Ho questo cavolo di codice, che non riesco a capire..
o meglio un pò si, ma alcune cose mi sono oscure!potete aiutarmi???:
(ricordo che sono inesperta di c++)
Devo "dividere" la parte relativa solo alla radio, all I2C e loro funzionamenti da quellla relativa a tt il resto!
ecco il codice:
Copyright Spark Fun Electronics© 2009
Nathan Seidle
spark at sparkfun.com
Example Interface to AR1000
Using ATmega168 at 8MHz
#include <stdio.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "i2c.h"
#define FOSC 8000000
#define BAUD 9600
#define MYUBRR 103
#define sbi(port, bit_mask) ((port) |= (uint8_t)(1 << bit_mask))
#define cbi(port, bit_mask) ((port) &= (uint8_t)~(1 << bit_mask))
#define STATUS_LED 5
#define AR1000_W 0x20 //Write address of AR1000
#define AR1000_R 0x21//read address
#define ADDR_STATUS 0x13 // the address of status register
#define MASK_STC (1<<5) //0x0020 // Seek/Tune/PowerOn complete D5 in adress 13H
#define MASK_SF (1<<4) //0x0010 // Seek Fail D4 in address 13H
#define MASK_ST (1<<3) //0x0008 // Stereo D3 in address 13H
#define MASK_READCHAN 0xFF80 // D7~D15 in address 13H
#define AR1000_MUTE_ON { uint16_t temp = ar1000_read(1); ar1000_write(1, temp | (1<<1)); } //Reg_Data[1].BIT.B1 = ON;
#define AR1000_MUTE_OFF { uint16_t temp = ar1000_read(1); ar1000_write(1, temp & ~(1<<1)); } //Reg_Data[1].BIT.B1 = OFF;}
#define AR1000_TUNE_ON { uint16_t temp = ar1000_read(2); ar1000_write(2, temp | (1<<9)); } // Reg_Data[2].BIT.B9 = ON;
#define AR1000_TUNE_OFF { uint16_t temp = ar1000_read(2); ar1000_write(2, temp & ~(1<<9)); } //Reg_Data[2].BIT.B9 = OFF;
#define AR1000_SEEK_ON { uint16_t temp = ar1000_read(3); ar1000_write(3, temp | (1<<14)); } //Reg_Data[3].BIT.B14 = ON;}
#define AR1000_SEEK_OFF { uint16_t temp = ar1000_read(3); ar1000_write(3, temp & ~(1<<14)); } //Reg_Data[3].BIT.B14 = OFF;}
//I2CDEBUG will turn on '!' serial characters and TWI status debugging
//Comment out the define to turn off debug characters
//#define I2CDEBUG
//Define functions
void i2c_SendStart(void);
void i2c_SendStop(void);
void i2c_WaitForComplete(void);
unsigned char i2c_SendByte(unsigned char data);
unsigned char i2c_ReceiveByte(unsigned char ackFlag);
void ioinit(void);
static int uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream);
uint8_t uart_getchar(void);
int uart_gethex(uint8_t length_to_read);
static FILE mystdout = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
void delay_ms(uint16_t x);
void delay_us(uint16_t x);
uint16_t ar1000_read(uint8_t address);
void ar1000_write(char reg_address, uint16_t reg_value);
void ar1000_readall(void);
void ar1000_write_array(void);
void ar1000_init(void);
void ar1000_setvolume(uint8_t volume_level);
void ar1000_status(void);
void ar1000_tuneto(uint16_t freq_kHz);
void ar1000_tune_hilo(uint16_t freq_kHz);
void ar1000_seek(void);
uint16_t ar1000_rssi(void);
void print_array(void);
void set_array_value(void);
//RSSI 49-54 is pretty good. 34-41 is complete static
//Register conaining default values for the AR1000, these are the default values from the programming guide.
uint16_t register_values[18] =
0xFFFF, //R0
0x5B15, //R1
0xF4B9, //R2 Tune/Channel
0x8012, //R3 seekTHD = 18
0x0400, //R4
0x28AA, //R5
0x4400, //R6
0x1EE7, // R7
0x7141, // R8
0x007D, // R9
0x82C6, // R10 disable wrap
0x4F55, // R11. <--- (disable xo_output)
0x970C, // R12.
0xB845, // R13
0xFC2D, // R14 : Volume control 2
0x8097, // R15
0x04A1, // R16
0xDF6A // R17
//Bad values from the Airoha example code - they don't work for me
/*0xFF7B, // R0 -- the first writable register . (disable xo_en)
0x5B15, // R1
0xD0B9, // R2
0xA010, // R3 seekTHD = 16
0x0780, // R4
0x28AB, // R5
0x6400, // R6
0x1EE7, // R7
0x7141, // R8
0x007D, // R9
0x82C6, // R10 disable wrap
0x4F55, // R11. <--- (disable xo_output)
0x970C, // R12.
0xB845, // R13
0xFC2D, // R14 : Volume control 2
0x8097, // R15
0x04A1, // R16
0xDF6A */ // R17
// volume control (increasing)
unsigned char AR1000vol[22] =
0x0F, // step 0
0xCF, // 1
0xDF, // 2
0xEF, // 3
0xFF, // 4
0xEE, // 5
0xFE, // 6
0xED, // 7
0xFD, // 8
0xFB, // 9
0xFA, // 10
0xF9, // 11
0xF7, // 12
0xE6, // 13
0xF6, // 14
0xE5, // 15
0xF5, // 16
0xE3, // 17
0xF3, // 18
0xF2, // 19
0xF1, // 20
0xF0 // 21 <------ default setting
int main (void)
ioinit(); //Setup IO pins and defaults
char option;
char vol = 21;
printf("\n\n----AR1000 Configuration----");
printf("\n1) Send array values");
printf("\n2) Read array values");
printf("\n3) Set array value");
printf("\n4) Read All Register values");
printf("\n5) Begin Seek");
printf("\n6) Tune to 97.3");
printf("\n7) Check Status");
printf("\n8) Raise volume");
printf("\n9) Lower volume");
printf("\na) Check RSSI");
printf("\nb) Special tune hi/low to 97.3");
option = uart_getchar();
if(option == '1')
printf("\n\n\tSending Array Values\n");
else if(option == '2')
else if(option == '3')
else if(option == '4')
printf("\n\n\tRead All\n");
else if(option == '5')
else if(option == '6')
printf("\n\t Tune to 97.3\n");
else if(option == '7')
else if(option == '8')
if(vol < 21) ar1000_setvolume(vol++);
printf("\nVolume = %02d", vol);
else if(option == '9')
if(vol > 0) ar1000_setvolume(vol--);
printf("\nVolume = %02d", vol);
else if(option == 'a')
option = ar1000_rssi();
printf("\nRSSI = %d", option);
else if(option == 'b')
printf("\n\nChoice = %c", option);
uint16_t ar1000_rssi(void)
#define ADDR_RSSI 0x12
#define MASK_RSSI 0xFE00
#define SHIFT_RSSI 9
uint16_t rssi;
rssi = ar1000_read(ADDR_RSSI);
rssi &= MASK_RSSI;
rssi >>= 9;s
// Volume Control
// There are two different fields about volume control in AR1000F
// Volume : D7~D10 in register R3
// Volume2 : D12~D15 in register R14
// 22 combinations of (volume2 + volume) are recommended.
void ar1000_setvolume(uint8_t volume_level)
uint16_t reg3, reg14;
reg3 = ar1000_read(3) & 0xF87F; //Zero out bits D7-D10
reg3 |= ( (AR1000vol[volume_level] & 0x0F) << 7); //Mask in D7-D10
reg14 = ar1000_read(14) & 0x0FFF; //Zero out bits D12-D15
reg14 |= ((AR1000vol[volume_level] & 0xF0) << ; //Mask in D12-D15
ar1000_write(3, reg3);
ar1000_write(14, reg14);
//Tunes the AR1000 to a given station.
//Calculate AR1000 CHAN id : Freq (MHz) = 69 + 0.1*CHAN
//Example, sending 973 will tune to 97.3MHz
void ar1000_tuneto(uint16_t freq_kHz)
uint16_t channel, temp;
1) Set hmute Bit
2) Clear TUNE Bit
3) Clear SEEK Bit
5) Enable TUNE Bit
6) Wait STC flag (Seek/Tune Comlete, in Status Register
7) Clear hmute Bit
8) Update Functions (optional)
//Clear tune bit
//Set Channel
channel = freq_kHz - 690;
temp = ar1000_read(2); //Read
temp &= 0xFE00; //Mask
temp |= channel;
ar1000_write(2, temp); //Write
//Enable tune bit
//Wait for tune to stabilize (STC flag)
temp = 0;
while(temp == 0)
temp = ar1000_read(ADDR_STATUS) & MASK_STC;
//This is some weird function in AR1000 example code provided by Airoha
//Looks like it takes the RSSI into account and then fine tunes the station
//I can't hear much of a difference, but it looks fancy.
void ar1000_tune_hilo(uint16_t freq_kHz)
uint16_t temp;
AR1000_MUTE_ON; //Set mute ON before TUNE
AR1000_SEEK_OFF; //Clear seek
//Read Low-Side LO Injection
//R11 --> clear D15, clear D0/D2, D3 is the same as defaultdsd
temp = ar1000_read(11) & 0x7FFA;
ar1000_write(11, temp);
//TUNE to FreqKHz with current setting
ar1000_tuneto(freq_kHz); //This function turns on TUNE and waits for STC flag
//Low-side TUNE Ends
printf("\nLow complete");
uint16_t status = ar1000_read(ADDR_RSSI);
uint16_t rssi = (status & MASK_RSSI);
printf("\nRSSI 1 = %d", rssi >> SHIFT_RSSI);
//Read Hi-Side LO Injection
// R11-->set D15, set D0/D2, D3 is the same as default
temp = ar1000_read(11) | 0x8005;
ar1000_write(11, temp);
//TUNE to FreqKHz with current setting
ar1000_tuneto(freq_kHz); //This function turns on TUNE and waits for STC flag
//High-side TUNE Ends
printf("\nHigh complete");
status = ar1000_read(ADDR_RSSI);
printf("\nRSSI 2 = %d", (status & MASK_RSSI) >> SHIFT_RSSI);
rssi = rssi - (status & MASK_RSSI);
if (rssi < 0) //errata in 0.82
// LO
// R11--> clear D15, set D0/D2, D3 is the same as default
temp = (ar1000_read(11) & 0x7FFF) | 0x0005;
ar1000_write(11, temp);
//R11--> set D15, clear D0/D2, D3 is the same as default
temp = (ar1000_read(11) | 0x8000) & 0xFFFA;
ar1000_write(11, temp);
//TUNE to FreqKHz with current setting
ar1000_tuneto(freq_kHz); //This function turns on TUNE and waits for STC flag
printf("\nLow/Hi tuning complete");
//Starts scanning the stations for a minimum set threshold. I found the bit to enable
//wrapping so the every time the function is called, it searches up, and wrap back to 88MHz
//if it doesn't find a good station.
void ar1000_seek(void)
#define ADDR_SEEK_SETTING 0x11
#define SEEK_SETTING 0x2000
#define SEEK_MASK 0xC3FF
#define SEEK_TH_MASK 0xFF80
#define SEEK_TH 5 //A higher threshold causes stronger stations to be found
uint16_t temp;
char space = 1; //0.1MHz scanning
char updown = 1; //Seek up
char band = 0; //US/Europe radio band
//Enable wrap during seek - I found bit D3 enables wrap, by trial and error. Seems to work
temp = ar1000_read(10) | (1<<3); //0x82C6 = 1000 0010 1100 0110
ar1000_write(10, temp);
//Setting before seek
temp = (ar1000_read(17) & SEEK_MASK) | SEEK_SETTING;
ar1000_write(17, temp);
printf("\n\nBegin searching:");
temp = ar1000_read(3);
if(space == 1) temp |= (1<<13); //Set space
if(updown == 1) temp |= (1<<15); //Set seek up or down
temp = (temp & 0xE7FF) | band; //Set Band
temp &= SEEK_TH_MASK; //Clear out the seek threshold
temp |= SEEK_TH; //Set threshold
ar1000_write(3, temp);
//Wait for tune to stabilize (STC flag)
temp = 0;
while(temp == 0)
temp = ar1000_read(ADDR_STATUS) & MASK_STC;
temp = ar1000_read(ADDR_STATUS) & MASK_SF;
if(temp != 0)
printf("\nSeek failed!");
printf("\nSeek success!");
temp = ar1000_read(ADDR_STATUS) & MASK_READCHAN;
uint16_t freq_kHz = 690 + (temp >> SHIFT_READCHAN); //Determine what channel we found
printf("\nNow on channel %d.%dMHz", freq_kHz / 10, freq_kHz % 10);
//Restore setting after seek
ar1000_write(17, register_values[17]);
//Fine-tune with auto hilo rejection
//This function reads in an address and array value, and stores the value into the array address
//it does not change the values in the ar1000, you will need to use the "send array valus"
//function in order to send the new values to the ar1000
void set_array_value(void)
uint8_t array_address;
uint16_t array_value;
printf("\n\nArray Address (2 digit hex value): ");
array_address = uart_gethex(2);
printf("\nArray Address is: %x", array_address);
printf("\n\nArray value (4 digit hex value): ");
array_value = uart_gethex(4);
printf("\nArray value is: %x", array_value);
register_values[array_address] = array_value;
void print_array(void)
//prints the values of the array that is used to control the radio
printf("\n\nArray position: value\n");
for(int i = 0 ; i < 18 ; i++)
printf("0x%.2X: 0x%.4X\n", i, register_values);
//Reads a memory register from the AR1000
uint16_t ar1000_read(uint8_t address_to_read)
char byte1 = 0, byte2 = 0;
char ack;
i2c_SendStart(); //Send start condition
ack = i2c_SendByte(AR1000_W); //Send slave device address with write
ack &= i2c_SendByte(address_to_read); //Send address to read
if(ack == 0)
#ifdef I2CDEBUG
printf("!"); //No ACK!
goto AGAIN;
i2c_SendStart(); //Send start condition
i2c_SendByte(AR1000_R); //Ask device to read the value at the requested address
if(inb(TWSR) == TW_MR_SLA_ACK)
byte1 = i2c_ReceiveByte(TRUE);
byte2 = i2c_ReceiveByte(TRUE);
// device did not ACK it's address,
// data will not be transferred
// return error
//retval = I2C_ERROR_NODEV;
printf("\n\tAck failed!");
//Combine two bytes into one 16-bit word
int16_t temp = byte1 << 8;
temp |= byte2;
void ar1000_write(char reg_address, uint16_t reg_value)
char ack;
uint8_t value1 = (reg_value & 0xFF00) >> 8;
uint8_t value2 = (reg_value & 0x00FF);
i2c_SendStart(); //Send start condition
ack = i2c_SendByte(AR1000_W);
ack &= i2c_SendByte(reg_address); //Send address to write to
ack &= i2c_SendByte(value1); //Send the two data bytes to be stored
ack &= i2c_SendByte(value2);
if(ack == 0)
#ifdef I2CDEBUG
printf("!"); //No ACK!
goto AGAIN;
void ar1000_write_array(void)
// This code writes the array values to the ar1000, it is used to calibrate the ar1000
// on power up and it can send the modified array values needed for the seeking tuning etc
//The example AR1000 code disables the analog and digital blocks
// then write to the 0x01 to 0x11 registers
// then enables the analog and digital blocks - so that's what we will do as well
//Write the first register
ar1000_write(0, register_values[0] & 0xFFFE); //<--- Notice we force the enable bit to zero
for(int i = 1 ; i < 18 ; i++)
ar1000_write(i, register_values); //Write registers 1 to 17 to AR1000
ar1000_write(0, register_values[0]); //Re-write the first register, this will set the enable bit
//Reads and prints all 16 registers (16-bits wide) of the AR1000
void ar1000_readall(void)
uint16_t x, register_value;
for(x = 0 ; x < 0x1D ; x++)
register_value = ar1000_read(x);
printf("0x%.2X: 0x%.4X\n", x, register_value);
void ar1000_init(void)
delay_ms(100); //Wait for power to stabilize
ar1000_write_array(); //Init the AR1000 by writing the initial recommended values
uint16_t status = 0;
while(status == 0)
status = ar1000_read(ADDR_STATUS);
printf("\nAR1000 status : 0x%04X", status);
status = status & MASK_STC;
//Read the status register (0x13) of the AR1000
void ar1000_status(void)
uint16_t status;
status = ar1000_read(ADDR_STATUS);
printf("\n\nAR1000 status : 0x%04X", status);
uint16_t channel = status & MASK_READCHAN;
channel >>= SHIFT_READCHAN;
channel += 690;
printf("\nChannel : %02d.%01dMHz", channel / 10, channel % 10);
if(status & MASK_STC)
printf(" (Seek/Tune Complete)");
printf(" (Seek/Tune Incomplete)");
if(status & MASK_SF)
printf(" (Seek Fail)");
printf(" (Seek Successful)");
if(status & MASK_ST)
printf(" (Stereo)");
printf(" (Mono)");
//Setup for UART and IO pins
void ioinit (void)
//1 = output, 0 = input
DDRB = 0b11111111; //All outputs
DDRC = 0b11111111; //All outputs
//DDRD = 0b11111110; //PORTD (RX on PD0)
stdout = &mystdout; //Required for printf init
UBRR0H = (MYUBRR) >> 8;
UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0);
UCSR0C = (3<<UCSZ00);
UCSR0A = (1<<U2X0);
//Init timer 0 for delay_us timing
//8,000,000 / 8 = 1,000,000
TCCR0B = (1<<CS01); //Set Prescaler to 8. CS01=1
//initialize I2C hardware
TWCR = 0x00;
TWBR = 64;
//TWSR = (1 << TWPS1);
cbi(TWCR, TWEA);
sbi(TWCR, TWEN);
ar1000_init(); //Initialize AR1000
static int uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream)
if (c == '\n') uart_putchar('\r', stream);
loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0);
UDR0 = c;
return 0;
uint8_t uart_getchar(void)
while( !(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0)) );
//Reads in ASCII characters, converts to decimal and returns decimal variable
//length_to_read is how many characters we want to read, "A33C" would be four characters long
int uart_gethex(uint8_t length_to_read)
int decimal_value = 0;
unsigned char input_character;
for(uint8_t x = 0 ; x < length_to_read ; x++)
decimal_value <<= 4; //Every time we loop, make room for another 4-bit hex value to be masked into decimal_value
input_character = uart_getchar();
printf("%c", input_character);
//Check the character for validity
if( (input_character >= '0') && (input_character <= '9') )
decimal_value |= (input_character - '0');
else if( (input_character >= 'a') && (input_character <= 'f') )
decimal_value |= (input_character - 'a');
//We have a non-legal character. Handle the exception however you want
//General short delays
//general short delays
//Uses internal timer do a fairly accurate 1us
//Because we are using 16MHz and a prescalar of 8 on Timer0, we have to double x
void delay_us(uint16_t x)
while(x > 256)
TIFR0 = (1<<TOV0); //Clear any interrupt flags on Timer0
TCNT0 = 0; //Preload Timer0 for 256 clicks. Should be 1us per click
while( (TIFR0 & (1<<TOV0)) == 0);
x -= 256;
TIFR0 = (1<<TOV0); //Clear any interrupt flags on Timer0
TCNT0 = 256 - x; //256 - 125 = 131 : Preload Timer0 for x clicks. Should be 1us per click
while( (TIFR0 & (1<<TOV0)) == 0);
//General short delays
void delay_ms(uint16_t x)
for ( ; x > 0 ; x--)
//I2C functions
void i2c_SendStart(void)
// send start condition
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN);
void i2c_SendStop(void)
// transmit stop condition
TWCR = (1<<TWSTO);
void i2c_WaitForComplete(void)
// wait for any previous i2c stuff to complete before sending new data
while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
unsigned char i2c_SendByte(unsigned char data)
// save data to the TWDR
TWDR = data;
// begin send
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);
// wait until transmission completed
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
// check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits
uint8_t twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
#ifdef I2CDEBUG
printf("twst: 0x%02X\n\n", twst);
if( twst == 0x18) return 1; //SKA+W was tranmitted, ACK received
if( twst == 0x28) return 1; //Data was tranmitted, ACK received
return 0;
unsigned char i2c_ReceiveByte(unsigned char ackFlag)
// begin receive over i2c
if( ackFlag )
// ackFlag = TRUE: ACK the recevied data
// ackFlag = FALSE: NACK the recevied data
// retieve received data byte from i2c TWDR
return( inb(TWDR) );