[RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

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7 risposte

[RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

Salve, lavorando ad un programma ottengo diversi errori durante la fase di compilazione per quanto riguarda il passagnio di due struct usando due puntatori.
I commenti e i nomi delle variabili, delle funzioni e delle struct sono in inglese perchè il codice è anche disponibile su GitHub
I file sorgenti sono i seguenti:

/* YGO's guidelines (these are more tips and not rule, so if you don't care it's fine)

       *C++ ISO standard but with upper case for your own types, variable, functions and classes
       *use only letter and avoid to indicate the type of the variable in her own name.
       *For more information on the C++ISO standard refer to the C++ Core Guideline in the NL section

Line lenght: 
            *If possible no more than 100 characters
	    *Avoid the use of long one line std::cout

        *Use only STL library, refer to the C++17 standard
        *include all the library you need in the Function.hh
 * */

#include "Function.hh"

int main(){

   //defining variable, pointer, struct and object
       // variable
         std::string Usr_Input;
         char Chosen_Menu_Voice;

       // Struct 
         struct Card_Data{
             std::vector <std::string> Card_Id;  // Vector for the card's id
             std::vector <std::string> Card_Names; // Vector to store the names of the cards
             std::vector <std::string> Card_Quantity; // Vector to store the quantity of the cards

         struct Dir_Data{
             std::vector <std::string> Dir_Names; // Vector with the name of the dirs (database)
             std::string Chosen_Dir; // The dir choosen by the user

	   // Defining object
	     Card_Data c; // need a better name
	     Dir_Data d; //need a better name

       // Defining pointers for passing by reference for functions
         Card_Data* Card = &c;
	 Dir_Data* Dir = &d;

   // finish defining variable   

   // Cute prompt, it's printend only 1 time
   std::cout <<"__   ______  ___" << std::endl;  
   std::cout <<"\\ \\ / / ___|/ _ \\ " << std::endl; 
   std::cout <<" \\ V / |  _| | | |"<<std::endl;
   std::cout <<"  | || |_| | |_| |"<<std::endl;
   std::cout <<"  |_| \\____|\\___/ "<<std::endl;

   // Print and use of the menu
   while (true)
       std::cout <<"-------------------------------------\n";
       std::cout <<"1: Choose archive\n"; // Chose the archive and take data from it
       std::cout <<"2: List databases\n";
       std::cout <<"3: Create a new database\n";
       std::cout <<"4: Inserting a card in the database\n";
       std::cout <<"5: Print all the database\n";
       std::cout <<"6: Search by ID in the database\n";
       std::cout <<"7: Cancel a card from the database\n";
       std::cout <<"8: Close the program\n";
       std::cout <<"-------------------------------------\n";
       std::cin >> Chosen_Menu_Voice;

      // Clearing the terminal
       std::cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H";
       // Real engine of the program 
       switch (Chosen_Menu_Voice)
         case '1':
	     take_Data_Single(Card, Dir);
	 case '2':
	 case '3':
         case '4':
             save_Data(Card, Dir);
         case '5':
	     std::cout << "Press a key to return to the menu ";
         case '6':
         case '7':
             save_Data(Card, Dir);
         case '8':
             return 0;
             std::cout << "If when entering a valid parameter there was an error\n";
	     std::cout << "report to https://github.com/Air4x/YGO-Local-Database-Manager\n";
   return 0;  


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <filesystem>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

// Function to take input from the user
    // For input tha require the use of a string
    std::string string_Input();
    // For input that require the use of a int variable
    int int_Input();

    void create_Dir();

    void search_Dirs(struct Dir_Data* Dir);

    void chose_Dir(struct Dir_Data* Dir);

    void take_Data_Single(struct Card_Data* Card, struct Dir_Data* Dir); 
    // Take the data from the 2 file and insert it in the 2 vector passed by reference

    void inserting(struct Card_Data* Card); 
    // Insert the card name and the card id in the vector passed by reference

    void print(struct Card_Data* Card); 
    // print on screen the data from the 2 vector passed by reference

    void cancel_Card(struct Card_Data* Card); 
    // Cancel an ID and his correspondig name from the 2 vector

    void save_Data(struct Card_Data* Card, struct Dir_Data* Dir); 
    // Save the data and the modifications from the 2 vector passed by reference in the 2 file
    // used after the utilization of CancelCard() and Inserting()

    int is_There(struct Card_Data* Card, std::string To_Find);
    //controll if the value of To_Find is present in the vector and return the index of the element if present

    void research(struct Card_Data* Card); 
   // Use the value retruned by IsThere() to create the corresponding output

#include "Function.hh"

// Function to take input from the user and converting if needed
    // Take an Input as a std::string and return it
    std::string string_Input(){
        std::string Input;
        std::getline(std::cin, Input);
        return Input;
    // Take an input as a std::string convert it to int and return it
    int int_Input(){
        int Input;
        std::string S_Input = String_Input();
        Input = std::stoi(S_Input);
        return Input;

// Function to manage dirs, like making, serching and chosing from what dir take all the data
    // Create a directory using the std::string returned by string_Input(), and if .YGO/ dir doesn't exist, create it 
    void create_Dir(){
       std::cout << "Insert the archive's name: ";
       std::string Dir_Name = String_Input();
       std::string Home_Dir = std::getenv("HOME");
       std::string YGO_Dir = Home_Dir + "/.YGO/";
       std::string Data_Dir = YGO_Dir + Dir_Name;
  // the following 2 functions are used together
    // Search any directory in the ~/.YGO/ dir and print it
    void search_Dirs(struct ir_Data* Dir){
        int c = 1; // used to count the directories
        std::string SearchingDir = std::getenv("HOME");
        SearchingDir /= ".YGO";
        fs::path DataDir(SearchingDir);
        for(auto &p : fs::directory_iterator(DataDir){
	    std::cout  << c << ": " << p.filename() << std::endl;
    // Call search_Dirs() and ask to the user whinc dir to use
    void chose_Dir(struct Dir_Data* Dir){
        int Index = 0;
        search_Dirs(Dir_Data* Dir);
        std::cout << "Whinc archive you want to use? ";
        std::cin >> Index;
        std::cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H";//equivalent to std::system("clear")
        ChosenDir = DirName->at(Index);

// Function to manage the stream of data from/to the txt file where it is stored
    // Take data from the files in the Dir->Chosen_Dir variable
    void take_Data_Single(struct Card_Data *Card, struct Dir_Data *Dir){
        std::string Dummy_Input;
        std::ifstream CardNames(Dir->ChosenDir /= "CardNames.txt"); 
        std::ifstream CardID(Dir->ChosenDir /= "CardID.txt");
        std::ifstream CardQuantity(Dir->ChosenDir /= "CardQuantity.txt");
        if (CardNames.is_open() && CardID.is_open() && CardQuantity.is_open())
                std::getline(CardNames, Dummy_Input); // Take one line from CardNames.txt
                Card->Card_Names.push_back(Dummy_Input); // Put the value of Dummy_Input
            while (!CardID.eof())
                std::getline(CardID, Dummy_Input);
            while (!CardQuantity.eof());
                std::getline(CardQuantity, Dummy_Input);
            std::cout << "Cannot open the archive"; 
    // Save changes made to vectors applying them to files
    void save_Data(struct Card_Data* Card, struct Dir_Data* Dir){
        std::ofstream CardNames(Dir->Chosen_Dir /= "CardNames.txt");
        std::ofstream CardID(Dir->ChosenDir /= "CardID.txt");
        std::ofstream CardQuantity(Dir->ChosenDir /= "CardQuantity.txt");
        for (std::string i : Card->Card_Names)
            CardNames << i << std::endl;
        for (std::string i : Card->Card_ID)
            CardID << i << std::endl;
	for(std::string i : Card->Card-Quantity){
	   CardQuantity << i << std::endl;

// The following the functions are used to modify the vectors themselves
    // Adds the name, id and quantity of a card to the end of the corresponding std::vector
    void inserting(struct Card_Data *Card){
        // Declaring Dummy varables for the user's input
        std::string Input_Name;
        std::string Input_Id;
	std::string Input_Quantity;
        // Taking data from the user
        std::cout << "Insert card's name: "; 
        std::getline(std::cin, Input_Name);
        std::cout << "Insert card'id: ";
        std::getline(std::cin, Input_Id);
        // Inserting the data from the user's input in the two vector
    //Delete a card from the archive by removing name, id and quantity from the corresponding vectors
    void cancel_Card(struct Card_Data* Card){
        int i;
        std::cout << "Insert the number of the card to be canceled\n"; 
        std::cout << "(if in doubt, use the second item of the main menu)\n";
        std::cout << "Number of the card: ";
       std::cin >> i;
       if (i == 1){
            Card->Card_Names.erase(Card->Card_Names.begin() + i);
            Card->Card_Id.erase(Card->Card_Id.begin() + i);
	    Card->Card_Quantity.erase(Card->Card_Quantity.begin() + i);
    // Print to screen neme, id and quantity of every card taking the data from the vectors using the same index for every card
    void print(struct Card_Data* Card){
        int Index = 0;
        int Size_Name;
        int Size_ID;
        int Size_Quantity;
        Size_Name = Card->Card_Names.size();
        Size_ID = Card->Card_Id.size();
        Size_Quantity = Card->Card_Quantity.size();

        if(Size_Name == Size_ID && Size_ID == Size_Quantity){
            while(Index < Size_Name){
                std::cout << Index + 1;
	        std::cout << " Name: " << Card->Card_Names.at(Index);
	        std::cout << " Id: " << Card->Card_Id.at(Index);
	        std::cout << " Amount: " << Card->Card_Quantity.at(Index) << std::endl;

// The 2 folling function are used together to serch a specific ID in the archive
    // Verify if the submitted ID is present in the archive and return is index, if not return a -1 code error
    int is_There(struct Card_Data* Card, std::string To_Find){
        for(int i = 0; i < Card->Card_Id.size(); ++i){
            if(Card->Card_Id.at(i) == To_Find){
                return i;
        return -1;
    // Call is_There() and use the return value to make an opportune outuput
    void research(struct Card_Data* Card){
        std::cout << "Card's ID: ";
	std::string To_Find = string_Input();
        int Output_Flag = IsThere(ID, To_Find);
        if(Output_Flag < 0){
            std::cout << "The card is not present in the database\n";
            std::cout << "The card was found!\n";
            std::cout << "Name: " << Card->Card_Names.at(Output_Flag); 
	    std::cout << " ID: " << Card->Card_Id.at(Output_Flag); 
	    std::cout << " Amount: " << Card->Card_Quantity.at(Output_Flag)<< std::endl;
Il programma ha come scopo quello di gestire degli "archivi" (tre file di testo semplice all'interno di particolari cartelle) per poter gestire carte di Yu-Gi-Oh, questo lo fa copiando il contenuto dei file in tre std::vector che sono raggruppati all'interno di una struct di nome Card_Data, usa un approcio simile per gestire le cartelle.

Il sistema operativo su cui compilo il programma è EndevourOS, distro linux basata su Arch.
Come compilatore utilizzo il gcc 10.2.0
Come parametro particolare per la compilazione uso soltanto -std=C++17 per abilitare il supporto all'omonimo standard.

L'output del compilatore può essere trovato a questo link: https://pastebin.com/wprNnup
Vi avverto che sono 8 pagine di errori, io non sono riuscito a leggerli tutti senza avere mal di testa, forse Voi riuscite a capirne qualcosa di più.

7 Risposte

  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

    Comincia spostando le struct fuori dal main e ricompila.
  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

    Ho spostato le struct fuori dal main ma non sembra aver risolto molto
     YGO's guidelines (these are more tips and not rule, so if you don't care it's fine)
           *C++ ISO standard but with upper case for your own types, variable, functions and classes
           *use only letter and avoid to indicate the type of the variable in her own name.
           *For more information on the C++ISO standard refer to the C++ Core Guideline in the NL section
    Line lenght: 
                *If possible no more than 100 characters
    	    *Avoid the use of long one line std::cout
            *Use only STL library, refer to the C++17 standard
            *include all the library you need in the Function.hh
     * */
    #include "Function.hh"
      struct Card_Data{
                 std::vector <std::string> Card_Id;  // Vector for the card's id
                 std::vector <std::string> Card_Names; // Vector to store the names of the cards
                 std::vector <std::string> Card_Quantity; // Vector to store the quantity of the cards
             struct Dir_Data{
                 std::vector <std::string> Dir_Names; // Vector with the name of the dirs (database)
                 std::string Chosen_Dir; // The dir choosen by the user
    int main(){
       //defining variable, pointer, struct and object
           // variable
             std::string Usr_Input;
             char Chosen_Menu_Voice;
    	   // Defining object
    	     Card_Data c; // need a better name
    	     Dir_Data d; //need a better name
           // Defining pointers for passing by reference for functions
             Card_Data* Card = &c;
    	 Dir_Data* Dir = &d;
       // finish defining variable   
       // Cute prompt, it's printend only 1 time
       std::cout <<"__   ______  ___" << std::endl;  
       std::cout <<"\\ \\ / / ___|/ _ \\ " << std::endl; 
       std::cout <<" \\ V / |  _| | | |"<<std::endl;
       std::cout <<"  | || |_| | |_| |"<<std::endl;
       std::cout <<"  |_| \\____|\\___/ "<<std::endl;
       // Print and use of the menu
       while (true)
           std::cout <<"-------------------------------------\n";
           std::cout <<"1: Choose archive\n"; // Chose the archive and take data from it
           std::cout <<"2: List databases\n";
           std::cout <<"3: Create a new database\n";
           std::cout <<"4: Inserting a card in the database\n";
           std::cout <<"5: Print all the database\n";
           std::cout <<"6: Search by ID in the database\n";
           std::cout <<"7: Cancel a card from the database\n";
           std::cout <<"8: Close the program\n";
           std::cout <<"-------------------------------------\n";
           std::cin >> Chosen_Menu_Voice;
          // Clearing the terminal
           std::cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H";
           // Real engine of the program 
           switch (Chosen_Menu_Voice)
             case '1':
    	     take_Data_Single(Card, Dir);
    	 case '2':
    	 case '3':
             case '4':
                 save_Data(Card, Dir);
             case '5':
    	     std::cout << "Press a key to return to the menu ";
             case '6':
             case '7':
                 save_Data(Card, Dir);
             case '8':
                 return 0;
                 std::cout << "If when entering a valid parameter there was an error\n";
    	     std::cout << "report to https://github.com/Air4x/YGO-Local-Database-Manager\n";
       return 0;  
    gli altri due file non sono stati modificati.
    Gli errori li trovate qui: https://pastebin.com/UNCfKHq
  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

    Ho detto "comincia" infatti tutti gli errori relativi alle struct sono spariti. Ora esamina cosa dice il primo errore e trova un rimedio a quello. Scompariranno tante segnalazioni e continuando col primo errore li risolverai tutte
  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

    Purtroppo continuo ad avere gli stessi tre errori per tutte le funzioni
    Function.hh:18:10: error: variable or field ‘search_Dirs’ declared void
    Function.hh:18:22: error: ‘Dir_Data’ was not declared in this scope
    Function.hh:18:32: error: ‘Dir’ was not declared in this scope
    Questi si ripetono per qualsiasi funzione e per ogni singolo parametro.
    Non riesco a capire a cosa sono dovuti questi errori, non è la prima volta che divido l'implementazione delle singole funzioni in file diversi da quello in cui implemento il main(), questa è però la prima volta che ho tutti questi problemi.
  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

    Nel file cpp delle funzioni questa riga

    void search_Dirs(struct ir_Data* Dir){

    è scritta proprio cosi?
  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

    Alla fine ho risolto spostando le due struct nel file Function.hh dichiarandole globalmente
  • Re: [RISOLTO][C++] Errore di compilazione riguardante il passagio di struct in C++17

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7 risposte