Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.

5 risposte

Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.


Vorrei implementare sul mio sito un qualcosa che consenta al visitatore di segnalare il sito ad alcuni amici.. In altre parole una semplice form dove inserire una o piu' mail (ovviamente soggetto e corpo del messaggio nn devono essere personalizzabili) degli ipotetici amici a cui segnalare il sito.

Il tutto in PHP.

"oggi non lavoro. oggi non mi vesto.. resto nudo e manifesto!"


5 Risposte

  • Re: Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.

    Hello ,

    Your web site is nice :)

    Try This script .

    it's nice and easy to use :

    This is a frist :

    <?php $page_title = "Contact"; include "YOUR_header.php"; ?>


    Prezentare Midaco Srl 2003-03-03

    Caval Nelu Marius
    Administrator la :
    Sc Midaco Srl http://www.midaco.r
    Str. Principala
    Podari , Dolj , 1165

    Contact :
    Phone : +39-347-2400-185
    Copyright (c) 2003 Midaco Teaam, Finland, EU
    Aceasta pagina este protezata prin legea drepturilor de autor


    <form name="mail" method="post" action="prioripost.php">
    <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FF8040" LINK="#FF8040" TEXT="#000000">

    <H3><CENTER>Pentru mai multe informatii ne puteti contacta</H3></CENTER><BR>
    Este ceva ce nu ai gasit pe site, ai nelamurii<BR>
    sau vrei sa stii in ce stadiu de afla comanda ta,<BR>
    poti contacta <B>Midaco.Ro </B> la
    <BR>Email: <A HREF="mailto:"></A>

    sau complectati formularul de mai jos:<BR>
    <B>Contact Information:</B><BR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Nume Companie (Optional): </TD><TD> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputCompanyname" SIZE="40"
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Nume </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputFirst" size="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Prenume </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputLast" size="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Adresa </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputAddress" SIZE="49"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Oras </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputCity" SIZE="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Judet </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputState" SIZE="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Zip </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputZip" SIZE="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Tara </TD><TD><INPUT NAME="inputCountry" SIZE=45 value="Romania"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Numar telefon </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputPhone" SIZE="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> E-Mail </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputEmail" SIZE="20"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> FAX (Optional): </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputFax" SIZE="20" ></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ALIGN="right"> Ora la care potii fi gasit: </TD><TD> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputCall"

    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME value="============================================================">

    <B>Sunt interesat de :</B><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME VALUE="============================================================">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME VALUE="I am Looking for:">
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <textarea rows="3" name="inputLooking" cols="71"></textarea></p>
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME VALUE="============================================================">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME VALUE="Comments, Requests, etc.">
    <B>Comentarii, Intrebari etc.</B><BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <textarea rows="6" NAME="message" COLS="74"></TEXTAREA></P>

    <center><input type=submit name=action value="Trimite Mesajul"></center>

    <?php include "YOUR_footer.php";?>

    And this is a page who sent all information in your e-mail box :


    <?php $page_title = "Welcome"; include "YOUR_header.php"; ?>


    Prezentare Midaco Srl 2003-03-03

    Caval Nelu Marius

    Contact :
    Phone : +39-347-2400-185
    Sc Midaco Srl http://www.midaco.r
    Str. Principala
    Podari , Dolj , 1165

    Copyright (c) 2003 Midaco Teaam,
    Aceasta pagina este protezata prin legea drepturilor de autor



    // subject
    $subject = "Information $inputName $date";

    // additional header pieces for errors, From cc's, bcc's, etc
    $headers = "From: $inputName <$inputEmail>\n";
    $headers .= "X-Sender: <$inputEmail>\n";
    $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP\n"; // mailer
    $headers .= "X-Priority: 1\n"; // Urgent message!
    $headers .= "Return-Path: $inputName <$inputEmail>\n";

    $date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") $ip = "no ip";
    else $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR);

    $recipient = "";

    $message = "
    Comanda de la $inputFirst : $inputEmail : $date :

    Informatii despre solicitant
    Nume Companie: inputCompanyname
    Nume: $inputFirst
    Prenume: $inputLast
    Adresa: $inputAddress
    Oras: $inputCity
    Judet: $inputState
    Zip: $inputZip
    Tara: $inputCountry
    Telefon: $inputPhone
    E-mail: $inputEmail
    Fax: $inputFax
    Ora la care ma potii gasi: $inputCall
    Sunt interesat de: $inputLooking
    Am nevoie de informatii in legatura cu: $inputLooking
    Am nevoie de informatii in legatura cu: $inputLooking
    Logged Info :
    Hostname: $ip
    Date/Time: $date";

    mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers);

    echo(" Mesajul tau a fost trimis . <br><br><a href=\"".$HTTP_REFERER."\"></a>\n");


    <?php include "YOUR_footer.php";?>


    In frist page you have .

    Change this whit your mail address

    If you have problems whit this script just make me a call and will be redy to help you .


    Linux Man


  • Re: Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.

    And ....

    $recipient = "";

    this well be like this :

    $recipient = "";

  • Re: Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.

    Thanks for the script! It seems too difficult for a dummie programmer likes me. All the things can be done, with a lot of patience.

    Thanks Again.

  • Re: Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.

    If you need halp just call me .


    or if you need other script....

  • Re: Segnala il sito ai tuoi amici.

    <BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><!--<font size= face="" id=quote>-->quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
    Thanks for the script! It seems too difficult for a dummie programmer likes me. All the things can be done, with a lot of patience.

    Thanks Again.

    <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><!--</font id=quote><font face="" size= id=quote>-->

    and.... take care whit my Copyright notice .


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5 risposte