Salve a tutti, sto cercando di utilizzare una SDK per il riconoscimento facciale, ma non riesco a implementarla nel mio programma. In particolare quando effettuo la compilazione mi da i seguenti errori:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp__FSDK_ActivateLibrary'
ld returned 1 exit status
C:\Dev-Cpp\Programma riconoscimento facciale\ [Build Error] [Release/riconoscimento_facc.exe] Error 1
Dal momento che il tutto prevede l'utilizzo di librerie, dll e file vari, posto il tutto come file zippato.
Ecco la documentazione fornita dal distributore delle SDK:
Using with C/C++
For Microsoft Visual C++ applications, you need to include the header file include\C\LuxandFaceSDK.h, and the stub library file facesdk.lib into your project.
Follow these steps to add the library to your project:
? Copy include\C\LuxandFaceSDK.h into the directory of your project
? For 32-bit applications, copy bin\win32\facesdk.dll and bin\win32\facesdk.lib into the output directory of your project
? For 64-bit applications, copy bin\win64\facesdk.dll and bin\win64\facesdk.lib into the output directory of your project
? Choose Project Properties – Linker – Input – Additional Dependencies, and add facesdk.lib string
? Choose Project Properties – Linker – General – Additional Library Directories Dependencies, and add $(OutDir) string (a reference to the output directory)
? Add the following statement to the beginning of your application:
include "LuxandFaceSDK.h"
The output directory $(OutDir) typically refers to Debug\ or Release\ in the directory of your solution. You may change it in the Configuration Properties – General of your project. You may also choose another directory to store the .lib file, but it is recommended to keep facesdk.dll in the directory where the executable file of your application is located.
You need to redistribute the file facesdk.dll with your application.
Grazie dell'attenzione, spero possiate darmi una mano, io a questo punto non so dove mettere mano
Edit: Non mi ha fatto uploadare il file zippato, l'ho messo su dropbox.