The height of the thumbnail --> 
                  <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                  <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
                  <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
            <!ELEMENT "app2ICC" EMPTY>
              <!-- An ICC profile APP2 marker segment --> 
              <!-- Optional User object: java.awt.color.ICC_Profile -->
        <!ELEMENT "markerSequence" (dqt | dht | dri | com | unknown | 
          app14Adobe | sof | sos)*>
          <!-- A node grouping all non-jfif marker segments --> 
          <!ELEMENT "dqt" (dqtable)*>
            <!-- A Define Quantization Table(s) marker segment --> 
            <!-- Min children: 1 -->
            <!-- Max children: 4 -->
            <!ELEMENT "dqtable" EMPTY>
              <!-- A single quantization table --> 
              <!-- User object: javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGQTable -->
              <!ATTLIST "dqtable" "elementPrecision" #CDATA "0">
                <!-- The number of bits in each table element (0 = 8, 1 = 16) 
                <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!ATTLIST "dqtable" "qtableId" ("0" | "1" | "2" | "3") #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT "dht" (dhtable)*>
            <!-- A Define Huffman Table(s) marker segment --> 
            <!-- Min children: 1 -->
            <!-- Max children: 4 -->
            <!ELEMENT "dhtable" EMPTY>
              <!-- A single Huffman table --> 
              <!-- User object: javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGHuffmanTable -->
              <!ATTLIST "dhtable" "class" ("0" | "1") #REQUIRED>
                <!-- Indicates whether this is a DC (0) or an AC (1) table --> 
              <!ATTLIST "dhtable" "htableId" ("0" | "1" | "2" | "3") #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The table id --> 
          <!ELEMENT "dri" EMPTY>
            <!-- A Define Restart Interval marker segment --> 
            <!ATTLIST "dri" "interval" #CDATA #REQUIRED>
              <!-- The restart interval in MCUs --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
          <!ELEMENT "com" EMPTY>
            <!-- A Comment marker segment. The user object contains the actual 
                 bytes. --> 
            <!-- User object: array of [B -->
            <!-- Min length: 1 -->
            <!-- Max length: 65533 -->
            <!ATTLIST "com" "comment" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
              <!-- The comment as a string (used only if user object is null) 
              <!-- Data type: String -->
          <!ELEMENT "unknown" EMPTY>
            <!-- An unrecognized marker segment. The user object contains the 
                 data not including length. --> 
            <!-- User object: array of [B -->
            <!-- Min length: 1 -->
            <!-- Max length: 65533 -->
            <!ATTLIST "unknown" "MarkerTag" #CDATA #REQUIRED>
              <!-- The tag identifying this marker segment --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
          <!ELEMENT "app14Adobe" EMPTY>
            <!-- An Adobe APP14 marker segment --> 
            <!ATTLIST "app14Adobe" "version" #CDATA "100">
              <!-- The version of Adobe APP14 marker segment --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 100 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app14Adobe" "flags0" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The flags0 variable of an APP14 marker segment --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app14Adobe" "flags1" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The flags1 variable of an APP14 marker segment --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "app14Adobe" "transform" ("0" | "1" | "2") #REQUIRED>
              <!-- The color transform applied to the image (0 = Unknown, 1 = 
                   YCbCr, 2 = YCCK) --> 
          <!ELEMENT "sof" (componentSpec)*>
            <!-- A Start Of Frame marker segment --> 
            <!-- Min children: 1 -->
            <!-- Max children: 4 -->
            <!ATTLIST "sof" "process" ("0" | "1" | "2") #IMPLIED>
              <!-- The JPEG process (0 = Baseline sequential, 1 = Extended 
                   sequential, 2 = Progressive) --> 
            <!ATTLIST "sof" "samplePrecision" #CDATA "8">
              <!-- The number of bits per sample --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
            <!ATTLIST "sof" "numLines" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
              <!-- The number of lines in the image --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "sof" "samplesPerLine" #CDATA #IMPLIED>
              <!-- The number of samples per line --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 65535 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "sof" "numFrameComponents" ("1" | "2" | "3" | "4")
              <!-- The number of components in the image --> 
            <!ELEMENT "componentSpec" EMPTY>
              <!-- A component specification for a frame --> 
              <!ATTLIST "componentSpec" "componentId" #CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The id for this component --> 
                <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
                <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
              <!ATTLIST "componentSpec" "HsamplingFactor" #CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The horizontal sampling factor for this component --> 
                <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                <!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) -->
                <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
              <!ATTLIST "componentSpec" "VsamplingFactor" #CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The vertical sampling factor for this component --> 
                <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                <!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) -->
                <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
              <!ATTLIST "componentSpec" "QtableSelector" ("0" | "1" | "2" | 
                "3") #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The quantization table to use for this component --> 
          <!ELEMENT "sos" (scanComponentSpec)*>
            <!-- A Start Of Scan marker segment --> 
            <!-- Min children: 1 -->
            <!-- Max children: 4 -->
            <!ATTLIST "sos" "numScanComponents" ("1" | "2" | "3" | "4")
              <!-- The number of components in the scan --> 
            <!ATTLIST "sos" "startSpectralSelection" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The first spectral band included in this scan --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 63 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "sos" "endSpectralSelection" #CDATA "63">
              <!-- The last spectral band included in this scan --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 63 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "sos" "approxHigh" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The highest bit position included in this scan --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 15 (inclusive) -->
            <!ATTLIST "sos" "approxLow" #CDATA "0">
              <!-- The lowest bit position included in this scan --> 
              <!-- Data type: Integer -->
              <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
              <!-- Max value: 15 (inclusive) -->
            <!ELEMENT "scanComponentSpec" EMPTY>
              <!-- A component specification for a scan --> 
              <!ATTLIST "scanComponentSpec" "componentSelector" #CDATA
                <!-- The id of this component --> 
                <!-- Data type: Integer -->
                <!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) -->
                <!-- Max value: 255 (inclusive) -->
              <!ATTLIST "scanComponentSpec" "dcHuffTable" ("0" | "1" | "2" | 
                "3") #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The huffman table to use for encoding DC coefficients --> 
              <!ATTLIST "scanComponentSpec" "acHuffTable" ("0" | "1" | "2" | 
                "3") #REQUIRED>
                <!-- The huffman table to use for encoding AC coefficients --> 
  • Re: Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

    Pittuzzo ha scritto:

    Fatto... ma tutti concludono dicendo che si tratta di una DIB e non vanno oltre... e io credevo fosse una bmp
    DIB è il formato dei file .bmp.

    Pittuzzo ha scritto:

    Vi ritrovate con il seguente DTD dei file jpeg
    In che senso? Quello che hai postato è un DTD per la gestione dei metadati di jpeg esclusivamente attraverso la API ImageIO. Non serve e non ha senso in nessun altro linguaggio, framework, tool.
  • Re: Xuggler: modificare LSB nelle varie immagini di un video

    E ma non e' vero.... cioe' stando a quello che ho capito (magari, e sottolineo magari, mi sbaglio)... Ma se provo a prendere il primo chunk 00db (che dovrebbe essere uncompressed) di un file avi d'esempio (senza audio):
    00007f0: 0000 0000 4c49 5354 b6b7 1600 6d6f 7669  ....LIST....movi
    0000800: 3030 6462 ce10 0000 f8ff 83cc 1000 0e0f  00db............
    0000810: 0010 800f 0000 9e20 24b8 4569 c303 0080  ....... $.Ei....
    0000820: 1a00 9d36 8486 40fb 142a b3aa 915c 2041  ...6..@..*...\ A
    0000830: d150 f180 51c2 d392 03fe cf3f 0000 9ee7  .P..Q......?....
    0000840: 799e e779 9ee7 799e 271e 6fcf f33c cff3  y..y..y.'.o..<..
    0000850: 3ccf f33c cff3 3ccf f33c cff3 3ccf f33c  <..<..<..<..<..<
    0000860: cff3 3ccf f33c cff3 3ccf f33c cff3 7c3d  ..<..<..<..<..|=
    0000870: cff3 3ccf c7f3 3c1f cff3 7c3d cff3 3ccf  ..<...<...|=..<.
    0000880: f33c cff3 f1f1 3c5f 5fcf f33c cff3 3ccf  .<....<__..<..<.
    0000890: f33c cff3 3ccf f33c cff3 7c7c 3ccf f33c  .<..<..<..||<..<
    00008a0: cff3 f5f5 3ccf f33c cfc7 f33c cfd7 d7d7  ....<..<...<....
    00008b0: d7f3 3ccf f33c cff3 3c5f 5f5f 5f5f cff3  ..<..<..<_____..
    00008c0: 3ccf f33c cff3 f17c 7d7d 7d3d cff3 3ccf  <..<...|}}}=..<.
    00008d0: f33c cff3 7c7d 7d3d cff3 3ccf f33c cff3  .<..|}}=..<..<..
    00008e0: 3c5f 5fcf f33c 1f1f cff3 3ccf f33c 5f5f  <__..<....<..<__
    00008f0: cff3 3ccf f33c cff3 3ccf f3f5 0573 4882  ..<..<..<....sH.
    0000900: 8878 499d e20b 22ee af88 39a4 8e52 9c1e  .xI..."...9..R..
    0000910: e05d 9df1 9488 3826 c0b8 626c e3c0 2e36  .]....8&..bl...6
    0000920: de59 290e f13a 26b8 ba56 4cae 221f cf0f  .Y)..:&..VL."...
    0000930: ce02 fc7d ab6c d270 40f8 2289 dc0c b00f  ...}.l.p@.".....
    0000940: 93b0 884d 3822 5e90 556e ad28 2af0 c939  ...M8"^.Un.(*..9
    0000950: 2e20 d454 1eaf e2da 934e 9df1 4848 3ca0  . .T.....N..HH<.
    0000960: cc03 cca1 08ca 3177 2c02 61be ca1a 7c76  ......1w,.a...|v
    0000970: f465 b8b8 8b16 0aac 679d 843b a204 6f55  .e......g..;..oU
    0000980: af6c 0fcf b515 206b 0771 0b0b 2c36 0d31  .l.... k.q..,6.1
    0000990: 6f2c 2142 0e61 b772 6ffc a758 9843 63cc  o,!B.a.ro..X.Cc.
    00009a0: 21f4 3267 2a3c 2a57 cf60 03a7 c3e3 5182  !.2g*<*W.`....Q.
    00009b0: 4333 06c2 2e1e 3836 8247 e181 6378 1aa2  C3....86.G..cx..
    00009c0: 0055 23cc 214b 79ca 4a76 2e8f e40f e1f8  .U#.!Ky.Jv......
    00009d0: 57b4 5921 cfa5 0130 8743 132c a98b 28cc  W.Y!...0.C.,..(.
    00009e0: 6128 c918 e275 59c0 41cc 613a 6cd7 eabc  a(...uY.A.a:l...
    00009f0: 908e c444 34d1 7547 630e 5d70 703a cc23  ...D4.uGc.]pp:.#
    0000a00: 7172 27cb 98c3 b48d ab1d 21aa 0329 c6b3  qr'.......!..)..
    0000a10: 17d3 874a 4321 5e48 854a 8ec0 73c6 275c  ...JC!^H.J..s.'\
    0000a20: f671 1862 0e2b c63c 3187 0335 c731 4451  .q.b.+.<1..5.1DQ
    0000a30: c160 0767 b952 3488 2f28 b3f1 bcb1 b580  .`.g.R4./(......
    0000a40: 81b9 8751 e179 1d1e 2ef5 8320 154f c538  ...Q.y..... .O.8
    0000a50: 248b 09b5 c283 2ddc 1545 a739 0ca4 5586  $.....-..E.9..U.
    0000a60: d8cd 5347 e230 0bdc de39 0e86 f102 a6bd  ..SG.0...9......
    0000a70: 42bc dce3 c2d9 698e cf18 b776 251e 7e38  B.....i....v%.~8
    0000a80: 1ed7 6501 3e5e 4521 6a64 7891 84f5 7322  ..e.>^E!jdx...s"
    0000a90: e243 f8da 417e 8c56 11bd 2223 2e1f abcf  .C..A~.V.."#....
    0000aa0: 6110 1438 bb55 90e0 a57d af04 1f23 5e6a  a..8.U...}...#^j
    0000ab0: 27b8 d169 8fb5 686b 6100 c7a7 c413 890f  '..i..hka.......
    0000ac0: cc71 12b9 8fc0 7a34 6e17 f8d5 0857 3698  .q....z4n....W6.
    0000ad0: c3d1 8af2 00c7 35f8 f52e c733 94e2 0101  ......5....3....
    0000ae0: 6ed2 201e 17e0 8a26 14c6 4c9c c280 83a8  n. ....&..L.....
    0000af0: d314 179c c628 9844 4a22 c376 0307 9846  .....(.DJ".v...F
    0000b00: 8794 9827 7150 8af7 e611 5e67 e261 7988  ...'qP....^g.ay.
    0000b10: 9787 31ce 561e 5505 aecf e973 0fc3 a39f  ..1.V.U....s....
    0000b20: 90e7 2cce c71c 0683 b5f4 8088 5e15 1653  ..,.........^..S
    0000b30: 86c4 e844 7573 a7e8 086c 1b1f 2c63 8618  ...Dus...l..,c..
    0000b40: 7dc2 3959 3882 b2ab 9897 0107 0bdc 54e2  }.9Y8.........T.
    0000b50: afce 629c 794e 1007 7844 eb05 0578 aeca  ..b.yN..xD...x..
    0000b60: 7000 3755 0af1 aa0c 5f54 19e0 fe2c 253e  p.7U...._T...,%>
    0000b70: 2ee3 1811 ef55 898b a25c c43b 451c d8e0  .....U...\.;E...
    0000b80: b94a b135 83cb 6dbc 3477 81f3 98e2 39a9  .J.5..m.4w....9.
    0000b90: 035c 9652 01ae 466b e2a0 060e b0db e0ae  .\.R..Fk........
    0000ba0: 066a f0c8 2ac7 f3d4 620e 0b3e 2dc6 256f  .j..*...b..>-.%o
    0000bb0: 8b34 8239 e4d6 4ac5 4147 87fd 1cae 7896  .4.9..J.AG....x.
    0000bc0: 3882 39ec c511 89d7 7729 8730 87e5 9029  8.9.....w).0...)
    0000bd0: 9603 fcb1 4e89 8f89 b822 404b e2cc 06f3  ....N...."@K....
    0000be0: 0dce b371 bc73 a9c0 d569 3b8c f731 f008  ...q.s...i;..1..
    0000bf0: 1e9e 2f0d e395 1e27 0e39 87c4 bd79 e50c  ../....'.9...y..
    0000c00: e583 f0d6 4d5e 931f a1af e077 d9a5 6110  ....M^.....w..a.
    0000c10: 32e4 1198 c372 b039 ff84 8a24 031a cf4b  2....r.9...$...K
    0000c20: 137c 623c 3f38 9b24 5e92 125f 48c6 4717  .|b<?8.$^.._H.G.
    0000c30: 86bf 8257 cd67 54d7 b848 e33d e282 9201  ...W.gT..H.=....
    0000c40: 1edb a621 7eac cd7b 35f8 f252 1aa4 e130  ...!~..{5..R...0
    0000c50: 1e15 2918 81cc 80a8 94e0 fea8 9a3c 1f8f  ..)..........<..
    0000c60: 8cb2 37f2 303c 314b 719b 52ec f693 3c0c  ..7.0<1Kq.R...<.
    0000c70: d942 38c2 c3c0 195c d445 0738 449a e58e  .B8....\.E.8D...
    0000c80: 70b9 46a3 0d5c eb5a c2a3 59e3 18a6 785c  p.F..\.Z..Y...x\
    0000c90: ea18 13cc 1c0d 122f 1ecf 9d0d e218 32c6  ......./......2.
    0000ca0: b176 88a3 c6d2 2668 8689 97db 31ae 753b  .v....&h....1.u;
    0000cb0: 8c33 6962 1b86 02d4 0188 095c 1af6 c4b5  .3ib.......\....
    0000cc0: 9571 4959 61fd a043 3dee e148 05f1 c209  .qIYa..C=..H....
    0000cd0: 391f c41c 5a77 35a3 c389 4baa 2e9b 88c2  9...Zw5...K.....
    0000ce0: 08db 7919 16d8 4c25 6c66 518c 33d3 e96c  ..y...L%lfQ.3..l
    0000cf0: 0879 361e f168 428c 8487 29c2 6d8e 5145  .y6..hB...).m.QE
    0000d00: 1116 ab0c 8f3c 5898 cf70 b988 4899 98e0  .....<X..p..H...
    0000d10: caa3 2354 1966 88c7 97e9 4244 e3d9 4765  ..#T.f....BD..Ge
    0000d20: a7ba 65e1 20dc c1d3 f2a9 d921 5ce1 3053  ..e. ......!\.0S
    0000d30: 88c7 e7c6 1cf6 7ce0 9222 2b3b 0c73 a0cb  ......|.."+;.s..
    0000d40: b417 8d39 0c44 6553 a634 27b1 c251 b49a  ...9.DeS.4'..Q..
    0000d50: 9670 7d54 0723 58bf 391a c223 b422 bcaa  .p}T.#X.9..#."..
    0000d60: 5eef 4612 fcbe 26c4 111c 948e 311a c11c  ^.F...&.....1...
    0000d70: 0e0f 3b75 a34a 427c 69ac 8b6a 610e 4178  ..;u.JB|i..ja.Ax
    0000d80: d558 ea96 e980 02cc 61d5 8b5b 5aeb 2639  .X......a..[Z.&9
    0000d90: 880f 9801 ea1e 7398 0ad6 4ee0 482c cc61  ......s...N.H,.a
    0000da0: 30e8 f2a8 5510 e1aa 34c3 1c1a 2f45 9843  0...U...4.../E.C
    0000db0: 1ea4 8398 c384 9778 1f7e 354b c360 83b8  .......x.~5K.`..
    0000dc0: 05a5 1962 5fd8 458e 0c2d 6ad4 d842 82d7  ...b_.E..-j..B..
    0000dd0: f633 0c31 8732 98c8 a289 2a14 e610 79f9  .3.1.2....*...y.
    0000de0: 1b01 6e5a 5f62 9685 2a88 6a7d 51d5 6c54  ..nZ_b..*.j}Q.lT
    0000df0: 600e 4788 d3ce 0bfc 686a 0631 4623 e39d  `.G.....hj.1F#..
    0000e00: ad9b 08ed 7c7a e20e 6e91 03c1 9d43 630e  ....|z..n....Cc.
    0000e10: 7510 5258 9789 d18e 6286 1b47 a7ab faf0  u.RX....b..G....
    0000e20: 11dc 7f80 b032 8339 0c79 8e93 a8cd 0287  .....2.9.y......
    0000e30: 44e5 356d 9465 1c26 430e a8c0 1c46 0379  D.5m.e.&C....F.y
    0000e40: 5658 a371 9482 3ec0 66ea 50b8 b553 3393  VX.q..>.f.P..S3.
    0000e50: 0e07 d8cf 8de3 92aa 8a34 3282 17a7 c4f3  .........42.....
    0000e60: 57d2 a4c7 1c8e 90bb c878 5ee9 c6b8 31c4  W........x^...1.
    0000e70: 5339 e601 44aa 8ccf 6711 e660 cf8f 89a2  S9..D...g..`....
    0000e80: 3980 07ef 1f1f 6433 f99e 70d1 e8fe 9815  9.....d3..p.....
    0000e90: 620e f68c 7a7c 2137 ce1a 5b58 aec2 01cc  b...z|!7..[X....
    0000ea0: 210a c839 ae62 ab0f fa4c 7b89 f0fa 0373  !..9.b...L{....s
    0000eb0: f6e1 10e6 80a0 6ebd d636 c21c 9643 5f3a  ......n..6...C_:
    0000ec0: 1169 9614 8702 dc3a bfc6 0926 39c3 55cc  .i.....:...&9.U.
    0000ed0: 61c1 f9b5 6634 9b85 1c0a 1175 8b5b edd1  a...f4.....u.[..
    0000ee0: e1f9 9843 1eb6 4c30 8728 6819 1073 d857  ...C..L0.(h..s.W
    0000ef0: 93de 7c22 0387 98c3 88ed 009f 6b71 8170  ..|"........kq.p
    0000f00: 5c89 ab84 8b84 4370 7c84 f384 1425 4625  \.....Cp|....%F%
    0000f10: 2478 61ed 9878 ee78 3a63 7c74 228b fa06  $xa..x.x:c|t"...
    0000f20: 2f5d c914 51d4 08e6 7080 da02 fb22 0e1c  /]..Q...p...."..
    0000f30: 1dc0 5d01 1e11 19c7 8978 7164 dc1f 600e  ..]......xqd..`.
    0000f40: e341 ddbe 1d73 1809 1653 bac4 1c0e d584  .A...s...S......
    0000f50: 830a 73c8 bca8 7bb4 217c 0273 580e 2ea8  ..s...{.!|.sX...
    0000f60: c22c cdaf 0ba4 0dcc 210b ea68 2695 2685  .,......!..h&.&.
    0000f70: 394c 4775 a63a eb35 8887 3703 88b2 5469  9LGu.:.5..7...Ti
    0000f80: 1e7e afd8 c365 4d18 637d 2d5c 60ca 2225  .~...eM.c}-\`."%
    0000f90: c90d e205 65de 10bf bb52 2e64 ab78 8a89  ....e....R.d.x..
    0000fa0: 39ec 7931 3f31 1cc0 f16f 1bc2 e5d5 7885  9.y1?1...o....x.
    0000fb0: 5fcd c6ca f268 61cb 474d 0fcf 8d12 98c3  _....ha.GM......
    0000fc0: 68d0 4599 07f1 a528 ed33 6593 9843 109e  h.E....(.3e..C..
    0000fd0: 3993 4d33 f3b0 3107 87a9 f09c 7cc5 59da  9.M3..1.....|.Y.
    0000fe0: 9f8b b3da 7585 8970 7c5e b919 c27b 5bc6  ....u..p|^...{[.
    0000ff0: 214e 6a53 e60c 8827 e659 239c 672c 07f8  !NjS...'.Y#.g,..
    0001000: 5147 21ca aa4d 3bce e24d 799d 04f8 340b  QG!..M;..My...4.
    0001010: cc61 349a c89d af05 2e7a 7c01 afad 6797  .a4......z|...g.
    0001020: 3517 4710 be18 1478 e928 635c 2d1c d812  5.G....x.(c\-...
    0001030: a744 c403 22e1 0191 7057 86fb 8545 0922  .D.."...pW...E."
    0001040: 2c62 82c4 7c35 cd2a 19c0 996d cb9c 3833  ,b..|5.*...m..83
    0001050: c051 7488 4b4b c6c2 5d01 aa34 6d88 f900  .Qt.KK..]..4m...
    0001060: c704 784a 14e3 7d01 9e56 33c1 1c0e d6b2  ..xJ..}..V3.....
    0001070: 0be1 398b d193 b981 d327 1c1a e3bb 5150  ..9......'....QP
    0001080: e1fa 5326 6652 a703 5970 21e6 5006 7688  ..S&fR..Yp!.P.v.
    0001090: 392c f8a4 5145 4aa3 55e2 6fa6 5226 50ce  9,..QEJ.U.o.R&P.
    00010a0: 46bd 4678 e108 5ed8 484a f0d4 050b dba7  F.Fx..^.HJ......
    00010b0: e1b1 7628 12ef 7714 3926 769d 63b3 fa4e  ..v(..w.9&v.c..N
    00010c0: 100e 607e 8ed3 a8ba 24bc 10a3 3a84 25fb  ..`~....$...:.%.
    00010d0: 4cf1 061e 56ae 4de1 039b db69 97cf 7010  L...V.M....i..p.
    00010e0: 87a6 6bf9 a173 2a31 1378 24c2 0b0e 5de7  ..k..s*1.x$...].
    00010f0: 4aa0 3e0c 8fc0 81c7 6569 59f7 d111 01aa  J.>.....eiY.....
    0001100: 63e7 5f51 c505 7182 ab05 262c f085 a54e  c._Q..q...&,...N
    0001110: 8e55 e0f4 ad5d d579 1485 c301 6836 5123  .U...].y....h6Q#
    0001120: cc61 c0c4 26ee 2815 128f 225e 2f2a ad26  .a..&.(..."^/*.&
    0001130: 85bf a6d5 89b8 4da4 e02a 62da 46bf 21cc  ......M..*b.F.!.
    0001140: e160 e7a7 8eed 097f 0a12 fccc 3ac3 4cc2  .`..........:.L.
    0001150: 1c8e 9099 e071 25b1 19a1 ca19 a38e 8817  .....q%.........
    0001160: 45c4 6d22 5e1e 1117 c9b8 a9c1 0489 931a  E.m"^...........
    0001170: 4c90 b8a0 c1bd 2903 8c07 d8c6 998c b08c  L.....).........
    0001180: f388 65ec e3b6 9a31 7169 88b3 2b85 c627  ..e....1qi..+..'
    0001190: 2be2 f5f9 89d5 1ebe 1025 c4a7 2a06 11e6  +........%..*...
    00011a0: 30e5 caac 1c60 0ed3 ce46 9340 98c3 112a  0....`...F.@...*
    00011b0: b33e 471b 9911 e630 ea9f 9f0d c318 978a  .>G....0........
    00011c0: c459 1903 e126 4544 5a60 628c 696d 8e88  .Y...&EDZ`b.im..
    00011d0: 050e 0c43 6145 525f e087 332a 6cb0 c4a5  ...CaER_..3*l...
    00011e0: 10b7 3761 873b 15e3 b3d1 6840 3c32 48f0  ..7a.;....h@<2H.
    00011f0: dd08 af8f 0fe6 0631 8783 c2dd f6b4 929c  .......1........
    0001200: c47f c7e6 a775 8c86 03fc 56bb 9c06 053e  .....u....V....>
    0001210: 7556 e5ca 6930 897a 5cc9 063e 41fc 61fa  uV..i0.z\..>A.a.
    0001220: 68ee 600e 4708 e301 5eb7 1d35 ed06 de27  h.`.G...^..5...'
    0001230: cce1 486d 468f f12a b89b c6d2 067e 8ab8  ..HmF..*.....~..
    0001240: 633a 6d52 3cdd 0e63 bca5 e514 9109 47d1  c:mR<..c......G.
    0001250: 0131 2adc 1111 2704 b845 c462 80e3 028c  .1*...'..E.b....
    0001260: 05a8 11e1 2a4c 609c 5843 8d79 a4a8 715c  ....*L`.XC.y..q\
    0001270: 1505 c471 4c62 d459 12ad e220 3bc6 2323  ...qLb.Y... ;.##
    0001280: 2678 5167 7ca6 1b24 9e92 11f9 4a74 b4f1  &xQg|..$....Jt..
    0001290: 74fc 79e1 5951 3f82 03ab a3a4 c738 3822  t.y.YQ?......88"
    00012a0: c077 eb19 3b14 e610 07ca 66c1 a8aa 6a25  .w..;.....f...j%
    00012b0: b0da c809 c42a 103e c759 7c2d 4b0b 0de3  .....*.>.Y|-K...
    00012c0: 835b 63f4 54b4 23dc 51a5 7284 7565 9843  .[c.T.#.Q.r.ue.C
    00012d0: e6ba 7485 392c 7aa2 558a 6bbb 8801 2e5f  ..t.9,z.U.k...._
    00012e0: 2aa3 ac0a 4788 5346 47a3 8928 2838 8c39  *...G.SFG..((8.9
    00012f0: ec05 ed56 9a3a 203e 1a04 f8d8 b2fa c85e  ...V.: >.......^
    0001300: c51c e63c d6b2 4c7b 29c6 1c86 9d5b 9954  ...<..L{)....[.T
    0001310: 69a0 c0e3 cb68 4621 7e2b 1d4b 23bc 291d  i....hF!~+.K#.).
    0001320: 8f22 87b8 a31b ad3c 8239 0c58 c21c e65d  .".....<.9.X...]
    0001330: e99c 89b9 0102 9770 accb 71fb 9243 29c2  .......p..q..C).
    0001340: 5f53 e2a5 a5c3 08b7 b6c4 a565 c73e e210  _S.........e.>..
    0001350: de25 6c09 9b58 122e 1116 850b 221c 23e2  .%l..X......".#.
    0001360: 1044 108c 790b 3712 4fc3 5916 ee22 6a94  .D..y.7.O.Y.."j.
    0001370: 4416 1538 9d4c b059 2025 f1a4 b17a 8478  D..8.L.Y %...z.x
    0001380: 605d 8511 d694 180f 6f24 5cd5 6a04 5774  `]......o$\.j.Wt
    0001390: e982 71dc f881 cc12 6927 c4f3 2322 6da3  ..q.....i'..#"m.
    00013a0: 03a2 49e1 d274 3ccf 0b62 7aac 3cd8 783c  ..I..t<..bz.<.x<
    00013b0: 52cc a10d 8299 a9a8 c0d9 51ae 7415 7318  R.........Q.t.s.
    00013c0: f2c4 f8c2 067e 3a62 d6c6 2358 4927 b2fc  .....~:b..#XI'..
    00013d0: 08e2 8eaa 9f88 8670 b598 6a52 5827 c502  .......p..jRX'..
    00013e0: 6f59 31f3 88c4 2fd6 cbf9 2813 cce1 7007  oY1.../...(...p.
    00013f0: d570 b087 4db6 1e98 d5b0 12b8 abb2 4323  .p..M.........C#
    0001400: f653 2d47 8a30 c099 79bb a049 1c9a b651  .S-G.0..y..I...Q
    0001410: 850f 3a65 4ecc 9b01 0374 8338 9009 96a5  ..:eN....t.8....
    0001420: 1987 c21f b699 8676 90c4 38b3 cc03 e20a  .......v..8.....
    0001430: e607 6707 4787 e173 ad71 6c16 9d96 8793  ..g.G..s.ql.....
    0001440: f8bd c55a 5117 ed61 eda4 b1c0 4c57 f1b5  ...ZQ..a....LW..
    0001450: 43b2 a6c3 1c10 13b9 90e7 0a8d 09e1 64e1  C.............d.
    0001460: 18e1 2ce1 38ec 0648 03ac c138 19fb c438  ..,.8..H...8...8
    0001470: b689 ab52 1c1f 8438 39c7 6505 aeac a820  ...R...89.e.... 
    0001480: c6b7 657c 31cb 7079 3380 87c8 0171 4742  ..e|1.py3....qGB
    0001490: 3c3b c34d c241 618f 0331 6a05 c251 6288  <;.M.Aa..1j..Qb.
    00014a0: 83f2 aa59 c5e3 f0b5 20c0 d569 150c e2c1  ...Y.... ..i....
    00014b0: 3821 ca1d 0de2 d005 22ef 8d1f 9f98 4e73  8!......".....Ns
    00014c0: f7f8 b614 e0af fb19 6702 0e08 7398 7555  ........g...s.uU
    00014d0: e039 b916 f0eb 6569 31c4 1c06 bda2 41cc  .9....ei1.....A.
    00014e0: 21f1 786d 5221 5e43 9398 ced2 105b bf54  !.xmR!^C.....[.T
    00014f0: 7280 4762 373a b41c 9e1b 2570 526c e2f3  r.Gb7:....%pRl..
    0001500: 55f5 8468 2e8a c10b 03ac 6455 34f1 c6f4  U..h......dU4...
    0001510: b010 0791 418c 313b c4c3 a288 65da 0b6d  ....A.1;....e..m
    0001520: ea20 c1cf 1c3a 76b0 0216 f8db 4415 d559  . ...:v.....D..Y
    0001530: 286c b53a 200a 7157 831b d3a5 8504 7338  (l.: .qW......s8
    0001540: 2cd8 aa0e cef1 7ce1 6fbb 413e 857f 719c  ,.....|.o.A>..q.
    0001550: 708c 7081 7088 b08b 1435 84c5 00f3 5080  p.p.p....5....P.
    0001560: 95ae 72e9 5eb8 8a6a 7042 5509 1fe5 f239  ..r.^..jpBU....9
    0001570: 6110 234f c712 858c 87f1 d210 9932 bc76  a.#O.........2.v
    0001580: 6c4c e614 c31d acdf 1c0d 9d8f eb15 615d  lL............a]
    0001590: 226e 8dba 4964 e92c 5ede a654 822e 6283  "n..Id.,^..T..b.
    00015a0: 8990 2971 876a 6a10 99d0 3282 4346 05b6  ..)q.jj...2.CF..
    00015b0: 0f08 27b1 1e99 c215 51ae 11bc f400 4c2b  ..'.....Q.....L+
    00015c0: c5cf 5679 8417 d6a9 02cc a1b3 8c63 44fc  ..Vy.........cD.
    00015d0: ce74 1a51 8acf c7e3 9b08 d707 5826 f181  .t.Q........X&..
    00015e0: 6745 1a54 b087 7bdb 324d 7f02 3736 d874  gE.T..{.2M..76.t
    00015f0: 8e75 1267 39c7 a54e 71bc 0212 1fe8 b230  .u.g9..Nq......0
    0001600: 6681 d7ab a4f0 d408 8748 78c4 35f8 fdb6  f........Hx.5...
    0001610: 0c8c 673a 89f0 a722 d8c1 9579 19b1 a330  ..g:..."...y...0
    0001620: 87c0 2378 488a 8711 d3c2 81c2 51c2 160e  ..#xH.......Q...
    0001630: 8150 c168 f1b1 e5f4 1c31 8943 c6f8 d100  .P.h.....1.C....
    0001640: 1f5b ae52 ab09 d993 a138 809f 9d5e 97ab  .[.R.....8...^..
    0001650: aeea a583 1505 0e0f e708 7ed7 e338 b674  ..........~..8.t
    0001660: e01d dc49 e299 d938 15e0 9003 f0e2 08c7  ...I...8........
    0001670: 610e f4f2 0a97 d399 5e66 c884 0a46 e646  a.......^f...F.F
    0001680: 059c 14b1 0948 3c27 c381 ca13 bc2e 7295  .....H<'......r.
    0001690: 6564 3815 c721 1eb0 3dae 9a4c a926 190c  ed8..!..=..L.&..
    00016a0: 03fc 9a99 e0e1 15a5 8a38 7b69 2b1a 4f53  .........8{i+.OS
    00016b0: 3b8b c324 193c 1f73 3840 96f0 c034 3c1f  ;..$.<.s8@...4<.
    00016c0: fb5d c6d4 21ce 1b5b 531e 0524 56b8 c901  .]..!..[S..$V...
    00016d0: 9f8f 9f89 140a 070a 7398 f0cd ee18 6317  ........s.....c.
    00016e0: 2f19 8f46 427c da01 2e09 8453 5ae2 a098  /..FB|.....SZ...
    00016f0: 4338 7394 8c14 8fa0 a251 1d6c e289 07e0  C8s......Q.l....
    0001700: 9d59 2b29 c49d e96c 8272 acb2 190c e392  .Y+)...l.r......
    0001710: a0e2 e1d7 41cc a524 4b84 6746 6284 f186  ....A..$K.gFb...
    0001720: 785f 3a6a 1a63 1c1d 0cf1 d632 3f15 5f8e  x_:j.c.....2?._.
    0001730: 0689 318f 9a42 9f4a 012e cdf1 6062 0e47  ..1..B.J....`b.G
    0001740: 2b8b ae61 480d 1478 d768 7d30 f168 611d  +..aH..x.h}0.ha.
    0001750: 9b58 c781 4831 8f16 dd08 e670 b0aa d6ea  .X..H1.....p....
    0001760: c273 2bcd 620e 4749 05be afe0 664e 12ef  .s+.b.GI....fN..
    0001770: b231 1f81 7966 3146 1811 5b38 248a 71d5  .1..yf1F..[8$.q.
    0001780: 204e af39 8587 f854 e1c1 0d89 d7a7 1403   N.9...T........
    0001790: 3c3d 0cb1 28e2 1195 c302 0f8b 70b2 884b  <=..(.......p..K
    00017a0: 4cf9 305c 3e46 c99c c483 8545 610e 074b  L.0\>F.....Ea..K
    00017b0: d8c5 7bbb 36c4 2395 8b38 0651 2fd4 3342  ..{.6.#..8.Q/.3B
    00017c0: db20 ef85 391c a063 6aa7 fd70 82ff 0274  . ..9..cj..p...t
    00017d0: 968c 3944 515a 3b82 d560 0e87 bb9d 0f5e  ..9DQZ;..`.....^
    00017e0: 9d14 6180 2726 b5a8 82c4 af07 c4b4 8c13  ..a.'&..........
    00017f0: 3c45 8c66 5564 e2f1 360e ec62 4ca7 5d88  <E.fUd..6..bL.].
    0001800: 7312 7107 2767 5144 dc7f 7386 4755 055e  s.q.'gQD..s.GU.^
    0001810: 18c0 5542 6ee0 d1eb b8a4 99c2 d5eb 8398  ..UBn...........
    0001820: c301 c234 9651 6205 39e6 9102 810a 0005  ...4.Qb.9.......
    0001830: 0070 63d5 8b00 fa00 0000 0000 0000 0000  .pc.............
    0001840: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
    0001850: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
    0001860: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
    0001870: 0000 0000 820a 0005 0070 63d5 8b00 fa00  .........pc.....
    0001880: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
    0001890: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
    00018a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
    00018b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0d0a 5665  ..............Ve
    00018c0: 7220 342e 3131 2e31 362e 3836 0d0a 0000  r
    00018d0: 0000 0000 0000 3030 6462 ca10 0000 f8ff  ......00db......
    a me non sembra la solita struttura di un bmp... infatti i vari chunk 00db sono anche di dimensioni diverse, quando invece mi sarei aspettato la solita dimensione...
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