Buongiorno a tutti!
Ho provato a scrivere questo programma che mi ha assegnato il mio prof, ma in fase di esecuzione mi da un errore. Vi inoltro testo e codice:
"Create a "Particle" struct, with members corresponding to the data
for each particle (charge, 3 momentum components).
Create an "Event" struct, with members corresponding to the data
for each event (event identifier, 3 decay point coordinates,
number of particles, array of pointers to Particle structs, i.e. Particle**).
The "Particle" struct can be nested inside the "Event" struct.
Use a dynamic array for the list of pointers to Particle; create
all the Particle structs dynamically, too.
Create a function "read" taking as argument an input file stream,
reading an event and returning a pointer to the event or zero
at the file end. Create the event dynamically.
Create a function "dump" taking as argument a reference to const-event
and printing a dump on the screen.
Write on the screen only the numbers, do not add any text as "Event number:"
or "these are the particles:"; the output should be usable as input for
a following run of the program.
Create a function "clear" deleting the event and its content, including
all the particles: first of all delete all the Particle structs, then
delete the array of the pointers and at last the Event struct.
Create a "main" function taking the file name from the command string,
reading the file and calling the dump and clear functions."
Io ho spezzato il programma in distinti file:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "read.cxx"
#include "dump.cxx"
#include "clear.cxx"
#include "strutture.cxx"
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
using namespace std;
const char* nome = argv[1];
Event *Ev;
ifstream data( nome );
while( !data.eof() )
Ev = read( data );
dump( Ev );
clear( Ev );
return 0;
struct Particle{
int charge;
float px;
float py;
float pz;
struct Event{
int identifier;
float x;
float y;
float z;
int numpart;
Particle **particelle;
#ifndef READ_CXX_
#define READ_CXX_
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "strutture.cxx"
Event *read( ifstream& data ){
Event *toread = new Event;
data >> ( *toread ).identifier >> ( *toread ).x >> ( *toread ).y >> ( *toread ).z >> ( *toread ).numpart;
for( int i = 0; i < ( *toread ).numpart; i++ )
Particle *part = new Particle;
data >> ( *part ).charge >> ( *part ).px >> ( *part ).py >> ( *part ).pz;
toread->particelle[i] = part;
return toread;
#ifndef DUMP_CXX_
#define DUMP_CXX_
#include <iostream>
#include "strutture.cxx"
void dump( const Event*& evento){
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << evento->identifier << endl << evento->x << endl << evento->y << endl << evento->z << endl << evento->numpart << endl;
for( int i = 0; i < evento->numpart; i++ )
cout << evento->particelle[i]->charge << endl << evento->particelle[i]->px << endl << evento->particelle[i]->py << endl << evento->particelle[i]->pz << endl;
#ifndef CLEAR_CXX_
#define CLEAR_CXX_
#include "read.cxx"
#include "dump.cxx"
#include "strutture.cxx"
void clear( Event*& evento ){
for( int i = 0; i < evento->numpart; i++ )
delete evento->particelle[i];
delete[] evento->particelle;
delete evento;
Ora il problema è mi fa compilare, ma quando eseguo main.cxx mi compare questo errore:
main.exe 1000 (0) handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[main] main 1000 (0) handle_exceptions: Dumping stack trace to main.exe.core
Che errore è? Dove ho sbagliato nel programma?
Grazie in anticipo,
mandi a tutti!