Sto utilizzando la libreria Android WeekView. Per impostazione predefinita, l'intervallo di ore va da 0 a 24. Voglio mostrare solo la fascia di ore che vanno da 8 a 20. Ho modificato il codice della view, ma ora rimane spazio vuoto per le ore che non voglio vedere e non riesco ad impostare lo scroll in base agli orari disponibili...
Grazie per l'aiuto
public class WeekView extends View {
public static final int LENGTH_SHORT = 1;
public static final int LENGTH_LONG = 2;
private final Context mContext;
private Calendar mToday;
private Calendar mStartDate;
private Paint mTimeTextPaint;
private float mTimeTextWidth;
private float mTimeTextHeight;
private Paint mHeaderTextPaint;
private float mHeaderTextHeight;
private GestureDetectorCompat mGestureDetector;
private OverScroller mScroller;
private PointF mCurrentOrigin = new PointF(0f, 0f);
private Direction mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.NONE;
private Paint mHeaderBackgroundPaint;
private float mWidthPerDay;
private Paint mDayBackgroundPaint;
private Paint mHourSeparatorPaint;
private float mHeaderMarginBottom;
private Paint mTodayBackgroundPaint;
private Paint mTodayHeaderTextPaint;
private Paint mEventBackgroundPaint;
private float mHeaderColumnWidth;
private List<EventRect> mEventRects;
private TextPaint mEventTextPaint;
private Paint mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint;
private Scroller mStickyScroller;
private int mFetchedMonths[] = new int[3];
private boolean mRefreshEvents = false;
private float mDistanceY = 0;
private float mDistanceX = 0;
private Direction mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.NONE;
// Attributes and their default values.
private int mHourHeight = 50;
private int mColumnGap = 10;
private int mFirstDayOfWeek = Calendar.MONDAY;
private int mTextSize = 12;
private int mHeaderColumnPadding = 10;
private int mHeaderColumnTextColor = Color.BLACK;
private int mNumberOfVisibleDays = 3;
private int mHeaderRowPadding = 10;
private int mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;
private int mDayBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(245, 245, 245);
private int mHourSeparatorColor = Color.rgb(230, 230, 230);
private int mTodayBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(239, 247, 254);
private int mHourSeparatorHeight = 2;
private int mTodayHeaderTextColor = Color.rgb(39, 137, 228);
private int mEventTextSize = 14;
private int mEventTextColor = Color.BLACK;
private int mEventPadding = 8;
private int mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;
private int mDefaultEventColor;
private boolean mIsFirstDraw = true;
private boolean mAreDimensionsInvalid = true;
@Deprecated private int mDayNameLength = LENGTH_LONG;
private int mOverlappingEventGap = 0;
private int mEventMarginVertical = 0;
private float mXScrollingSpeed = 1f;
private Calendar mFirstVisibleDay;
private Calendar mLastVisibleDay;
private Calendar mScrollToDay = null;
private double mScrollToHour = -1;
// Listeners.
private EventClickListener mEventClickListener;
private EventLongPressListener mEventLongPressListener;
private MonthChangeListener mMonthChangeListener;
private EmptyViewClickListener mEmptyViewClickListener;
private EmptyViewLongPressListener mEmptyViewLongPressListener;
private DateTimeInterpreter mDateTimeInterpreter;
private final GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener mGestureListener = new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
return true;
public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.NONE) {
if (Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY)){
mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.HORIZONTAL;
mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.HORIZONTAL;
else {
mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.VERTICAL;
mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.VERTICAL;
mDistanceX = distanceX;
mDistanceY = distanceY;
return true;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
if (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL){
mScroller.fling((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, (int) (velocityX * mXScrollingSpeed), 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0);
else if (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.VERTICAL){
mScroller.fling(8, (int) mCurrentOrigin.y, 0, (int) velocityY, 0, 0, (int) -(mHourHeight * 13 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - getHeight()), 0);
return true;
public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {
// If the tap was on an event then trigger the callback.
if (mEventRects != null && mEventClickListener != null) {
List<EventRect> reversedEventRects = mEventRects;
for (EventRect event : reversedEventRects) {
if (event.rectF != null && e.getX() > event.rectF.left && e.getX() < event.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < event.rectF.bottom) {
mEventClickListener.onEventClick(event.originalEvent, event.rectF);
return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e);
// If the tap was on in an empty space, then trigger the callback.
if (mEmptyViewClickListener != null && e.getX() > mHeaderColumnWidth && e.getY() > (mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom)) {
Calendar selectedTime = getTimeFromPoint(e.getX(), e.getY());
if (selectedTime != null) {
return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e);
public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
if (mEventLongPressListener != null && mEventRects != null) {
List<EventRect> reversedEventRects = mEventRects;
for (EventRect event : reversedEventRects) {
if (event.rectF != null && e.getX() > event.rectF.left && e.getX() < event.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < event.rectF.bottom) {
mEventLongPressListener.onEventLongPress(event.originalEvent, event.rectF);
// If the tap was on in an empty space, then trigger the callback.
if (mEmptyViewLongPressListener != null && e.getX() > mHeaderColumnWidth && e.getY() > (mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom)) {
Calendar selectedTime = getTimeFromPoint(e.getX(), e.getY());
if (selectedTime != null) {
private enum Direction {
public WeekView(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public WeekView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0);
public WeekView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
// Hold references.
mContext = context;
// Get the attribute values (if any).
TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.WeekView, 0, 0);
try {
mFirstDayOfWeek = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_firstDayOfWeek, mFirstDayOfWeek);
mHourHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourHeight, mHourHeight);
mTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_textSize, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mTextSize, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()));
mHeaderColumnPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnPadding, mHeaderColumnPadding);
mColumnGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_columnGap, mColumnGap);
mHeaderColumnTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnTextColor, mHeaderColumnTextColor);
mNumberOfVisibleDays = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_noOfVisibleDays, mNumberOfVisibleDays);
mHeaderRowPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_headerRowPadding, mHeaderRowPadding);
mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerRowBackgroundColor, mHeaderRowBackgroundColor);
mDayBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_dayBackgroundColor, mDayBackgroundColor);
mHourSeparatorColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorColor, mHourSeparatorColor);
mTodayBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_todayBackgroundColor, mTodayBackgroundColor);
mHourSeparatorHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorHeight, mHourSeparatorHeight);
mTodayHeaderTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_todayHeaderTextColor, mTodayHeaderTextColor);
mEventTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_eventTextSize, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mEventTextSize, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()));
mEventTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_eventTextColor, mEventTextColor);
mEventPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorHeight, mEventPadding);
mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnBackground, mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor);
mDayNameLength = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_dayNameLength, mDayNameLength);
mOverlappingEventGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_overlappingEventGap, mOverlappingEventGap);
mEventMarginVertical = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_eventMarginVertical, mEventMarginVertical);
mXScrollingSpeed = a.getFloat(R.styleable.WeekView_xScrollingSpeed, mXScrollingSpeed);
} finally {
private void init() {
// Get the date today.
mToday = Calendar.getInstance();
mToday.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
mToday.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
mToday.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
// Scrolling initialization.
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetectorCompat(mContext, mGestureListener);
mScroller = new OverScroller(mContext);
mStickyScroller = new Scroller(mContext);
// Measure settings for time column.
mTimeTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
Rect rect = new Rect();
mTimeTextPaint.getTextBounds("00 PM", 0, "00 PM".length(), rect);
mTimeTextWidth = mTimeTextPaint.measureText("00 PM");
mTimeTextHeight = rect.height();
mHeaderMarginBottom = mTimeTextHeight / 2;
// Measure settings for header row.
mHeaderTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
mHeaderTextPaint.getTextBounds("00 PM", 0, "00 PM".length(), rect);
mHeaderTextHeight = rect.height();
// Prepare header background paint.
mHeaderBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
// Prepare day background color paint.
mDayBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
// Prepare hour separator color paint.
mHourSeparatorPaint = new Paint();
// Prepare today background color paint.
mTodayBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
// Prepare today header text color paint.
mTodayHeaderTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
// Prepare event background color.
mEventBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(174, 208, 238));
// Prepare header column background color.
mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
// Prepare event text size and color.
mEventTextPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG);
mStartDate = (Calendar) mToday.clone();
// Set default event color.
mDefaultEventColor = Color.parseColor("#9fc6e7");
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Draw the header row.
// Draw the time column and all the axes/separators.
// Hide everything in the first cell (top left corner).
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding * 2, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderBackgroundPaint);
// Hide anything that is in the bottom margin of the header row.
canvas.drawRect(mHeaderColumnWidth, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, getWidth(), mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 - mHourSeparatorHeight / 2, mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint);
private void drawTimeColumnAndAxes(Canvas canvas) {
// Do not let the view go above/below the limit due to scrolling. Set the max and min limit of the scroll.
if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.VERTICAL) {
if (mCurrentOrigin.y - mDistanceY > 0) mCurrentOrigin.y = 8;
else if (mCurrentOrigin.y - mDistanceY < -(mHourHeight * 13 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - getHeight())) mCurrentOrigin.y = -(mHourHeight * 13 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - getHeight());
else mCurrentOrigin.y -= mDistanceY;
// Draw the background color for the header column.
canvas.drawRect(0, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderColumnWidth, getHeight(), mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint);
for (int i = 8; i < 21; i++) {//range di ore da visualizzare
float top = mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHourHeight * i + mHeaderMarginBottom;
// Draw the text if its y position is not outside of the visible area. The pivot point of the text is the point at the bottom-right corner.
String time = getDateTimeInterpreter().interpretTime(i);
if (time == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("A DateTimeInterpreter must not return null time");
if (top < getHeight()) canvas.drawText(time, mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding, top + mTimeTextHeight, mTimeTextPaint);
private void drawHeaderRowAndEvents(Canvas canvas) {
// Calculate the available width for each day.
mHeaderColumnWidth = mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding *2;
mWidthPerDay = getWidth() - mHeaderColumnWidth - mColumnGap * (mNumberOfVisibleDays - 1);
mWidthPerDay = mWidthPerDay/mNumberOfVisibleDays;
if (mAreDimensionsInvalid) {
mAreDimensionsInvalid = false;
if(mScrollToDay != null)
mAreDimensionsInvalid = false;
if(mScrollToHour >= 0)
mScrollToDay = null;
mScrollToHour = -1;
mAreDimensionsInvalid = false;
if (mIsFirstDraw){
mIsFirstDraw = false;
// If the week view is being drawn for the first time, then consider the first day of the week.
if(mNumberOfVisibleDays >= 7 && mToday.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != mFirstDayOfWeek) {
int difference = 7 + (mToday.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - mFirstDayOfWeek);
mCurrentOrigin.x += (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * difference;
// Consider scroll offset.
if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL) mCurrentOrigin.x -= mDistanceX;
int leftDaysWithGaps = (int) -(Math.ceil(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)));
float startFromPixel = mCurrentOrigin.x + (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * leftDaysWithGaps +
float startPixel = startFromPixel;
// Prepare to iterate for each day.
Calendar day = (Calendar) mToday.clone();
day.add(Calendar.HOUR, 6);
// Prepare to iterate for each hour to draw the hour lines.
int lineCount = (int) ((getHeight() - mHeaderTextHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 -
mHeaderMarginBottom) / mHourHeight) + 1;
lineCount = (lineCount) * (mNumberOfVisibleDays+1);
float[] hourLines = new float[lineCount * 4];
// Clear the cache for event rectangles.
if (mEventRects != null) {
for (EventRect eventRect: mEventRects) {
eventRect.rectF = null;
// Iterate through each day.
mFirstVisibleDay = (Calendar) mToday.clone();
mFirstVisibleDay.add(Calendar.DATE, leftDaysWithGaps);
for (int dayNumber = leftDaysWithGaps + 1;
dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + mNumberOfVisibleDays + 1;
dayNumber++) {
// Check if the day is today.
day = (Calendar) mToday.clone();
mLastVisibleDay = (Calendar) day.clone();
day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1);
mLastVisibleDay.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 2);
boolean sameDay = isSameDay(day, mToday);
// Get more events if necessary. We want to store the events 3 months beforehand. Get
// events only when it is the first iteration of the loop.
if (mEventRects == null || mRefreshEvents || (dayNumber == leftDaysWithGaps + 1 && mFetchedMonths[1] != day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1 && day.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 15)) {
mRefreshEvents = false;
// Draw background color for each day.
float start = (startPixel < mHeaderColumnWidth ? mHeaderColumnWidth : startPixel);
if (mWidthPerDay + startPixel - start> 0)
canvas.drawRect(start, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, getHeight(), sameDay ? mTodayBackgroundPaint : mDayBackgroundPaint);
// Prepare the separator lines for hours.
int i = 0;
for (int hourNumber = 8; hourNumber < 21; hourNumber++) {
float top = mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHourHeight * hourNumber + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom;
if (top > mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom - mHourSeparatorHeight && top < getHeight() && startPixel + mWidthPerDay - start > 0){
hourLines[i * 4] = start;
hourLines[i * 4 + 1] = top;
hourLines[i * 4 + 2] = startPixel + mWidthPerDay;
hourLines[i * 4 + 3] = top;
// Draw the lines for hours.
canvas.drawLines(hourLines, mHourSeparatorPaint);
// Draw the events.
drawEvents(day, startPixel, canvas);
// In the next iteration, start from the next day.
startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap;
// Draw the header background.
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth(), mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderBackgroundPaint);
// Draw the header row texts.
startPixel = startFromPixel;
for (int dayNumber=leftDaysWithGaps+1; dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + mNumberOfVisibleDays + 1; dayNumber++) {
// Check if the day is today.
day = (Calendar) mToday.clone();
day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1);
boolean sameDay = isSameDay(day, mToday);
// Draw the day labels.
String dayLabel = getDateTimeInterpreter().interpretDate(day);
if (dayLabel == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("A DateTimeInterpreter must not return null date");
canvas.drawText(dayLabel, startPixel + mWidthPerDay / 2, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding, sameDay ? mTodayHeaderTextPaint : mHeaderTextPaint);
startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap;
* Get the time and date where the user clicked on.
* @param x The x position of the touch event.
* @param y The y position of the touch event.
* @return The time and date at the clicked position.
private Calendar getTimeFromPoint(float x, float y){
int leftDaysWithGaps = (int) -(Math.ceil(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)));
float startPixel = mCurrentOrigin.x + (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * leftDaysWithGaps +
for (int dayNumber = leftDaysWithGaps + 1;
dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + mNumberOfVisibleDays + 1;
dayNumber++) {
float start = (startPixel < mHeaderColumnWidth ? mHeaderColumnWidth : startPixel);
if (mWidthPerDay + startPixel - start> 0
&& x>start && x<startPixel + mWidthPerDay){
Calendar day = (Calendar) mToday.clone();
day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1);
float pixelsFromZero = y - mCurrentOrigin.y - mHeaderTextHeight
- mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mTimeTextHeight/2 - mHeaderMarginBottom;
int hour = (int)(pixelsFromZero / mHourHeight);
int minute = (int) (60 * (pixelsFromZero - hour * mHourHeight) / mHourHeight);
day.add(Calendar.HOUR, hour);
day.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
return day;
startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap;
return null;
* Draw all the events of a particular day.
* @param date The day.
* @param startFromPixel The left position of the day area. The events will never go any left from this value.
* @param canvas The canvas to draw upon.
private void drawEvents(Calendar date, float startFromPixel, Canvas canvas) {
if (mEventRects != null && mEventRects.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < mEventRects.size(); i++) {
if (isSameDay(mEventRects.get(i).event.getStartTime(), date)) {
//******************************NUMERO RIGHE DI SCROLL
float top = mHourHeight * 24 * mEventRects.get(i).top / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mEventMarginVertical;
float originalTop = top;
if (top < mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2)
top = mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2;
// Calculate bottom.
float bottom = mEventRects.get(i).bottom;
bottom = mHourHeight * 24 * bottom / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 - mEventMarginVertical;
// Calculate left and right.
float left = startFromPixel + mEventRects.get(i).left * mWidthPerDay;
if (left < startFromPixel)
left += mOverlappingEventGap;
float originalLeft = left;
float right = left + mEventRects.get(i).width * mWidthPerDay;
if (right < startFromPixel + mWidthPerDay)
right -= mOverlappingEventGap;
if (left < mHeaderColumnWidth) left = mHeaderColumnWidth;
// Draw the event and the event name on top of it.
RectF eventRectF = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
if (bottom > mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 && left < right &&
eventRectF.right > mHeaderColumnWidth &&
eventRectF.left < getWidth() &&
eventRectF.bottom > mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight / 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom && < getHeight() &&
left < right
) {
mEventRects.get(i).rectF = eventRectF;
mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor() == 0 ? mDefaultEventColor : mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor());
canvas.drawRect(mEventRects.get(i).rectF, mEventBackgroundPaint);
drawText(mEventRects.get(i).event.getName(), mEventRects.get(i).rectF, canvas, originalTop, originalLeft);
mEventRects.get(i).rectF = null;
* Draw the name of the event on top of the event rectangle.
* @param text The text to draw.
* @param rect The rectangle on which the text is to be drawn.
* @param canvas The canvas to draw upon.
* @param originalTop The original top position of the rectangle. The rectangle may have some of its portion outside of the visible area.
* @param originalLeft The original left position of the rectangle. The rectangle may have some of its portion outside of the visible area.
private void drawText(String text, RectF rect, Canvas canvas, float originalTop, float originalLeft) {
if (rect.right - rect.left - mEventPadding * 2 < 0) return;
// Get text dimensions
StaticLayout textLayout = new StaticLayout(text, mEventTextPaint, (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
// Crop height
int availableHeight = (int) (rect.bottom - originalTop - mEventPadding * 2);
int lineHeight = textLayout.getHeight() / textLayout.getLineCount();
if (lineHeight < availableHeight && textLayout.getHeight() > rect.height() - mEventPadding * 2) {
int lineCount = textLayout.getLineCount();
int availableLineCount = (int) Math.floor(lineCount * availableHeight / textLayout.getHeight());
float widthAvailable = (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2) * availableLineCount;
textLayout = new StaticLayout(TextUtils.ellipsize(text, mEventTextPaint, widthAvailable, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END), mEventTextPaint, (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
else if (lineHeight >= availableHeight) {
int width = (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2);
textLayout = new StaticLayout(TextUtils.ellipsize(text, mEventTextPaint, width, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END), mEventTextPaint, width, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 1.0f, false);
// Draw text;
canvas.translate(originalLeft + mEventPadding, originalTop + mEventPadding);
* A class to hold reference to the events and their visual representation. An EventRect is
* actually the rectangle that is drawn on the calendar for a given event. There may be more
* than one rectangle for a single event (an event that expands more than one day). In that
* case two instances of the EventRect will be used for a single event. The given event will be
* stored in "originalEvent". But the event that corresponds to rectangle the rectangle
* instance will be stored in "event".
private class EventRect {
public WeekViewEvent event;
public WeekViewEvent originalEvent;
public RectF rectF;
public float left;
public float width;
public float top;
public float bottom;
* Create a new instance of event rect. An EventRect is actually the rectangle that is drawn
* on the calendar for a given event. There may be more than one rectangle for a single
* event (an event that expands more than one day). In that case two instances of the
* EventRect will be used for a single event. The given event will be stored in
* "originalEvent". But the event that corresponds to rectangle the rectangle instance will
* be stored in "event".
* @param event Represents the event which this instance of rectangle represents.
* @param originalEvent The original event that was passed by the user.
* @param rectF The rectangle.
public EventRect(WeekViewEvent event, WeekViewEvent originalEvent, RectF rectF) {
this.event = event;
this.rectF = rectF;
this.originalEvent = originalEvent;
* Gets more events of one/more month(s) if necessary. This method is called when the user is
* scrolling the week view. The week view stores the events of three months: the visible month,
* the previous month, the next month.
* @param day The day where the user is currently is.
private void getMoreEvents(Calendar day) {
// Delete all events if its not current month +- 1.
// Get more events if the month is changed.
if (mEventRects == null)
mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>();
if (mMonthChangeListener == null && !isInEditMode())
throw new IllegalStateException("You must provide a MonthChangeListener");
// If a refresh was requested then reset some variables.
if (mRefreshEvents) {
mFetchedMonths = new int[3];
// Get events of previous month.
int previousMonth = (day.get(Calendar.MONTH) == 0?12:day.get(Calendar.MONTH));
int nextMonth = (day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+2 == 13 ?1:day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+2);
int[] lastFetchedMonth = mFetchedMonths.clone();
if (mFetchedMonths[0] < 1 || mFetchedMonths[0] != previousMonth || mRefreshEvents) {
if (!containsValue(lastFetchedMonth, previousMonth) && !isInEditMode()){
List<WeekViewEvent> events = mMonthChangeListener.onMonthChange((previousMonth==12)?day.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1:day.get(Calendar.YEAR), previousMonth);
for (WeekViewEvent event: events) {
mFetchedMonths[0] = previousMonth;
// Get events of this month.
if (mFetchedMonths[1] < 1 || mFetchedMonths[1] != day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1 || mRefreshEvents) {
if (!containsValue(lastFetchedMonth, day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1) && !isInEditMode()) {
List<WeekViewEvent> events = mMonthChangeListener.onMonthChange(day.get(Calendar.YEAR), day.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
for (WeekViewEvent event : events) {
mFetchedMonths[1] = day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1;
// Get events of next month.
if (mFetchedMonths[2] < 1 || mFetchedMonths[2] != nextMonth || mRefreshEvents) {
if (!containsValue(lastFetchedMonth, nextMonth) && !isInEditMode()) {
List<WeekViewEvent> events = mMonthChangeListener.onMonthChange(nextMonth == 1 ? day.get(Calendar.YEAR) + 1 : day.get(Calendar.YEAR), nextMonth);
for (WeekViewEvent event : events) {
mFetchedMonths[2] = nextMonth;
// Prepare to calculate positions of each events.
ArrayList<EventRect> tempEvents = new ArrayList<EventRect>(mEventRects);
mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>();
Calendar dayCounter = (Calendar) day.clone();
dayCounter.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
dayCounter.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
Calendar maxDay = (Calendar) day.clone();
maxDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
maxDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, maxDay.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
// Iterate through each day to calculate the position of the events.
while (dayCounter.getTimeInMillis() <= maxDay.getTimeInMillis()) {
ArrayList<EventRect> eventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>();
for (EventRect eventRect : tempEvents) {
if (isSameDay(eventRect.event.getStartTime(), dayCounter))
dayCounter.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
* Cache the event for smooth scrolling functionality.
* @param event The event to cache.
private void cacheEvent(WeekViewEvent event) {
if (!isSameDay(event.getStartTime(), event.getEndTime())) {
Calendar endTime = (Calendar) event.getStartTime().clone();
endTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
endTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
Calendar startTime = (Calendar) event.getEndTime().clone();
startTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
startTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
WeekViewEvent event1 = new WeekViewEvent(event.getId(), event.getName(), event.getStartTime(), endTime);
WeekViewEvent event2 = new WeekViewEvent(event.getId(), event.getName(), startTime, event.getEndTime());
mEventRects.add(new EventRect(event1, event, null));
mEventRects.add(new EventRect(event2, event, null));
mEventRects.add(new EventRect(event, event, null));
* Sorts the events in ascending order.
* @param events The events to be sorted.
private void sortEvents(List<WeekViewEvent> events) {
Collections.sort(events, new Comparator<WeekViewEvent>() {
public int compare(WeekViewEvent event1, WeekViewEvent event2) {
long start1 = event1.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis();
long start2 = event2.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis();
int comparator = start1 > start2 ? 1 : (start1 < start2 ? -1 : 0);
if (comparator == 0) {
long end1 = event1.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis();
long end2 = event2.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis();
comparator = end1 > end2 ? 1 : (end1 < end2 ? -1 : 0);
return comparator;
* Calculates the left and right positions of each events. This comes handy specially if events
* are overlapping.
* @param eventRects The events along with their wrapper class.
private void computePositionOfEvents(List<EventRect> eventRects) {
// Make "collision groups" for all events that collide with others.
List<List<EventRect>> collisionGroups = new ArrayList<List<EventRect>>();
for (EventRect eventRect : eventRects) {
boolean isPlaced = false;
for (List<EventRect> collisionGroup : collisionGroups) {
for (EventRect groupEvent : collisionGroup) {
if (isEventsCollide(groupEvent.event, eventRect.event)) {
isPlaced = true;
break outerLoop;
if (!isPlaced) {
List<EventRect> newGroup = new ArrayList<EventRect>();
for (List<EventRect> collisionGroup : collisionGroups) {
* Expands all the events to maximum possible width. The events will try to occupy maximum
* space available horizontally.
* @param collisionGroup The group of events which overlap with each other.
private void expandEventsToMaxWidth(List<EventRect> collisionGroup) {
// Expand the events to maximum possible width.
List<List<EventRect>> columns = new ArrayList<List<EventRect>>();
columns.add(new ArrayList<EventRect>());
for (EventRect eventRect : collisionGroup) {
boolean isPlaced = false;
for (List<EventRect> column : columns) {
if (column.size() == 0) {
isPlaced = true;
else if (!isEventsCollide(eventRect.event, column.get(column.size()-1).event)) {
isPlaced = true;
if (!isPlaced) {
List<EventRect> newColumn = new ArrayList<EventRect>();
// Calculate left and right position for all the events.
int maxRowCount = columns.get(0).size();
for (int i = 0; i < maxRowCount; i++) {
// Set the left and right values of the event.
float j = 0;
for (List<EventRect> column : columns) {
if (column.size() >= i+1) {
EventRect eventRect = column.get(i);
eventRect.width = 1f / columns.size();
eventRect.left = j / columns.size(); = eventRect.event.getStartTime().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + eventRect.event.getStartTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE);
eventRect.bottom = eventRect.event.getEndTime().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + eventRect.event.getEndTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE);
* Checks if two events overlap.
* @param event1 The first event.
* @param event2 The second event.
* @return true if the events overlap.
private boolean isEventsCollide(WeekViewEvent event1, WeekViewEvent event2) {
long start1 = event1.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis();
long end1 = event1.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis();
long start2 = event2.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis();
long end2 = event2.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis();
return !((start1 >= end2) || (end1 <= start2));
* Checks if time1 occurs after (or at the same time) time2.
* @param time1 The time to check.
* @param time2 The time to check against.
* @return true if time1 and time2 are equal or if time1 is after time2. Otherwise false.
private boolean isTimeAfterOrEquals(Calendar time1, Calendar time2) {
return !(time1 == null || time2 == null) && time1.getTimeInMillis() >= time2.getTimeInMillis();
* Deletes the events of the months that are too far away from the current month.
* @param currentDay The current day.
private void deleteFarMonths(Calendar currentDay) {
if (mEventRects == null) return;
Calendar nextMonth = (Calendar) currentDay.clone();
nextMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
nextMonth.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, nextMonth.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
nextMonth.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
nextMonth.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
nextMonth.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
Calendar prevMonth = (Calendar) currentDay.clone();
prevMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
prevMonth.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
prevMonth.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
prevMonth.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
prevMonth.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
List<EventRect> newEvents = new ArrayList<EventRect>();
for (EventRect eventRect : mEventRects) {
boolean isFarMonth = eventRect.event.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis() > nextMonth.getTimeInMillis() || eventRect.event.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis() < prevMonth.getTimeInMillis();
if (!isFarMonth) newEvents.add(eventRect);
public void invalidate() {
mAreDimensionsInvalid = true;
* Get the interpreter which provides the text to show in the header column and the header row.
* @return The date, time interpreter.
public DateTimeInterpreter getDateTimeInterpreter() {
if (mDateTimeInterpreter == null) {
mDateTimeInterpreter = new DateTimeInterpreter() {
public String interpretDate(Calendar date) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf;
sdf = mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE") : new SimpleDateFormat("EEE");
String dayName = sdf.format(date.getTime()).toUpperCase();
return String.format("%s %d/%02d", dayName, date.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
}catch (Exception e){
return "";
public String interpretTime(int hour) {
String amPm;
if (hour >= 0 && hour < 12) amPm = "AM";
else amPm = "PM";
if (hour == 0) hour = 12;
if (hour > 12) hour -= 12;
return String.format("%02d %s", hour, amPm);
return mDateTimeInterpreter;
* Set the interpreter which provides the text to show in the header column and the header row.
* @param dateTimeInterpreter The date, time interpreter.
public void setDateTimeInterpreter(DateTimeInterpreter dateTimeInterpreter){
this.mDateTimeInterpreter = dateTimeInterpreter;
* Get the number of visible days in a week.
* @return The number of visible days in a week.
public int getNumberOfVisibleDays() {
return mNumberOfVisibleDays;
* Set the number of visible days in a week.
* @param numberOfVisibleDays The number of visible days in a week.
public void setNumberOfVisibleDays(int numberOfVisibleDays) {
this.mNumberOfVisibleDays = numberOfVisibleDays;
mCurrentOrigin.x = 0;
mCurrentOrigin.y = 8;
public int getHourHeight() {
return mHourHeight;
public void setHourHeight(int hourHeight) {
mHourHeight = hourHeight;
public int getColumnGap() {
return mColumnGap;
public void setColumnGap(int columnGap) {
mColumnGap = columnGap;
public int getFirstDayOfWeek() {
return mFirstDayOfWeek;
* Set the first day of the week. First day of the week is used only when the week view is first
* drawn. It does not of any effect after user starts scrolling horizontally.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This method will only work if the week view is set to display more than 6 days at
* once.
* </p>
* @param firstDayOfWeek The supported values are {@link java.util.Calendar#SUNDAY},
* {@link java.util.Calendar#MONDAY}, {@link java.util.Calendar#TUESDAY},
* {@link java.util.Calendar#WEDNESDAY}, {@link java.util.Calendar#THURSDAY},
* {@link java.util.Calendar#FRIDAY}.
public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int firstDayOfWeek) {
mFirstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek;
public int getTextSize() {
return mTextSize;
public void setTextSize(int textSize) {
mTextSize = textSize;
public int getHeaderColumnPadding() {
return mHeaderColumnPadding;
public void setHeaderColumnPadding(int headerColumnPadding) {
mHeaderColumnPadding = headerColumnPadding;
public int getHeaderColumnTextColor() {
return mHeaderColumnTextColor;
public void setHeaderColumnTextColor(int headerColumnTextColor) {
mHeaderColumnTextColor = headerColumnTextColor;
public int getHeaderRowPadding() {
return mHeaderRowPadding;
public void setHeaderRowPadding(int headerRowPadding) {
mHeaderRowPadding = headerRowPadding;
public int getHeaderRowBackgroundColor() {
return mHeaderRowBackgroundColor;
public void setHeaderRowBackgroundColor(int headerRowBackgroundColor) {
mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = headerRowBackgroundColor;
public int getDayBackgroundColor() {
return mDayBackgroundColor;
public void setDayBackgroundColor(int dayBackgroundColor) {
mDayBackgroundColor = dayBackgroundColor;
public int getHourSeparatorColor() {
return mHourSeparatorColor;
public void setHourSeparatorColor(int hourSeparatorColor) {
mHourSeparatorColor = hourSeparatorColor;
public int getTodayBackgroundColor() {
return mTodayBackgroundColor;
public void setTodayBackgroundColor(int todayBackgroundColor) {
mTodayBackgroundColor = todayBackgroundColor;
public int getHourSeparatorHeight() {
return mHourSeparatorHeight;
public void setHourSeparatorHeight(int hourSeparatorHeight) {
mHourSeparatorHeight = hourSeparatorHeight;
public int getTodayHeaderTextColor() {
return mTodayHeaderTextColor;
public void setTodayHeaderTextColor(int todayHeaderTextColor) {
mTodayHeaderTextColor = todayHeaderTextColor;
public int getEventTextSize() {
return mEventTextSize;
public void setEventTextSize(int eventTextSize) {
mEventTextSize = eventTextSize;
public int getEventTextColor() {
return mEventTextColor;
public void setEventTextColor(int eventTextColor) {
mEventTextColor = eventTextColor;
public int getEventPadding() {
return mEventPadding;
public void setEventPadding(int eventPadding) {
mEventPadding = eventPadding;
public int getHeaderColumnBackgroundColor() {
return mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor;
public void setHeaderColumnBackgroundColor(int headerColumnBackgroundColor) {
mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = headerColumnBackgroundColor;
public int getDefaultEventColor() {
return mDefaultEventColor;
public void setDefaultEventColor(int defaultEventColor) {
mDefaultEventColor = defaultEventColor;
* <b>Note:</b> Use {@link #setDateTimeInterpreter(com.alamkanak.weekview.DateTimeInterpreter)} and
* {@link #getDateTimeInterpreter()} instead.
* @return Either long or short day name is being used.
public int getDayNameLength() {
return mDayNameLength;
* Set the length of the day name displayed in the header row. Example of short day names is
* 'M' for 'Monday' and example of long day names is 'Mon' for 'Monday'.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Use {@link #setDateTimeInterpreter(com.alamkanak.weekview.DateTimeInterpreter)} instead.
* </p>
* @param length Supported values are {@link WeekView#LENGTH_SHORT} and
* {@link WeekView#LENGTH_LONG}.
public void setDayNameLength(int length) {
if (length != LENGTH_LONG && length != LENGTH_SHORT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length parameter must be either LENGTH_LONG or LENGTH_SHORT");
this.mDayNameLength = length;
public int getOverlappingEventGap() {
return mOverlappingEventGap;
* Set the gap between overlapping events.
* @param overlappingEventGap The gap between overlapping events.
public void setOverlappingEventGap(int overlappingEventGap) {
this.mOverlappingEventGap = overlappingEventGap;
public int getEventMarginVertical() {
return mEventMarginVertical;
* Set the top and bottom margin of the event. The event will release this margin from the top
* and bottom edge. This margin is useful for differentiation consecutive events.
* @param eventMarginVertical The top and bottom margin.
public void setEventMarginVertical(int eventMarginVertical) {
this.mEventMarginVertical = eventMarginVertical;
* Returns the first visible day in the week view.
* @return The first visible day in the week view.
public Calendar getFirstVisibleDay() {
return mFirstVisibleDay;
* Returns the last visible day in the week view.
* @return The last visible day in the week view.
public Calendar getLastVisibleDay() {
return mLastVisibleDay;
* Get the scrolling speed factor in horizontal direction.
* @return The speed factor in horizontal direction.
public float getXScrollingSpeed() {
return mXScrollingSpeed;
* Sets the speed for horizontal scrolling.
* @param xScrollingSpeed The new horizontal scrolling speed.
public void setXScrollingSpeed(float xScrollingSpeed) {
this.mXScrollingSpeed = xScrollingSpeed;
// Functions related to scrolling.
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL) {
float leftDays = Math.round(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap));
int nearestOrigin = (int) (mCurrentOrigin.x - leftDays * (mWidthPerDay+mColumnGap));
mStickyScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, - nearestOrigin, 0);
mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.NONE;
return mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
public void computeScroll() {
if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
if (Math.abs(mScroller.getFinalX() - mScroller.getCurrX()) < mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap && Math.abs(mScroller.getFinalX() - mScroller.getStartX()) != 0) {
float leftDays = Math.round(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap));
if(mScroller.getFinalX() < mScroller.getCurrX())
int nearestOrigin = (int) (mCurrentOrigin.x - leftDays * (mWidthPerDay+mColumnGap));
mStickyScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, - nearestOrigin, 0);
else {
if (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.VERTICAL) mCurrentOrigin.y = mScroller.getCurrY();
else mCurrentOrigin.x = mScroller.getCurrX();
if (mStickyScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
mCurrentOrigin.x = mStickyScroller.getCurrX();
// Public methods.
* Show today on the week view.
public void goToToday() {
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
* Show a specific day on the week view.
* @param date The date to show.
public void goToDate(Calendar date) {
date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 8);
date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
date.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
date.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
if(mAreDimensionsInvalid) {
mScrollToDay = date;
mRefreshEvents = true;
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 21);
today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
today.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
int dateDifference = (int) ((date.getTimeInMillis() - today.getTimeInMillis()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 13));
mCurrentOrigin.x = - dateDifference * (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap);
// mStickyScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, (int) (-dateDifference*(mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)-mCurrentOrigin.x), 0);
* Refreshes the view and loads the events again.
public void notifyDatasetChanged(){
mRefreshEvents = true;
* Vertically scroll to a specific hour in the week view.
* @param hour The hour to scroll to in 24-hour format. Supported values are 0-24.
public void goToHour(double hour){
int verticalOffset = (int) (mHourHeight * hour);
if (hour < 8)
verticalOffset = 8;
else if (hour > 21)
verticalOffset = mHourHeight * 21;
if (mAreDimensionsInvalid) {
mScrollToHour = hour;
} else if (verticalOffset > mHourHeight * 21 - getHeight() + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom)
verticalOffset = (int)(mHourHeight * 21 - getHeight() + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom);
mCurrentOrigin.y = -verticalOffset;