Accidenti ti ringrazio per il post ma purtroppo ci capisco poco ehehehehehe, premetto che ho cominciato la programmazione un mese fa quindi ancora sono poco nell'ottica, ora la domanda sorge spontanea, posso unase asp e assieme? a quel che mi risulta no! cmq se vengo a capo di tutto ti faccio sapere
per ora posso postarti il codice di uno script recuperato da terzi che pare serva molto alla mia funzione, e composto da due pagine:
<title>UPLOAD FILE</title>
<!-- form selezione file -->
<table border=0 width=360 bgcolor=#40576f cellspacing=1 align=center>
<td width=400 align=center bgcolor=#40576f><FONT FACE="tahoma" color=#ffffff size=2><b>SELEZIONARE IL FILE PER L'UPLOAD</b></FONT></td>
<td width="400" height="0" bgcolor="#E6E6FF">
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.asp">
<p align="center"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Arial"><br>
File: </font></b><input type="file" name="blob" size=30><br>
<input type="submit" name="Enter" value="Aggiungi">
<td width="400" height="10" bgcolor="#40576f" align=right><a href=><font face=arial size=1 color=#ffffff><i></i></font></a></td>
<!-- form selezione file -->
'Upload con ASP by -
http://www.aspcode.i '
'variabili di configurazione
Dim folder
folder = "\foto" 'directory sul server con accesso in scrittura
'fine variabili di configurazione
Response.Buffer = TRUE
Sub BuildUploadRequest(RequestBin)
PosBeg = 1
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(13)))
boundary = MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg)
boundaryPos = InstrB(1,RequestBin,boundary)
Do until (boundaryPos=InstrB(RequestBin,boundary & getByteString("--")))
Dim UploadControl
Set UploadControl = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Get an object name
Pos = InstrB(BoundaryPos,RequestBin,getByteString("Content-Disposition"))
Pos = InstrB(Pos,RequestBin,getByteString("name="))
PosBeg = Pos+6
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(34)))
Name = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
PosFile = InstrB(BoundaryPos,RequestBin,getByteString("filename="))
PosBound = InstrB(PosEnd,RequestBin,boundary)
If PosFile<>0 AND (PosFile<PosBound) Then
PosBeg = PosFile + 10
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(34)))
FileName = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
UploadControl.Add "FileName", FileName
Pos = InstrB(PosEnd,RequestBin,getByteString("Content-Type:"))
PosBeg = Pos+14
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(13)))
ContentType = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
UploadControl.Add "ContentType",ContentType
PosBeg = PosEnd+4
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,boundary)-2
Value = MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg)
Pos = InstrB(Pos,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(13)))
PosBeg = Pos+4
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,boundary)-2
Value = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
End If
UploadControl.Add "Value" , Value
UploadRequest.Add name, UploadControl
End Sub
Function getByteString(StringStr)
For i = 1 to Len(StringStr)
char = Mid(StringStr,i,1)
getByteString = getByteString & chrB(AscB(char))
End Function
Function getString(StringBin)
getString =""
For intCount = 1 to LenB(StringBin)
getString = getString & chr(AscB(MidB(StringBin,intCount,1)))
End Function
byteCount = Request.TotalBytes
RequestBin = Request.BinaryRead(byteCount)
Dim UploadRequest
Set UploadRequest = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
BuildUploadRequest RequestBin
contentType = UploadRequest.Item("blob").Item("ContentType")
filepathname = UploadRequest.Item("blob").Item("FileName")
filename = Right(filepathname,Len(filepathname)-InstrRev(filepathname,"\"))
value = UploadRequest.Item("blob").Item("Value")
'Create FileSytemObject Component
Set ScriptObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Create and Write to a File
Set MyFile = ScriptObject.CreateTextFile(Server.mappath(folder)&"\"&filename)
For i = 1 to LenB(value)
MyFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(value,i,1)))
<title>UPLOAD FILE</title>
<!-- conferma upload file -->
<table border=0 width=360 bgcolor=#40576f cellspacing=1 align=center>
<td width=400 align=center bgcolor=#40576f><FONT FACE="tahoma" color=#ffffff size=2><b>Il file <%=filename%> è stato uploadato con successo.</b></FONT></td>
<td width="400" height="30" bgcolor="#E6E6FF" align=center><a href=uploadform.asp><font face=arial size=2 color=black>< < UPLOAD DI UN ALTRO FILE</font></a></td>
<td width="400" height="10" bgcolor="#40576f" align=right><a href=><font face=arial size=1 color=#ffffff><i></i></font></a></td>
<!-- conferma upload file -->
questo e quanto ciauuuz
Se fossi modesto sarei perfetto!