Prima di partire per DEBUG avanzati, proverei a creare un Accdb nuovo ed importerei tutto compili e vedi se lo fa ancora.
Purtroppo qualche volta si corrompe qualche cosa e questi fantasmi si generano.
Se persiste, io ti suggerirei di esportare tutte le form ed i moduli come file di testo... c'è una funzione nascosta per farlo SaveAsText... a quel punto con un editor di testo evoluto Notepad++ cerchi nella cartella in tutti i file che contengono il nome della Maschera chiamata e trovi facilmente dove sta il problema...
Attento a non pensare di esportare solo la parte codice... sarebbe un errore... se esporti cone ti ho indicato includi anche le chiamate inserite come ControlSource o Object properties... è completo.
Io mi ero fatto una funzione che esportava Forms/Modules in poche righe si fa...
Questo lo riporto copiato.... ma mi pare banale e semplice da usare(è formattato male... colpa del copy/paste):
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Const VB_MODULE As Integer = 1
Private Const VB_CLASS As Integer = 2
Private Const VB_FORM As Integer = 100
Private Const EXT_TABLE As String = ".tbl"
Private Const EXT_QUERY As String = ".qry"
Private Const EXT_MODULE As String = ".bas"
Private Const EXT_CLASS As String = ".cls"
Private Const EXT_FORM As String = ".frm"
Private Const CODE_FLD As String = "code"
Private Const mblnSave As Boolean = True ' False: just generate the script
Public Sub saveAllAsText()
Dim oTable As TableDef
Dim oQuery As QueryDef
Dim oCont As Container
Dim oForm As Document
Dim oModule As Object
Dim FSO As Object
Dim strPath As String
Dim strName As String
Dim strFileName As String
On Error GoTo errHandler
strPath = CurrentProject.path
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strPath = addFolder(FSO, strPath, & "_" & CODE_FLD)
strPath = addFolder(FSO, strPath, Format(Date, ""))
For Each oTable In CurrentDb.TableDefs
strName =
If left(strName, 4) <> "MSys" Then
strFileName = strPath & "\" & strName & EXT_TABLE
If mblnSave Then Application.ExportXML acExportTable, strName, strFileName, strFileName & ".XSD", strFileName & ".XSL", , acUTF8, acEmbedSchema + acExportAllTableAndFieldProperties
Debug.Print "Application.ImportXML """ & strFileName & """, acStructureAndData"
End If
For Each oQuery In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
strName =
If left(strName, 1) <> "~" Then
strFileName = strPath & "\" & strName & EXT_QUERY
If mblnSave Then Application.SaveAsText acQuery, strName, strFileName
Debug.Print "Application.LoadFromText acQuery, """ & strName & """, """ & strFileName & """"
End If
Set oCont = CurrentDb.Containers("Forms")
For Each oForm In oCont.Documents
strName =
strFileName = strPath & "\" & strName & EXT_FORM
If mblnSave Then Application.SaveAsText acForm, strName, strFileName
Debug.Print "Application.LoadFromText acForm, """ & strName & """, """ & strFileName & """"
strPath = addFolder(FSO, strPath, "modules")
For Each oModule In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
strName =
strFileName = strPath & "\" & strName
Select Case oModule.Type
If mblnSave Then oModule.Export strFileName & EXT_MODULE
Debug.Print "Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Import """ & strFileName & EXT_MODULE; """"
If mblnSave Then oModule.Export strFileName & EXT_CLASS
Debug.Print "Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Import """ & strFileName & EXT_CLASS; """"
' Do not export form modules (already exported the complete forms)
Case Else
Debug.Print "Unknown module type: " & oModule.Type,
End Select
If mblnSave Then MsgBox "Files saved in " & strPath, vbOKOnly, "Export Complete"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & vbCrLf
Stop: Resume
End Sub
' Create a folder when necessary. Append the folder name to the given path.
Private Function addFolder(ByRef FSO As Object, ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strAdd As String) As String
addFolder = strPath & "\" & strAdd
If Not FSO.FolderExists(addFolder) Then MkDir addFolder
End Function